Eat According to Age

By the age of 30, 40, and 50 of the year you should already begin to choose foods that do not give a bad impact on health. At that age no longer as strong stamina teens or 20's, but still not reduced activity and need food right to live it.

Eat the best food is one of the secrets keep in shape and prepare all the changes that occur in the body with age.

The following types of foods that should be prioritized at the age of 30, 40 and an 50-year as reported by the Health on Monday (7/27/2009).

Age 30s

At this age most people have started to focus on the job after the age of 20 are usually still keep looking for what job is right for you. In this age are usually a career woman also needs to balance work and caring for the children who are toddlers, are still active to maintain fitness and hang out with many friends. Perhaps in this age women often dubbed aka versatile multi-tasking since completed many tasks both in the office or family.

Foods that should be available is is that many contain iron, folic acid and calcium. You need 18 mg of iron every day to prevent anemia and boosts the immune system.

If you're trying to get pregnant try to multiply the foods that contain folic acid. Consume 400 micrograms of folic acid per day would prevent the occurrence of defects in infants.

Calcium is also very important for maintaining strong bones because after the age of 35 years you will be much loss of bone mass. Women aged 19-50 years need 1,000 mg of calcium per day, unfortunately, more than half the female population of that age can not be enough calcium it.

Food Recommended:
1. Cereals that contain 100% complete iron and folic acid is eaten in one mangkung.
2. Beef with less fat and nuts are also rich in iron. While folic acid can be obtained from oranges, asparagus, green leafy vegetables.
3. Low-fat milk, cheese, yogurt will provide enough calcium.

Age of 40 years

Work, children, parents ask more of your attention. At this age also begin to decrease activity of the street but you still have to maintain a balanced weight.

Foods that should be available is that contained fiber (fiber), potassium, calcium, rich in nutrients and low-calorie foods. In this age for working women have also begun to slow down metabolism, cholesterol levels and blood pressure can suddenly high due to approaching menopause (cessation of menstruation) and the emergence of the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

You need at least 25 mg of fiber per day, and foods rich in potassium of about 4700 mg per day, fruit and vegetables. The supply of calcium is still important to keep taking 1,000 mg per day.

Food Recommended:
1. Expand diet of wheat, brown rice, bread wheat, corn or oatmeal.
2. Consumption of at least 2.5 cups of juice are like bananas, strawberries.
3. Begin to reduce sodium consumption at most only 2300 mg per day to maintain blood pressure remains stable. Keep the bones to remain strong with the consumption of broccoli, or drink from soy.

An 50-year age

At this age a person has begun to really control what he eats when no body will be more quick to react and take a long time for recovery if you are sick.

Foods to be consumed are foods rich in B vitamins, antioxidants, calcium and vitamin D. At this age your body will experience major changes as already undergone menopause. Reduced estrogen increases the risk of heart disease and osteoporosis. So it is important to protect the heart by the consumption of vitamin B6, 1.5 mg per day and B12 as much as 2.4 mg per day. Nutrition is important to prevent other diseases such as cataracts.

Phytoestrogens can also help reduce symptoms of menopause and reduce the risk of breast cancer. Do not forget to continue to consume as much as 1,500 mg of calcium for bones do not break easily.

Food Recommended:
1. Bananas, potatoes and a pomegranate contains a lot of B6. While B12 is found in eggs, fish and chicken. Some cereals also equip it with this vitamin.
2. Eat vegetables or fruit dark green, deep yellow, such as oranges, broccoli, and cabbage to get the antioxidants that can fight cancer.
3. Corn, apples, and soy are the foods that contain lots of phytoestrogens for menopausal symptoms.
4. Protect your eyes with the consumption of lutein and zeaxanthin found in spinach.
5. Get calcium from low-fat cheese, almonds and broccoli. Also eat foods that contain folic acid such as citrus, asparagus, low-fat milk, yogurt.

source: (
READ MORE >>> Eat According to Age

Sleep Oh Sleep, Myths and Facts

There are many myths circulating about sleep, ranging from sports to facilitate sleep, use of sleeping pills to help insomnia and even to sleep is not considered important.

There are even more extreme deliberately cut down to sleep because they think life is filled with a third bed was not wise.

