Jogging in the Park Better Than to Gym

If you want to be healthy, increase energy and mood, no need to spend much money to go to the gym. Simply jogging in the park near the house, energy and mood (mood) is more improved than the exercise in the gym.

Research carried out the University of Bangor found running outdoors is better for the mind and body than do the treadmill at the gym.

The people who burn calories by jogging in the park or hiking in the mountains will feel happier than those who sweat in the gym (gym).

In addition, people who exercise outdoors (open space) will have more energy and even easier to concentrate at work.

Reporting from Dailymail, Friday (13/08/2010), outdoor sports are the advantages of the natural environment that can encourage people to become more relaxed mind. Also a sense of escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life that can help eliminate the negative mood.

And last but not least, do not need to spend extra money to go to the gym, and of course could give many reasons to smile.

The findings come from observation of 25 studies comparing the benefits of exercise in the natural environment, such as parks, forests and university campuses, with the environment 'synthetic', such as fitness and recreation center.

The findings, published in the journal BMC Public Health, shows that outdoor sport better cope with anger, fatigue and sadness rather than indoor sports.

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Therapy Can Heal Gay?

London, Gay or men who love the same sex is one of the disorders of sexual orientation. What if a gay man trying to be cured with therapy hatred?

Michael Knight, a consultant psychiatrist published a paper on this topic that said that the biological treatment for homosexuals began to dominate around the early 20th century.

As quoted by BBC News, Thursday (08/12/2010) in the 1950s and the 1960s, behavioral therapy used to try to cure gay men.

Men who perform homosexual acts would be given treatment such as electric shock, hallucinogenic drugs and brainwashing techniques (brainwash). The most common form of treatment is therapy hatred (aversion Therapy).

People who do this treatment will be shown pictures of men naked, then given a series of electric shocks or drugs that could make him vomit. When that person can not stand it anymore, it will be shown pictures of women naked as a relief from the pain or in some cases invited to go out with a young female nurse.

This technique was made voluntarily by a DJ named Peter Price who do hate therapy at the age of 18 years after her mother found out that he is gay.

Price said he then put into a windowless room, such as mental hospitals, in the room he had to listen to audio recordings which contain disparaging homosexuality. After that he was given a stack of books that contain pictures of men naked and drink beer.

"Then I injected something that makes me very ill for about 1 hour and I leave the room. Inside the room as well, I throw up and they do not give me container to it," he said.

Price said he went home with a feeling dirty, cruel and immoral. About two months later he was increasingly aware of and accept that he was gay but still not able to become heterosexual.

However, this therapy is stopped around the 1970's, after much pressure from people who ask for gay rights and the decriminalization of homosexuality in 1967. Although proponents of this therapy claim that the success rate reached 70 percent, but found that there was no clear effect of this therapy.

Dr Glenn Smith of the Royal Free and Universal College Hospital revealed that of the dozens of gay men who do this therapy, none of which turned into heterosexuals. Until now still a debate whether homosexuals can be treated or cured or not.

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Brave to Say Good for Health

Michigan, freedom to express opinions is the right of all people. And you know, that dared to express an opinion is also good for your health.

When you experience tension with other people, good boss, wife or child, then you should be brave our opinion and your argument, because it avoids confrontation could be dangerous for health.

According to one study, it is associated with increased hormone cortisol, a hormone that triggers stress.

When someone away from a fight and did not dare to express an opinion, there will be an increase in abnormal hormone cortisol throughout the day.

"Dealing with other people has an important influence on our feelings every day, especially when there are problems in the relationship. The way we handle everyday problems greatly affect the health," said Kira Birditt, researchers from the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan, such as LiveScience quoted from Saturday (14/08/2010).

The results of this study were presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association-118 on 12 August.

In the study, researchers wanted to know the health effects of avoidance behavior and did not dare express an opinion.

"People who tend to avoid the conflict did not show physical symptoms directly, but this would be associated with abnormal physical symptoms long term," said Birditt.

People who avoid tension and do not dare to express an opinion, will experience a sharp increase in the hormone cortisol and the reduction will be very slow. Increased hormone cortisol is what can cause long-term abnormal physical symptoms.

Cortisol in small doses can actually be a positive effect on the body, which increases alertness and useful in regulating blood sugar.

