What to Do If Swallowed Gum?

Jakarta, gum is not to be swallowed but sometimes can not accidentally ingested, especially in children. While accidentally swallowing chewing gum usually people will panic. If it were so, what should be done?

Chewing gum is made from sweeteners, flavorings and synthetic materials (gum resin). The human body can absorb sweeteners like sugar and can add calories if chewing gum contains sugar high.

But the human digestive tract can not digest the gum resin. Usually with the aid of peristalsis of the bowel (intestine pushing it), then chewing gum will come out when people defecate.

Launched buzzle, Tuesday (28/12/2010), the entire process of gum resin from the esophagus into the stomach, intestines and out through the excretion of body usually takes 2-3 days. This proves that in fact not harmful if accidentally swallowed chewing gum.

But that does not mean that chewing gum may accidentally be swallowed. Swallowing chewing gum for some time does not harm the body, but when it occurs continuously and in relatively short time can cause intestinal blockage.

The children with small intestinal tract most vulnerable choke when swallowing chewing gum. In rare cases, gum is ingested in large quantities can also cause abdominal bloating, diarrhea or constipation (difficult bowel movements).

So what to do if they do not accidentally swallow chewing gum?
1. Drink lots of water.
This is to avoid chewing gum for not closing the esophagus that cause choking, especially in children.

2. To quickly remove chewing gum from the body, can also be assisted with food.
Food will help to encourage chewing gum so that peristalsis of the bowel more quickly remove it from the body.

source: (http://www.detikhealth.com/read/2010/12/28/074410/1533832/766/apa-yang-harus-dilakukan-jika-menelan-permen-karet)
READ MORE >>> What to Do If Swallowed Gum?

Your Health Forecast in 2011

Jakarta, New Year 2011 is only days away. Most people want better things, including in terms of health. How to forecast your health in 2011 this?

As quoted from Psychics.co.uk, Wednesday (12/29/2010) health is one important thing, here's a prediction of health in 2011, namely:

Aries people usually have a slender body, tall and strong bones, but the head is the body regions most susceptible to illnesses such as headaches and migraines. In addition, Aries people tend to have poor dental hygiene and acne in adolescence and early baldness in men. 2011 Aries people tend to have good health, but still have to maintain good health and be cautious in March and April.

Taurus people tend to have excess body weight and body fat oendek. Most people susceptible to disease Taurus
goiter, a disease of the throat, constipation and suffered from aches and pains in joints. In April is a time for the Taurus has a low energy, for the Taurus people must be smart to set nutritional intake well.

Most of the Gemini has a body that tall, upright and strong. For the health sector Gemini people are susceptible to several diseases associated with the lungs such as asthma, bronchitis and the common cold. Gemini people tend to be born a worrier, so it is at risk of stress and tension. For example, it takes time relaxing weekend break or take a long vacation.

Cancer people are usually small but strong, and has the upper body stronger. Health area that must be considered by the Cancer is a breast and some diseases associated with the stomach. Long-term health problems are generally handled well in the years ahead. And begin to reduce junk food and increase wheat bread, vegetables and fresh fruit.

Leo people generally have broad shoulders, oval face and voice firm and strong. Parts of the body become a serious concern is the dorsal spine, the nerves of the heart, blood circulation and wrist (should be careful when lifting the goods). Most people Leo has a good year in terms of health, but began to improve his lifestyle sheingga could get better health again.

Most of the Virgo has a slender physique, dark hair and round face. Virgo people should give attention to the organs of the stomach, duodenum, and the health of nails. Therefore people should make sure to get the Virgo enough fiber. In addition, Virgo people should keep the body well as susceptible to flu in May, and taking vitamins and minerals.

Libra people tend to have beautiful skin that remained until old age and a round face. The organs of the body that should be a serious concern is the complaint of kidney and bladder disorders. Libra people have a positive influence and full of vitality throughout the year, but should still do some sports.

Most Scorpios have a strong and sturdy body and tend to have more feathers. But people should pay attention Scorpio intestinal bladder, prostate, nasal bone and sexual organs. And must be careful with hernia problems and may suffer from menstrual disorders. Health problem especially in the bones and joints will be reduced in 2011.