Most sleep is considered lazy, but sleep deprivation actually loved penyalit. Here are six myths and facts about sleep is reported by the National Sleep Foundation, on Monday (7/27/2009):

1. Myth: If you can not sleep, can use sleeping pills and did not require medical treatment.

Fact: It is important to discuss issues of health conditions with your doctor, especially if symptoms of insomnia is already happening more than a month. Use of sleeping pills may help, but discuss it carefully with your doctor or other health care, for example by changing their lifestyle or sleep habits. Commonly used sleeping pills may contain antihistamines that are not needed by the body and have side effects.

2. Myth: Insomnia is not a serious health problem and do not have important consequences.

Fact: Insomnia can be a serious health problem if it interfere with the quality of life. Some consequences of insomnia is to lower work performance, depression, mood changes and increased risk of motor vehicle accidents.

3. Myth: Men and women have the same effect of insomnia.

Fact: Women are more prone to insomnia twice that of men, but women would rather deal with a professional health care than men. Unique women's sleep patterns as influenced by the menstrual cycle, biological life, stress levels, health, mood, parental status, hours of work and other life responsibilities.

4. Myth: Exercise before bed can cause body fatigue and help to sleep.

Fact: Exercise may help to sleep deeply, especially if done regularly in the morning or evening and not too close to his time with hours of sleep. Exercise can memberian refreshing effect and increase the body temperature. But because there is this increase takes 5-6 hours to reduce it. So the experts recommend not exercising at least 3 hours before bedtime.

5. Myth: Watching TV and working with laptop in bed can accelerate time to sleep.

Fact: Working, watching TV and using computers in bed interfere with sleep quality. Spectacle of violence, broadcasts news and entertainment stories before bed can make restless. Environment to sleep should only be used for sleeping and not for other activities.

6. Myth: Sleep is not too important, can be obtained within a few hours.

Fact: Sleep is very important for health and as important as diet and exercise. Researchers indicate that all mammals need sleep. Sleep affects mood and is associated with memory function and learning. With enough sleep then it will become more productive, and is an important factor for health, weight loss and energy levels.

Many people follow an exercise program to maintain health, but also important to have a sleep program carefully in order to become more healthy body.

source: (
READ MORE >>> Sleep Oh Sleep, Myths and Facts

Long Life with Milk

Your diligent drink milk? Keep the good habits. Researchers in England found regularly drank milk more quickly reduce the chance of dying from a stroke and heart.

Professors from three universities in England found drinking milk could reduce the threat of coronary heart disease and stroke by 20%. And so far only milk was associated with calcium for bone growth and maintain.

University of Reading announced that this was the first time the discovery of disease risk associated with milk following the high number of deaths resulting from heart disease and stroke.

The researchers compared the information from more than 300 previous studies have been conducted on milk and its relation to stroke, coronary heart disease and diabetes, which is then compared with information on the number of deaths caused by health problems.

"Our findings clearly show that when the number of deaths from heart attacks, strokes and colo-rectal cancer is calculated there is strong evidence of the overall reduction in risk of death from chronic diseases due to consumption of milk," said Professor Ian Givens, of the University of Reading as quoted from the Health, Tuesday (28/7/2009).

The evidence is very clear that milk is more beneficial for the prevention of this disease and not just for bone health.

While the U.S. Department of Agriculture also has recommended that people drink milk regularly. In addition to the benefits of calcium for bone formation and maintenance, milk also contains potassium which nutrients can keep the blood pressure so far from the threat of stroke.

source: (
READ MORE >>> Long Life with Milk

Why There is a Smell of Fart?

Eggs and meat foods trigger bad fart aka dispose of sharp wind. While grains do not increase the fart smell. Why do farts smell different?

As reported from Health24, Tuesday (21/7/2009) exhaust air is a gas that comes from that source is human digestive manifold.

Can come from air that enters the body or gas produced from chemical reactions in the intestine or it could be gas produced by bacteria that live in the intestines.

Most of the gas that enters the body is oxygen gas entering through the air. By the time air reaches the large intestine, most of the left is nitrogen.

Chemical reactions between stomach acid and intestinal fluids to produce carbon dioxide, which is also a component of the air and is a product of bacterial activity. Meanwhile, the bacteria also produce hydrogen and methane.