But this hormone is always increased when she was frustrated, so called 'stress hormones'. And if there is a sharp increase in hormones, it can adversely affect health.

Increased hormone cortisol is associated with cardiovascular disease and blood vessels. In other words, people who do not dare to express an opinion are more susceptible to heart disease and stroke.

Not only that, the increase in the hormone cortisol is also associated with diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension) and impotence for men.

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When Sports Takes Negative Effects to Body

For a sportsman or athlete with experience, improve fitness and body shape requires more than just a routine exercise. However, too much exercise can lead to negative conditions that affect the body and mind.

Overtraining or chronic fatigue occurs when the intensity, frequency or duration of excessive exercise. Under these conditions, sport can bring negative effects on the body.

Reporting from Sheknows, Saturday (08/14/2010), the following symptoms when a person is too much to do sports:

1. Chronic Fatigue
2. Increased incidence of injury
3. Moodiness and irritability
4. Headache
5. Appetite disturbance
6. Insomnia
7. Changes in body weight
8. More susceptible to disease
9. Anemia
10. Depression
11. Decrease in exercise performance

If you experience two or more of these symptoms are present, then you need to reset your exercise schedule.

How to cope with and treat overtraining?

1. Prevention first
Overcome symptoms and immediately reset your exercise schedule. Reduce the frequency of exercise, such as two times a week. This will maintain your fitness level and give a chance to recover.

2. Time to rest
The best treatment for overtraining is rest and recovery. Consistently, perform a minimum of 7 hours of sleep a night.

3. The quality of 'fuel' for the body
Time and composition of foods is essential to prevent overtraining and recovery. Eating foods that are composed of proteins and karbohindrat. Eat two hours before exercise, because it is more suitable for energy storage in the first 30 minutes after exercise.

4. Stay hydrated
The body will function best when fully hydrated, drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

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Trends Which Give Health Risk

Everyone will want to follow fashion trends emerging. But without realizing some of this trend can actually be harmful to health.

Different ways people do to make it look interesting, pretty and follow trends. Unfortunately, the way a person does not just make it interesting but also damage his health.

Quoted from Health24, Sunday (15/08/2010) there are some fashion trends that are harmful to health, namely:

High heels
Who have high-heeled shoes can make a person's weight shifts from the heel to the metatarsal the front foot. In addition, the use of high heels in a long time will make the leg muscles to be stressed is characterized by pain. But this condition is often ignored by the user.

Hipster pants (dipinggul)
Most people prefer to use the tights are worn on the hip (hipster), but these pants will make a person feel uncomfortable when sitting for long periods. One of the main reasons is these pants are not located in the hollow body of the fitting. This is, of course, will hinder circulation to and from the body, so that one sometimes feel tired and lethargic.

Tanning for the browning of the skin.
Tanning lamps that are used to emit UV rays are not safe for the body. Even the UV light is thought to have the same dangers of UV rays emitted by the sun at midday. And note that UV rays from the sun can cause skin cancer.

Fake nails to look beautiful
Some people sometimes use fake nails for fingers look more manicured and beautiful. But this can create original nail stuck and block the air intake into the natural nail. In addition, the space underneath the fake nail will cause moist atmosphere which can trigger yeast infections.

Body lean
Currently most people look at that beautiful women are women skinny, so many people vying for thin even in a way that is not healthy. Though important malnutrition can cause long-term complications.

Hair Dyes
Hair is the crown for women, so often many women who often menggonta change her hair color in accordance with the trends. But some studies have shown that continuous exposure to certain hair dyes may cause bladder cancer.

Tight leather pants
Synthetic leather pants may look fashionable, but these pants can make the skin can not breathe. This condition will cause heat that makes the skin become stressful and trigger the onset of rash. In some cases it was found that these pants can cause or exacerbate vaginal infections.

But that does not mean fashion can not be used, experts recommend that if the body starts giving bad signals should not be used constantly. It is also important to give time for the body to relax by not using it to excess.

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Why Tattoos hard to Omitted

There are several techniques that claimed to remove tattoos in the skin, but in fact the tattoo could not just disappear without leaving a trace. Why can tattoo lasting decades and difficult to be eliminated?