Sagittarius has a body that is active, strong and high. But people should pay attention Sagittarius the thigh, hip, bone and muscle, hence the Sagittarius vulnerable to diseases associated with muscular aches and pains, arthritis and rheumatism. For that walking, light exercise and also drink milk calcium can help keep teeth and bones.

Capricorn people have a body that tall and slender, and has a long neck. But having a weak strength in the lower body and also the knee, hence the greatest enemy of Capricorn is the problem of rheumatism and also dislocated knee and foot. General guidelines for next year is well rested to reduce the risk of stress and also not doing too much.

Aquarius people have a short and fat body, but tend to have a healthy body. Aquarius people should be careful with the calf, circulation, breathing and had to be careful to avoid accidents. The biggest health threat is a concern, stomach and digestive disorders. To make sure that Aquarius people eating fruits and vegetables.

Pisces people generally have a perfect eye, but has the body bent so that yoga is the right activity. Health problems that can interfere with the health of the fingers, feet and lymphatic system. But be careful minor accident in March and September.

source: (http://www.detikhealth.com/read/2010/12/29/100148/1534808/766/ramalan-kesehatan-anda-di-2011)
READ MORE >>> Your Health Forecast in 2011

Changes in Health Conditions by Age

Jakarta, Health humans have evolved with age. The development will reach its peak at the age of 20 years, and if not maintained properly will decline gradually until finally sickly.

Quoted from Dailymail, Sunday (2/1/2010), following the development of health conditions that occur at various ages.

Age 20-something years
Serious life-threatening disease rarely appears in this age, so the best step taken is to take reasonable precautions for the long term. Early detection of prostate cancer, cervical and breast and bone density associated routine examination should be given priority.

Age 30s
The ability of metabolic system began to decline, so do not be surprised if at this age people start having obesity if not reduce portions. Set a healthy diet, quit smoking and if I can start tracing your medical history to determine risk of disease that may be inherited from parents.

Age of 40 years
Impaired heart and blood vessels begin to feel at this age so that weight and cholesterol levels should begin to be controlled. For women, the risk of cancer associated with hormone also began stalking towards the menopause period. If taking birth control pills, continue until several years after menopause.

An 50-year age
Precautions to be very important at this age because of serious problems began to emerge, including diabetes and heart disease. Bone density is generally began to decrease significantly, avoid strenuous exercise that burdens the joints like running or jumping rope.

Age 60s
Various types of cancer risks will increase at this age, but not too late to make changes. Maintain ideal body weight and avoiding tobacco remains will facilitate the prevention and treatment even if the disease came too in the end.

source: (http://www.detikhealth.com/read/2011/01/02/140459/1537565/766/perubahan-kondisi-kesehatan-berdasarkan-usia)
READ MORE >>> Changes in Health Conditions by Age

5 Error in Bath Process

Jakarta, Since the first bath is considered as a useful therapy to relax the mind and cleanse the body if done correctly. But unfortunately some people just make mistakes when taking a bath. Anything?

Some other benefits of a bath is to help circulation, relieve stress, soothe sore leg muscles and relieve joint pain inflammation.

As quoted from Sixwise.com, Monday (03/01/2011) there were some mistakes made, thereby reducing or eliminating the benefits of bathing.

Here are some of the mistakes made by a person while showering, namely:

1. Clean the tub with toxic chemicals
Various cleaners are used to clean the tub containing hazardous materials are sometimes associated with cancer, reproductive problems and also damage the central nervous sisem. If the material is hazardous, then chances are there is residue left behind and mingled with the water bath.

2. Bathroom with shower, dirty filter
Use a shower bath can make the body become more relaxed, but only a few people who pay attention to cleanliness showernya filter. Researchers found about 80 percent of germs contained in the shower is sphingomonads or methylobacteria family. The bacteria can infect open wounds, attacks the immune system is weak, urinary tract infections and pneumonia.

3. Just use the shower gel alone
Generally shower gel on the market contain ingredients associated with the toxicity of the reproductive organs, allergies, disorders of the immune system, disrupt the nervous and other organ sisem.