Also what food is eaten, what is living bacteria in the gut, as well as how long people hold also determines the sharpness of the wind exhaust gases created in the body. The longer the flue the wind held, the higher the nitrogen content.

While the odor generated from this wind comes from the exhaust gas mixture of hydrogen sulfide and merkapturat, and this mixture containing sulfur.

If you eat foods containing high sulfur and sulfide produced by bacteria in the intestine also increases, this will make the smell of flatus is increasing. If food is much the elements of the fart smell will be tasteless.

The duration of the smell of exhaust air into the nose can smell other people depend on air humidity, ambient temperature, wind speed, the distance between the human and the large molecules released. However, usually the time it takes an average of 13-20 seconds.

Meanwhile, the sound coming out at the time of waste generated from wind vibration when the anus opens. The sound depends on the tightness of muscles, the speed of air travel, gas mixture and body fat.

The average human produces gas to reach 1.5 liters of gas per day. There was no difference in the frequency of wind throw between men and women, but men tend to have the exhaust sound winds greater than women.

So farting is a very natural process. Fart not disgrace, provided at the right place and time so as not to disturb others and embarrassing yourself.

source: (
READ MORE >>> Why There is a Smell of Fart?

The Wonder of the Dead Sea Salt

Salt in the Dead Sea, which lies on the border of Jordan and Israel have known a lot of efficacy. Dead Sea mud is believed to contain many substances that can be used for beauty and treatment of some skin diseases.

The Dead Sea has a high salt content so that it can make people do not drown and remain afloat. Some mineral content in sea mud dead as reported by the healthy-skin-guide, on Wednesday (07/22/2009) are:

1. Sodium that can increase the permeability of which is suitable for dry skin.
2. Magnesium is found in the sea off concentration 15 times higher compared to other marine, magnesium also helps the healing of skin and tissue provides skin surface with anti-allergy and it is important for cell metabolism.
3. Potassium can increase the oxidation and regulates the process of electrical muscle and nerve system and helps regulate moisture in the skin.
4. Bromide - the concentration of bromide is 50 times higher than ordinary salt. This causes the effect is very relaxing, and help naturally repair skin cells.
5. Bitumen is found in small amounts and can act as an anti-inflammatory substances.
6. Iodine is an important role in the formation of the hormone thyroxine, and also important for energy and cell metabolism.
7. Calcium is important as a defense of cell membranes and cleansing the pores, which are required also to repair tissue under the skin.
8. Zink who played a role in the regulation of the enzyme.

Numerous studies have proved that the mud and salt contained in the dead sea has benefits for treating some diseases such as psoriasis because it can improve conditions and reduce kekambuhannya.

Helps dry skin by replacing lost electrolytes, can treat many dermatological problems such as eczema, acne, arthritis, joint pain, and circulation and nerve problems. In addition, Dead Sea salt can also act as a disinfectant that can remove harmful substances from the skin.

The content of Dead Sea salt is the best way to keep moisture and mineral skin and this is a natural defense against skin aging, and wrinkles on the skin.

There is no harm to try the wonders of Dead Sea salt and mud of this. No need to bother to go to Israel or Jordan for mendapatkanya because now there are some beauty products that sell salt and Dead Sea mud.

But remember do not carelessly buy, make sure you are buying is the Dead Sea salt and mud of the original.

source: (

READ MORE >>> The Wonder of the Dead Sea Salt

Talk About Rice and Food Diversification

Speaking of food that the government planned diversification. People around me are many who objected. Of course, since rice has become a staple food masayrakat Indonesia. I can not imagine if the sauce is paired with sweet potato fries ati boiled, or rendang paired with sago. But it turned out to eat less rice is also no benefit.

Rice including the most delicious source of carbohydrates than sweet potatoes, maize or cassava. So do not be surprised if the Indonesian people are very dependent on rice. But actually eat less rice more benefits.

If the government's plan to make the program "A Day Without Rice 'or' One Day, No Rice's' reap the pros and cons, health practitioners would see many benefits for people's health.

But it acknowledged not easy to change the mindset of people from Indonesia that has hundreds of years is highly dependent on rice. To the extent that there is the term 'do not eat if you do not eat rice'.