Reporting from eHow, Wednesday (18/08/2010), a permanent tattoo is so difficult to remove from skin. For one thing, the manufacture of tattoo ink should be injected into the skin layer called the dermis, the skin layer below the epidermis.

When still in the epidermal layer of the tattoo can be removed, but tattooing is injected into the deepest skin layers.

When viewed from the lining, the top layer of skin called the epidermis. In this layer consists of five layers, namely the stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum and stratum corneum.

Two layers above, namely the stratum lucidum and stratum corneum, is flat and dry skin cells, resistant to water and serve to protect the skin. Skin cells will change and begin to peel in the stratum basale to the skin surface in a single month.

Well, because it aims to create lasting images, eventually drawing the tattoo must be injected more deeply penetrating the epidermal layer.

Not finished only there, there are other effects if the skin layer in 'torn apart'.

Tattoo ink injection in the skin layer will trigger the reaction of the immune system (immune) body, which ironically would make the tattoo stuck on the skin longer.

The cells in the skin that attack foreign substances called phagocytes or phagocytes (eating cells). This eater cells to engulf and consume the ink particles.

Then, fibroblasts (cells that produce collagen) will lock the phagocytes with the tissue under the skin, just below the epidermis that meet the dermis, approximately 1 millimeter from the surface of the skin.

This allows ink to stay on the skin layer over the years.

Reporting from Medic8, there are some more reasons that make the tattoo is hard to remove the tattoos that used color and skin color of the tattoo.

Tattoo colors such as black, green and brown would be more easily removed than the red, orange and white. And a tattoo of one color like black or blue is much easier to remove.

For skin color, people with dark skin will be more difficult to remove tattoos than those with lighter skin color.

In people with darker skin there is the risk of scarring or loss of natural skin pigment, although done using laser techniques.

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Not Easy to Choose Healthy Eggs without Bacteria

Atlanta, Behind the usefulness as a healthy food, eggs are very susceptible to infection with Salmonella bacteria. But unfortunately, to find out if an egg is healthy or infected with bacteria hard to do. What can be done only to prevent it.

Eggs may contain harmful food bacteria called Salmonella enteritidis (S. enteritidis). These bacteria usually enter the egg through several ways, one of which is skin contamination of eggs with dirt.

Can also because it already has laying hens with Salmonella bacteria in the gut. In humans this bacteria found in intestines and feces (stool), especially for people already infected.

Can people distinguish healthy eggs with eggs that had been infected with Salmonella bacteria?

"No way can the community to find out if an egg has been contaminated or not. Because Salmonella can infect any type of chicken and there is no scientific evidence that could indicate a bacteria-free eggs," said Professor Rob Gravani, a professor of food science from Cornell University, as quoted by LiveScience, Thursday (19/08/2010).

Eggs are exposed to Salmonella cases must be proven through laboratory testing and can not diterawang with the naked eye.

Thus, according to Prof. Gravani if there is already infected with the announcement that the eggs should not eat people. Because the outside and within the infected egg would appear normal. Another way is to consider how to cook and keep the right so that the bacteria can die.

Outbreaks of Salmonella-infected eggs on a large scale has recently happened in Atlanta USA. The local government has attracted about 380 million eggs from the market due to exposure to Salmonella outbreaks.

Drug regulatory authorities and the United States Food Administration (FDA) is currently carrying out investigations to determine the cause of this outbreak of Salmonella in eggs. Investigations carried out in several places to eat that was serving food with raw eggs, the eggs are not cooked until soft and unpasteurized eggs.

Although unable to distinguish between healthy and infected eggs, there are some specific actions that can be done to reduce the risk of Salmonella infection.

The trick is quoted from are:

1. Do not eat eggs that are cracked or dirty (there is dirt on the skin of chicken eggs).
2. Washing hands, utensils with soap and water after contact with raw eggs.
3. Eggs should be cooked until the white and yellow ripe (the temperature reached 71 degrees Celsius) and then do not put off taking them.
4. Do not keep eggs warm or at room temperature for more than 2 hours.
5. Store eggs in the refrigerator if you do not want to use.
6. Avoid eating raw eggs.
7. Try not to eat food in the restaurant are made with raw eggs, undercooked or not in pasteurization.
8. Try to always keep eggs at a temperature of 45 degrees Fahrenheit (less than 7 degrees Celsius) over time.