4. Soak in chlorinated water
Bathing with water containing chlorine can be very dangerous, especially if the water is warm water. Because warm water will open pores of the skin and the water vapor will inhaled into the body. For that use filters or filters on showers and faucets are also used.

5. Bathing with hot water
Using a water bath that is too hot can be harmful to the skin, which causes skin blisters or dry. Therefore use warm water only, if you use the shower (shower), set temperature to prevent overheating.

source: (http://www.detikhealth.com/read/2011/01/03/072755/1537728/766/5-kesalahan-dalam-proses-mandi)
READ MORE >>> 5 Error in Bath Process

The Consequences of Picking Nose

Jakarta, For some people picking is fun or enjoyable activities. But the nose is too often turned out to be harmful to health and body.

Based on a survey conducted by a team of researchers from Wisconsin involving 200 participants, found that the average person's nose 4 times a day which is done while being free or relaxed.

Nose is a positive activity as it helps clean the nose of dirt or foreign objects that enter by using your finger. Although the general activity, but for certain cultures tend to be taboo because it can cause feelings of disgust and amusement.

Upil in the nose are actually formed from the dried mucus. Mucous membranes in the nasal cavity are continuously produce wet mucus that functions remove dust and other foreign objects that enter the nose. This dries up the mucus that causes the sensation of irritation that sometimes cause itching and lead people to nose.

As quoted from eHow, Friday (7/1/2010) There are several reasons that make someone have to pick one's nose, namely:

Being filmed or think of something
The most common cause of nose picking occurs when someone is not thinking about anything, confused or bored. This action is similar to nail biting or thumb sucking, therefore not uncommon for people unconsciously do it in public.

Eliminate irritation
The nose has a tendency to become dry and irritated by such things as allergies, chemicals and air pollution. When the nose become irritated, then there will be itching and a desire to scratch through nose.

To relieve nasal secretion
When a cold, sinus infections and allergies can cause nasal secretions or mucus increases. This secretion will dry up over time that makes a person difficult to breathe. Therefore someone will pick one's nose to make breathing relief and eliminate the accumulation of mucus.

Obsessive-compulsive disorders
One of the signs of obsessive compulsive disorder is like nose picking is called rhinotillexomania. Nose done to alleviate the negative feelings that disturbed him, so often he nose in public and do not see the conditions in the vicinity. People with this disorder require medical assistance or psychologist.

One thing for sure is to always wash hands before and after nose, cutting nails and do not attract upil too hard so as not to hurt the lining in the nose.

But if one's nose too often can cause a dry nose that may lead to bleeding. This is because naturally nose still require lubrication at all times to prevent it from drying.

Whereas if someone rarely nose, the mucus is mixed with dirt that will further solidify that inhibit breathing (trouble breathing) and to make the nose could no longer effectively filter out foreign objects from the outside.

Due to its frequency of nose are:

1. Easy to get the flu
Flu viruses can pass through the mucous membranes that one of them found in the nose. Inserting fingers contaminated with this virus into the nose can cause a person with flu caused by oneself. In the next few days, someone could have had the flu, throat itching and sneezing attacks.

2. Nosebleed
If too often with a loud nose or nose can cause damage to the lining of the nose that serves to protect the body from bacteria and foreign objects in the air, thus causing a nosebleed.

3. Infection
In addition to flu virus infection, too often nose causing germs and bacteria more easily enter the nose and spread to other body parts.

4. Nose hair shed
When the nose is consistently dna continuous nose will cause hair loss. And this hair has an important function to filter out dust and pollutants in the air. Without a nose hair will pave the way for all kinds of diseases and infections enter the body.

5. Can die
This condition can occur when someone tries to remove a large upil. Because there is bone in the nose called the ethmoid bone, this bone separates the nose from the brain. If one's nose pierced when this bone, it can leak fluid in the brain that cause meningitis.

source: (http://www.detikhealth.com/read/2011/01/07/182327/1542018/766/akibat-akibat-keseringan-mengupil)
READ MORE >>> The Consequences of Picking Nose