"I am very supportive if any such policy. What we need is actually not a rice but not carbohydrates. Well, actually there is a good carbohydrate in cassava, yams, bananas, corn, potatoes, brown rice, green beans or wheat bread. Carbohydrates from here even greater benefits than rice, "explained Dr. L. Toruan Phaidon, MM, doctor of nutrition and healthy living expert from Jakarta Anti-aging & Executive Fitness Consultant, when contacted detikHealth, Wednesday (13/10/2010).

What are the benefits to eat less rice?

Dr Phaidon explains one of the benefits of changing eating habits is to prevent the rice from type 2 diabetes (diabetes due to lifestyle).

Just so you know rice has a high sugar content which increases the level of glucose in the blood that can trigger the risk of developing diabetes. And for people with diabetes must manage their plasma glucose, one of them to eat less rice with no recurrence for the disease.

White rice including simple carbohydrates that contain high sugar levels, when ingested, will directly into energy quickly and increase blood sugar levels. But the simple carbohydrates can not store glycogen reserves.

Instead of the carbohydrates, such as cassava, maize, cassava, oatmeal, wheat bread, brown rice is a complex carbohydrate low sugar content and full longer hold up to 6 hours.

These complex carbohydrates can be stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen (a substance prior to glucose). If the body lacks energy, glycogen reserves is to be broken down into glucose for energy.

Complex carbohydrates contain less sugar but more high-fiber, so it gives more benefits, both for women, men and children.

According to Dr Phaidon, the benefits of low-sugar complex carbohydrates better than rice among other things:

For women

1. Make the skin smooth, beautiful and luminous
2. Free toxin
3. Ageless
4. Remove wrinkles on the face

For men

1. Enhance arousal and libido
2. Increase energy, stamina and strength men
3. Fitter and more vibrant


1. Improving intelligence
2. Improve strength
3. Not easily tired and sick

"If the government calls like that, it means that the Indonesian government would be beautiful, smooth skin, strong and smart," added Dr Phaidon, who is also the author of 'Fat Loss Not Weight Loss'.

Dr Phaidon also revealed that Indonesian people should learn to change the presumption 'is not eat if you do not eat rice'.

"Many Indonesian people would rather be in comfort zone, good food rather than healthy food and quality. So to be able to change that assumption, there must first desire," explained Dr Phaidon.

To be able to change these assumptions, Dr. Phaidon insisted there must be desire. The desire must also be backed with confidence, thus the brain will react and find ways to make changes.

"The process of change it is not convenient, it takes about 25-30 days for adjustment. Adjustments are intended not about the body's response, but more on taste. If the body would react very well when the rice is replaced with other carbs that higher quality," Dr Phaidon further.

So please select a still eat rice as well but lack a lot of benefits or starting slowly switching to sweet potatoes, maize, cassava, oatmeal, wheat bread, brown rice which are less palatable but more health benefits.

How, still hesitant to reduce the consumption of rice?

source: (
READ MORE >>> Talk About Rice and Food Diversification

One Art

The art of losing isn't hard to master;
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster.

Lose something every day. Accept the fluster
of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.

Then practice losing farther, losing faster:
places, and names, and where it was you meant
to travel. None of these will bring disaster.

I lost my mother's watch. And look! my last, or
next-to-last, of three loved houses went.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.

I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster,
some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
I miss them, but it wasn't a disaster.

--Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident
the art of losing's not too hard to master

though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.

(by Elizabeth Bishop )

This is a poem that I found from the book Girls Guide To Hunting And Fishing from Melissa Bank. A poem which I found also in the movie In Her Shoes is also taken from a novel the same title written by Jennifer Weiner. A poem which I think very deep meaning. Because almost everyone always was afraid to lose, regardless of its form. The poem is also significant because it implies in a bond of friendship. However people beloved is more valuable than any object.
READ MORE >>> One Art

Club Camilan: An Overview Top Choice For Being Lesbian

Club Camilan is a book which was originally bought for an idea I picked up as a thesis. But after seeing the situation and conditions of limited information on the lesbian community in Bengkulu, the intention cannot raised about this.