If someone Salmonella poisoning, usually will have symptoms of fever, abdominal cramps and diarrhea about 12-72 hours after eating the food consumed. This illness usually lasts 4-7 days.

Someone who has a weak immune system, parents and infants are the group most vulnerable to illness due to Salmonella infection. In this group, the infection can spread from intestines to the bloodstream and other body parts .

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After Bathing why Hand So Wrinkles?

The fingers will usually wrinkled hands after bathing or playing water for long periods. Conditions like this are normal, but what causes it
wrinkled hands and feet when in the water?

After finishing a shower or a relaxing swim in the pool, people will usually find a wrinkled hands and feet. This condition usually occurs when a person spends more than half an hour in the water. And the outer skin (epidermis) that is responsible for this condition.

Epidermis contains keratin protein that serves to strengthen and help keep skin moist, dead keratin cells that will form a separate layer in the epidermis, known as the stratum corneum (a layer of horns).

As quoted from HowStuffWorks, Wednesday (08/18/2010) dead keratin cells in the stratum corneum will absorb water readily and begin to swell after a long soak in the water, but not in keratinized cells of the living. This makes any body part that swells, while other parts are not that look like wrinkles.

In addition, human skin is coated by a special oil called sebum. This special oil is found in the outermost skin layer (epidermis) that serves wet or lubricate and protect the skin, one of which makes the skin less resistant to water. This makes the water flow in the skin when washing hands.

But if someone is bathing or playing in the water for long periods, then a layer of sebum will disappear and make the water can penetrate the outermost skin layer. This makes the skin look like wrinkles.

Why are wrinkles only occur on the soles of the feet and palms?

This is due to the palms and feet have thick skin so that the layer keratinnya also thicker than other body parts. These conditions make the palms of the hands and feet are more prone to wrinkles.

But the wrinkles on the palms of the hands and feet is normal, because it's one way to eliminate them is to immediately warm or dry the body.

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5 Types Germs Which Immuneted from Antibiotics

excessive use of antibiotics has resulted in super germs that are difficult killed with drugs. Not only superbug found in India just recently, various types of super germs actually is all around us.

The newest is a super bacteria germs from India, New Delhi called Metallo-beta-lactamase or NDM-1. Bacteria resistant to antibiotics most potent carbapenem has since spread to Pakistan, even to have infected 50 people in the UK.

As quoted from the Telegraph, on Thursday (19/08/2010), NDM-1 is not the only germ which concern the microbiologists today. Several types of germs that also started to preexisting immune to antibiotics, including germs as follows.

1. Klebsiella
This bacterium is one cause
pneumonia which can kill victims within 72 hours. Usually found on open wounds or sores on fire and can lead to urinary tract or respiratory infections.

Currently, 11 percent had Klebsiella infection resistant to all types of antibiotics, even though the rest still can be overcome with a carbapenem.

2. Pseudomonas
These bacteria live in soil and attack the weakened immune individuals. About 80 percent of lung infections caused by bacteria ayng this occurs in people with burns and cystic fibrosis.

That is a concern to experts is the number of infection is increased by 24 percent during the period 2004-2008. Besides quantity, resistance to antibiotic drugs is also increasing.

3. Escherichia coli
Causes of urinary tract infections and digestive bacteria is one of the difficult disabled. These bacteria produce an enzyme, which makes it continues to adjust to the antibiotic.

4. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
One of the dreaded bacteria experts are good at mutating. In addition to the type of MRSA found in hospitals, there are also species found outside of hospitals or well known as a 'community MRSA' and so vicious because it can eat the lung tissue.

5. Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Male sex workers and johns certainly familiar with the disease of gonorrhea, caused by this bacterium. Can not be underestimated because the number of infections are not cured with antibiotics ciprofloxacyn increasing from 2 percent in 2002 to 30 percent this year.

Immunities of the bacteria that causes gonorrhea is likely to continue to rise, given its treatment among sex workers (who usually rely on tetracycline-HCl) is often not controlled by medical personnel.

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Snoring Can Burn Calories

California, aka snoring Snoring is experienced by almost everyone, especially if sleeping in conditions that are too tired. And it turns out bad habits that often interfere with these other people can burn calories.

Scientists found that people who frequently snores in his sleep to burn more calories than people who rarely snore.