This novel is a collection of short stories (if you can not called a diary) of the three figures. Namely Talitha Donna, Bella Widjaja, and Brigitta NS. At first, this novel is a collection of writings from a blog (

Scholastic Press is the publisher would dare publish the Club snack and a resume into a light novel, full of meaning, and full of feminism. Reading this novel could be accompanied by the odd cup of coffee and cookies at the time relaxing. There was no hassle and puzzles such as Sherlock Holmes novel or series of words connotations in Laskar Pelangi tetralogy.

The novel is merely the diary of the three figures. The common thread in each story are summarized in it is a matter of their choice to be lesbian. No other element that is strong enough as issues raised socialita Tere Liye or comedy written Raditya Dika. There would not deplete the stories that excessive emotion. So no need to prepare a tissue before reading this novel.

Club Camilan is divided into six parts of the story is prologue, donuts, cakes, brownies, epilogue, and the Intermezzo in between the turn of the figure. Interestingly the three characters described as a snack, it does fit with their favorite snacks each. Well, his name is also Club Camilan, if not there is not a complete snack..

There are 14 short stories in the Doughnut. Donna Donat is Talitha. A type lesbians female lovers (sorry, if arguably not play girl ..). He was a lesbians who surrounded the women in his life from the start Maya which is a favorite The White Rabbit who always made him uncomfortable because the possessive for mercy. Then there were Nicolle Rosalinda as women from the past, her first love who is now almost a widow. And there is also a Margaret, a new acquaintance of the club lesbians. And Amelia, nan innocent village girl.

There is a conflict within the family that raised enough in this section. Donna who is a child of her father's affair with a woman who died while giving birth. But God the Compassionate, the first wife of his father in a loving care for these innocent babies, Donna. Although he also must take care of two other children. Attack the ever-loving mama without distinction with other children, the mother was well aware that the baby was innocent, the guilty is her husband.

Donna's family is not ordinary family with his father's habit to cheat here and there. With military-style hard upbringing by his father. Mbak Nani, eldest brother approximately the same harsh with his father. And mama and Mas Herman, who has always been a mediator with extraordinary patience.

Others also with the Bolu. Bella Widjaja or often called Bee is the main point of storytelling in this section. A lesbian trapped in a love triangle. He loves her, a lesbian too. And he was comfortable with Rico, a man of genuine results comblangan aunt. Bee was not bisexsual because he did not have a sexual attraction with Rico. He just wants Eve.

At the end Bolu pretty exciting. Bee finally decided to build a relationship with Mr. Tio, his superiors in the office that turns out to be a gay. The relationship that lived only a camouflage. Because they both could still maintain their sexual orientation.

The last part of the Brownies. Brigitta Nies NS or often called, is an architect. he has a love that never runs out for Hannah. Lesbian couples who eventually forced to marry by his family when he was known to have a special relationship with Nies. There are also Ai, a karaoke singer who became leader of solace after losing Hannah Nies. Bolu section tells how a normal person can change a homosexual orientation. Unfortunately these changes are not as deep as the novel is told Andrei Aksana.

There is an interesting paragraph in the Brownies.

"I am woman, honey. Not one part of my body, my fingers are also not able to enjoy yours hymen. I do not need a rut, do not take virginity, I just need love to make love to you, darling. "

And there is also a sentence that in me:

"The heart always need to go back home"

Please find themselves in the novel ya .. Ahahahaa ..

What is certain is the third story characters continues. They and the environment that constantly push to become normal. Like the character that is pressed by Mbak Donna Nani to recover from homosexuality. Or Nies separated by Hanny by Hanny family because of their special relationship. but adapula form of acceptance from the environment as in the Doughnut. And an implicit advice on a difficult choice to be homosexual to be abandoned, it is in the Brownies.

All choices have consequences respectively. Including the choice to be lesbian. This novel has picked up several pieces homosexual story, like coffee bitter and sweet as a snack. Everything is combined with the relaxed and light. There are experiences and lessons that can be possessed of this novel. And I'm alone, like figures Brownies. There are many reasons I like it. Since independence, affection, loyalty, humanism, and the courage to open a new sheet.
READ MORE >>> Club Camilan: An Overview Top Choice For Being Lesbian

Tough Women

I want to tell you about two women who is very familiar with toughness. If you think a man who tough like Sheila on 7's song, then you think wrong. Women too tough. There are many strong women familiar with the variety of life experiences. But in this paper I give two only, because I sure can see the toughness it kalianpun around you.