It is based on the grounds that the snoring and respiratory disturbances triggered due to increased activity of the nervous system. So, people who snore often will burn more calories.

Scientists from the University of California studied 212 people who snore often, talk (ngigau) during sleep, had difficulty breathing in sleep or even experiencing periodic cessation of breathing. Then, the scientists calculate how many calories you burned on several different levels of health problems.

The result, as reported from GeniusBeauty, Friday (8/20/2010), who always snored (regular) can burn about 2000 calories per day, whereas people who only snore from time to time (sometimes) burn 1626 calories.

But with these results, it does not mean all people who snore have a slim body. Because basically, people who snore are people who experience sleep disorders and fatigue. And secondly it would trigger people to eat more and a high energy diet.

In addition, people who sleep less tend to have normal and snoring a little energy during the day, not to mention the lack of fitness and other physical exercises. These conditions when combined with high-calorie diet, it can make people become obese (overweight).

Snoring can be caused by various factors, such as enlarged tonsils, nasopharyngeal mucosal inflammation caused by allergies or infection, swelling, alcoholism and others.

Recent research also shows that people who sleep with pets since childhood, such as dogs, tend to have higher risk of snoring.

However, people should just eliminate habitual snoring because it could be dangerous. Research has shown that breathing problems during sleep suggests there is a serious problem in a person's body.

Apnea or respiratory problems that occur repeatedly and disturb one's sleep, occurs when the muscles of the back of the throat failed to open the airway for breathing.

This can cause the wrong sleep pattern and the low intake of oxygen in the blood, and ultimately lead to various diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, mood and memory problems.

A study conducted the University of Maryland Medical Center found that the problem pernafasaan or apnea during sleep may increase depression and worsen nightmares and post traumatic stress.

Usually people with apnea often feel sleepy during the day, so it can increase the risk of car accidents as well.

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10 Great Things Which Healthy

Behind something delicious, usually stored risks that endanger health. There's nothing wrong with this opinion, but also does not mean that none of healthy enjoyment.

As quoted by CNN, Sunday (22/08/2010), some kind of pleasure that have healthful benefits are as follows.

1. Sleep
As long as not too much, slept almost no adverse effects on health. Adequate sleep can even increase endurance, memory and keep the body fat composition.

"Lack of sleep could increase the risk of high blood pressure, glucose intolerance and pemumpukan fat in the abdomen. Overall it is a risk factor for heart disease," said a doctor from New York University, Nieca Goldberg, MD.

2. Vacation
Not without reason, if some people call the holiday as a day-mental health. Break away from routine work, whether traveling or staying at home can relieve stress and lower blood pressure and heart disease risk.

A study in 2005 proved, happiness obtained was not determined by the length of time on vacation. Short vacation but repeatedly more effectively relieve stress than a one-time long vacation but sparse.

3. Sex
For those who already have formal mate, have sex regularly will at least help to relieve stress. For this activity stimulates the release of endorphins and oxytocin, a hormone associated with happiness.

Another benefit of having sex revealed in a study in 2005. Couples who have sex 1-2 times a week had higher levels of immunoglobulin A (Ig-A) higher than couples who rarely do so. Ig-A is one component of the immune system.

4. Eating chocolate
Chocolate, particularly dark chocolate can lower blood pressure proven so good for heart health and blood vessels. In addition, consuming 40 grams of dark chocolate per day for 2 weeks to reduce stress hormones in people with depression.

5. Hang out
Establish good relationships with friends and relatives have some health benefits. Someone who often hang out and meet with many relationships tend to rarely have a cold, have a better brain health and a longer life.

6. Eating fatty foods
Not all fats are bad, some are actually good for health. Some experts actually recommend that monounsaturated fat (mono unsaturated) such as in fish oils, Advocado and grains, given the portion of 10 percent of daily food intake.

And do not forget, omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish such as tuna and salmon can also lower blood pressure. Not only that, these fatty acids may also prevent depression and rheumatoid arthritis.

7. Drinking coffee every morning
In the portion that is not excessive, coffee could reduce Alzheimer's risk in middle age. Even the kind of high-octane coffee or decafeine can improve insulin sensitivity so that the risk of type 2 diabetes decreased 7 percent.