I know the figure of a wife who originally had the perfect husband. A husband who is famous for a handsome face, wisdom, and honesty. They built river craft households from zero. They begin by living in a house bad board is better suited as a sheep pen. Then everything changed on the persistence of wife and husband work hard to improve the situation. Slowly but surely they can eventually build a more decent homes, buy some garden to be utilized, and provide jobs for the community.

All stories have an end, and the age has a limit. The husband eventually died after peace and happiness he has given to his wife. This woman is a strong woman. She knows what she wants and what he should do. With the burden of two children, she knew she had started working even harder to continue living. He knew, no one her husband's estate unless she can keep the house that he occupied.

It is true, yet a month her husband died, all property left by her husband was taken over by brothers from her husband. Only house remaining. house that they both get up. And maintenance of the house was incredible loud. Surviving from a variety of gentle persuasion and coercion of people that should be protective.

Slowly, this woman forget the habit of collecting various kinds of shoes, songket, kebaya, the veil, and gold. An item she sold his collection to finance college eldest child. She began holding his intention for Hajj, the pilgrimage began saving for his use for the things she considered more appropriate. And she began to learn to do business again. She began working side.

At first she only worked as a teacher in one madrassa tsanawiyah. After the events of that loss, she began to sew again, looking covers resale for resale. She also joined several MLM. She was willing to walk miles to bring kilograms kreditannya goods.

She did not heed tired. She is still selling after tired of teaching. She sewed late into the night. Weather was not a problem, sunny or rainy. She believes, then her daughter would become a successful person.

A longer is another strong woman. Formerly he has a happy little family. Yet another another first today. After going through a long divorce process, Shehe returned to his hometown to bring his two children and sober clothing. She did not have anything valuable enough addition to the two pieces of his heart.

Wasted is the right word to describe her condition at that time. It's hard to rise up and become normal. Post-divorce psychological pressure, bad memories with her ex-husband who has to waste, and very poor financial condition.

As sick as anything, she knows he must continue to fight for herself, her children, and mothers who have it dissapointed. So she started his business. She sold mukenah and accessories from the stone. She is also willing to sell dolls mengemper former. Then she has a stall selling food and food every morning sporting week in some places or events.

After various business he tried, it turns out that at least the laundry is a business now freed from financial problems very twisted. A soft bed she had a gift for both her heart. He was also able to take credit motorcycle to help his business. She has been able to indulge their children. She has been able to ease the burden of his mother.

The two women struggle has not ended. There is still a long road ahead. There is still dreams they want to achieve. They are mother and sister. Two women who are the same roof with me. Two women who always be one reason to keep fighting, as difficult as any street in front. They are my reason to continue to keep me in the right direction.

Thank you mama .. Thank you sista ..
READ MORE >>> Tough Women

Friendship: A Concept That Like What?

Friendship, relationship concepts like what is it? Because I do not quite understand when the "friendship" is itself defined in such a subjective by masing2 individual.

Some spoke loudly that friendship is a relationship where when I needed you, you'll always be there, as well as vice versa. A psychological relationship. It's that simple huh? Did your friend just be a "garbage can" only?

Then there who feel that friendship is a relationship that endured for so long, created from the results of the selection process time. "Selection of time"? What sounded barbaric when talking about the selection of time, as if natural law is very influential. The powerful, is that to survive and be a winner.

I increasingly do not understand when people share a secret with which they call "friend". Is it shallow, this friendship can be measured by how open heart to talk about the secret to others?

Because I finally found an offer of friendship is not such a concept, not as usual, is too biased to be perceived as "friendship". Maybe because there are many outside interests that affect us.
I thought I'd be best to let go of all the interest it when talking to you, put on my heart to respect your privacy. I think we can be as neutral as possible to integrate it so as not to be dragged anak2 wave of interest.

In fact we never open our heart,
we never really took off and despite the importance attached in the pores of our skin. There is always of interest that prevents us to talk more openly. There is always a real pro.

And you have made the decision to break the string we are trying to knit though wrinkled. You do not give a chance to speak our hearts, let it all unclear, allowing a variety of questions floating. But if it's true that you want, then i gave willingly.

I hope that someday when interest it has been devastating because of the time, there will be an opportunity for us to speak from the heart. And I would say, "I miss you.".
READ MORE >>> Friendship: A Concept That Like What?

Defend Marriage With Style, Glamour a la the Heart Inside the Heart

"Will you take this as your husband / wife, to love, honor, Obey, and to Cherish, in sickness and health, for Richer and poorer, for better or worst, till death do us apart?"

The Heart Inside the Heart: The trouble Uniting Two Hearts is a book that is for any woman. Both are currently in a relationship, ready to get married, or who have been married. A personal guide book to become Alpha Juliet, the figure of woman in love and good leader, the Almost perfect wife. Books that give an idea will form the actual wedding. The real marriage, not the imaginary marriage. This clever book written by Alexandra Dewi.

The book begins with a question: Are you happily married? A question is often answered with bewildered by many people. Because after all marriages have ups and downs. There will always be happy, there will also always be sad. But after reading this book at least we can say: Yes, We Are Working on it Everyday!

Persistent effort is required to maintain the marriage. At least this book has provided a general overview on how to maintain household harmony. Of course, this effort started from us, as a woman. Because we are in control will be harmony. So it is important to be a happy woman and can be happy husband. Maybe we pat on the head directly rolling Skeptic question, why should we have changed, why do not the husband? I can not help the effort should start from ourselves, and certainly it will affect business for a husband and the marriage itself.

Then the discussion on marriage preparation was appointed as the cause of many failures wedding plans. Many couples who ultimately decide their engagement because of incompatibilities will plan their resepsipernikahan, either because the man handed over all the plans to the woman, or because the man was too excited about the idea for the reception. So as Alpha Juliet, we must be patient. Patience is a gift from the commitment he gave to us. Commitment is extremely difficult to be given by the men.

Various frenzy surrounding the wedding planning, discussed in this section. The term Bridezilla also participate in as a picture bride panic.

After the wedding canopy over the discussion of the Welcome to Real World Marriage. There will be many habbit that will we know after marriage. And over time will become a problem. It needs a lot of tolerance, because the more comfortable husband with the wife, then he will be himself. Who also want to be someone else in your own home? Yeah right ..

Also discussed about how to defend themselves despite the uniqueness of marriage. In marriage there must be a balance of togetherness with the self-reliance. Togetherness It covers communications between husband and wife. Togetherness means of cooperation as a team with one tujan the same household in a single river craft.

The book also raised about money and sex are sometimes difficult to talk about and often a major problem in a family. Concerning prenuptial agreement (prenup) or separate accounts (accounts differ). This financial Problem is the embodiment of the husband and wife own feelings. Whether to get married because of money or for love. Of course this does not apply in some cases. While the matter of sex is about a husband's role as holder of control. However, sex can be a gift for a husband who has tired of working for the family. Would not it be nice if our husband would rather sleep with us than he was sleeping with another woman?

Then the secret is a discussion topic is raised as well. Sometimes secrets can lead to quarrels. So good no secret fishing in the past, because after all everyone has secrets, including ourselves.

In addition, this book emphasizes the importance of an issue to talk to the person households has also been married. Because after people who are still single, definitely would not understand about marriage and breast bengeknya. With people who have been married, at least we can still share, because less is more, each other and can already feel them exchanging ideas.

The Heart Inside the Heart: The trouble Uniting Two Hearts incomplete if it did not discuss the divorce. But for this section, Alexandra Goddard clearly describing divorce as a last resort in solving the problem of wedding. Prevention against the use of the word "divorce" is the beginning of the prevention of divorce.

Dissatisfaction with the conditions of household or other things can trigger infidelity. And the affair was the subject of an important discussion. This book provides numerous examples of cases. And back again to the divorce, there are some consequences described sebelun word "divorce" was pronounced.

Very important to communicate well. By way of a good, good words, with empathy, and wisely. Surely this is to prevent a fight. Instead of saying: "How long was the last time you took me to the restaurant A?", Will be better berkta: "Honey, where if we eat in the restaurant A tonight? we do not have long to get there .. "And this form of communication is also related to our support for the advancement of their husbands.