8. Visiting massage parlors
The existence of plus-plus service makes massage parlors are often associated negative. Yet according to a research-in 2008, someone who routinely massaged 2 times a week tend to rarely feel the pain, anxious or angry.

9. Bask in the morning
Sunlight is a natural antidepressant that is 100 percent free. Bask also can suppress melatonin production or hormone that triggers sleep, so that the body always fit all day.

For the prevention of cancer and heart disease, the sun also has an important role. Because sunlight is needed for the synthesis of vitamin D, a compound that is useful to prevent the disease.

10. A glass of wine (wine) at bedtime
Antioxidant content in the fermented beverage can prevent cancer growth. Another benefit is to maintain the flexibility of blood vessel walls and cholesterol levels, so that it can prevent many problems in the heart.

The key is, wine is not to be consumed excessively. Recommendations is that the portion being no more than 5 oz (about 150 mL) in a day.

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Dangerous Goods in the Bathroom

Without realizing some of the items in the bathroom can be dangerous for users. Because of not getting proper supervision, there are often things that make a bathroom into an unsafe place.

Therefore, each family member should know how safe bathroom is in the house. It is important to prevent accidents or injury in the bathroom.

Quoted from Health24, Monday (23/08/2010) there are several items contained in the bathroom but it can be dangerous, namely:

Water that is too hot
Should the water used for bathing should not exceed 55-60 degrees celsius. Because the use of water is too hot can be easily heated bathroom floor that could endanger users.

In the bathroom medicine cabinet
Type any drug should not be stored in the bathroom. Because the bathroom is one room that is used by all family members, so that could have a child using one of the drugs stored in the closet. In addition there is the possibility of drugs that are stored contaminated with microorganisms that exist in the bathroom.

Floor slippery
A slippery bathroom floor can cause various problems such as making people fall, especially if mixed with soap. Therefore, we recommend using a floor made of wood, rubber mats or tiles that are not slippery. It is very important if a family member who is old.

There are no handrails in the bathroom
Into or out of the bathroom can be a dangerous time, especially for parents. Risks fall in the bathroom could happen to anyone, especially due to slipping. Because it is a handrail on the wall to help a person remain stable when entering or exiting the bathroom.

Putting a razor blade or razor in the bathroom
Some people are often put in the bathroom shaving equipment, this can be dangerous, especially if children are able to reach them. Better shaving equipment placed in special places or private places that can not be reached by small children.

Save the dirty towels in the bathroom
Towels are one item that is used to dry the body. If the remains are left damp towel or not washed regularly or dried, it will be a good place perkembanganbiakan bacteria. In addition, infection can be passed from one family member to another member if you use the same towel. Because it is always drying towel outside the bathroom so as not to damp and do not use a towel in turn.

There is no disinfectant in the bathroom
Disinfectants should always be available to clean all surfaces, especially the bathroom sink, shower and toilet place of microorganisms. This is because the bathroom was damp and warm, making it the ideal medium for bacteria to breed.

Electrical connections in the bathroom
It should not be there any electrical connection in the bathroom. Because the contact between the electrical connection can cause the flame to the water thus increasing the risk of electric shock. Usually the electrical connection is used to power the appliance, washing machine or hair dryer.

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Eye Damage Because didn't Wear Sunglasses

Living in the tropics such as Indonesia should have become a habit to always wear sunglasses when the sun is hot. Sunglasses powerful enough to protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation. These rays can be very damaging, even if the eye in a short time.

Quoted from HealthDay, Tuesday (08/24/2010), the risk of short-term damage that could be prevented with sunglasses include burning eyes (photokeratitis). Damage is characterized by inflammation of the cornea, which if left unchecked can cause cell death in that section.

Such inflammation can also occur on the conjunctiva, the white part of the eye. Although painful, inflammation in both parts could still be and easy to cure.

As for the long term, damage from ultraviolet rays can accumulate and lead to more serious disorders. Among these are as follows:

Is an abnormal growth of the conjunctiva or white part of the eye, which can be caused by too much exposure to sunlight. This abnormal growth will damage the cornea, which interfere with vision.

There is no other way to overcome these problems except by surgery. And even then still leaves a chance of recurrence, because that is damaged conjunctiva basically difficult to regenerate.