There are still a lot of discussion around marriage are discussed in this book include the question of pregnancy, expectations of husbands, difficult to be a good wife, and other things. Although this book is quite thin, but it is quite complex.

And I understand now, Being married is simple, Being happily married is the challenge. So, enjoy it!
READ MORE >>> Defend Marriage With Style, Glamour a la the Heart Inside the Heart

Healthy Diet For Allergy Sufferers

This is a book that has long wanted me for friends, especially who suffer from allergies. Books that helped me escape from a sudden allergy attack.

So the story, in November of 2008, I get allergic disease either where it is coming. The part that was attacked was the dear lips which I always keep it beautiful. When I woke up and found my lips swell, a fishy discharge, itching, and felt hot. Of course I do not know what the hell. At first I gave drugs canker sores. It turned out that this swelling does not go away, even worse. Then I consulted with a doctor who happened to be a friend my sister. She said it was allergies, and he provides a prescription drug and Molacort
0.75 and Interhistin to relieve allergy. And thank goodness it fits in my drug.

I became really curious about why these allergies can attack me, whereas before I was fine. Doctor also can not predict what happen with my body. So I experimented with many food the last time I ate it before allergy attack. And got eggs as a major cause allergy.

And everyone knows that some foods containing eggs, and most are my favorite food. Cake, chilli fried eggs, various types of fried foods, capcay, noodles, meatballs, and others containing eggs should be left.

I vow, I should be able to eat food as before. No matter eggs or anything that important kosher. I believe I can recover to normal. And began to search for information about this allergy, from cause to cure.

I found the book Blood Type Diet For Preventing and Treating Allergies written by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo at a leading bookstore in my town. This book contains an introduction about the allergy and its cause. Also of course there is a list of food and alloys suitable for treating allergic blood group.

Each blood type has different features in receiving contain of food. Will we find a different reaction from different types of blood group with the same kind of food. The different reactions and sensitivity is what causes the need for us to sort out our food according to blood type, so there are no adverse chemical reactions in our bodies. This is explained in the preface of this book.

Then there is also a quiz that measures the risk of allergies to various blood groups. This quiz gives
different questions to each blood type.

Part 1 tell introduction on the dynamics of how allergies are allergic to attack humans. Apparently there are many factors that cause allergies appear. The main thing is because the body's inability to resist the load, be it from the environment and the condition of the body. Allergy is an alarm to remind us that the body needs to be rested and trained for healthy living. in the discussion of the dynamics also explain some form of allergy caused by environmental allergies or food.

Part 1 also explains the relationship between blood type and allergies. Allergic reaction turned out to come from antibodies and antigens from the body. Food may just be the enemy of our antibody. So there needs to be adjusted to prevent any chemical reactions in the body.

Last subsection of Section 1 discusses about how to fight allergies. Here presented a comparison between regular therapy with blood group therapy to combat allergies. Conclusions from this part is blood group therapy will be safer because it does not involve medicines, does not cause side effects, and of course healthy because it uses food as a healing tool.

Part 2 of this book presents a plan for each blood type. Each blood type has kind of food "super useful," "useful," "neutral: allowed frequent", "neutral: allowed occasional", "avoid". This decomposition is quite specific to different variants namely to daging2an foods including poultry, seafood, milk and eggs, oil, kacang2an, vegetables, fruits, herbs and spices, herbal teas, and various types of beverages. Also adapula list periodically plan for this blood group therapy.

The last part of this book is the appendix. There are four subsections of the Appendix are various definitions for istilah2 in this book, many frequently asked questions related to allergies, multiple sources and treatment of allergy products, and food glossary.

For me this book quite helpful, although this book is also quite confusing. Confusing as this book is a translation book, which means some of the contents of this book is not so suitable with tropical climate, most foods are not available or the information recorded in this book. But at least there is food that could be a reference to this therapy.

After about three months in therapy, I was able to touch the food that contains eggs. And three months later, I was able to eat eggs as usual with no fear of my lip to swell again. And until now, I still live this healthy diet, limiting foods that should be avoided, so that this allergy does not recur. If any relapse, I now know what I should do. Thanks to Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo has written this book.

I recommend this book to you who suffer from allergies. Hopefully you can recover from allergies and could avoid future allergic to it later.
READ MORE >>> Healthy Diet For Allergy Sufferers