In patients with cataracts, the lens color is clear turn into turbid thereby blocking the incoming light. Ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun thought to be one major cause of this disorder.

Setbacks function of the macula (macular degeneration)
Ultraviolet rays can also damage the retina, the thin layer at the back of the eye that serves catch the light. The damage also affects the macula functions, namely the center of the retina as well as central vision.

The surface of the eye can develop melanoma, a type of malignant cancer caused by ultraviolet light which requires surgery to fix. Whereas in the eyelids, the sun also causes the risk of basal cell carcinoma.

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9 Preparation Prior to Operation Room

Waiting time for surgery need physical and mental preparation so as not anxious. Good preparation can prevent the complications that arise as a risk in any surgical procedure.

The existence of injury in every surgically opening an opportunity for bacteria or other microbes to enter and cause infection. Likewise after sutured, the patient still must deal with many factors that influence the wound healing process.

Here are some tips to prevent infection and accelerate wound healing process, as quoted from Dailymail, Wednesday (24/08/2010).

1. If possible, perform moderate exercise a few days before undergoing surgery.
In a fit condition, the heart and lungs will be easier to deliver oxygen to the tissues so that the wound healing process can be faster.

2. Stop using drugs such as warfarin blood antipenggumpalan, consult with your doctor if you are being treated.

3. Drink plenty of water, approximately 2 liters per day for several weeks before surgery.
Do not let your body become dehydrated, because the distribution of oxygen to the tissues is inhibited so that wound healing becomes longer.

4. When will undergo major surgery, make sure the doctor or nurse measures the level of body fluids because dehydration can occur without first certain signs.

5. Adhere to any suggestion to fast a few hours before surgery.

6. Before surgery, use an antiseptic soap for bathing.
The goal is to reduce the risk of infection by bacteria attached to the body.

7. If you feel uneasy, ask your doctor to explain the procedures that will
run and how long it takes.

8. Ask also the possible effects that would occur during recovery, so I can go watch yourself when things are not normal after surgery.

9. Do not receive a bouquet of flowers in the treatment room, because it will attract dust that are difficult to clean.

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Blue The Best of Color to Protect the Body from Ultraviolet

Barcelona, scientists discovered the blue cotton fabric provides the best protection against ultraviolet rays from the sun. While the yellow cotton fabric provides the worst protection against ultraviolet rays.

Quoted from GeniusBeauty, Thursday (8/26/2010) Scientists from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia have discovered what color is best to protect the body from ultraviolet light, ie blue.

In that study, researchers conducted an analysis of the nature of the protection of the three primary colors, namely red, blue and yellow. This study used a software program and then perform analysis to determine how certain colors of cotton cloth can absorb ultraviolet light.

The color of cloth or clothing that is used is one important factor in determining how well the clothing can protect the body from ultraviolet radiation. This is usually determined based on the wavelength that can be absorbed by the color.

If the skin continuously exposed to ultraviolet rays from the sun, then in a certain period of time can cause effects on the skin of one of them is skin burns.

This is due to ultraviolet rays can kill cells that function to produce new skin cells. To correct this condition, the blood vessels going to work harder so that makes the skin becomes flushed.

For that the scientists recommend to the community for more frequent use of clothing that has the color of 'sun-proof' the color blue, especially if the weather is hot.

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Water Wash Dishes Can Be Source of Bacterial Contamination

No need to wonder if many who get diarrhea after snack food on the roadside. Although using water that has been cooked, the food can still be contaminated with pathogenic bacteria from water sink that has not dried completely.

Moreover, some mobile vendors only carry limited amounts of water and is taken from sources that are not clear. Where there are sources of water, that is where the traders to take water to wash the dishes although not necessarily free from contamination.

According to experts, environmental health, University of Indonesia, Dr. Budi Haryanto, MSM, MSc, use soap or detergent is not enough to sterilize utensils. When rinsed with the same water, dishes and so on can be re-contaminated by bacteria.

Moreover, so many customers, merchants often use more utensils that have not dried completely after washing. And if dried completely, the bacteria can die in about 25 minutes.

"Most important, of course, choose a source of clean water to wash dishes, do not carelessly use water from wells contaminated," said Dr. Budi when speaking in the media discussion 'Beware of Drinking Water Threats Behind You' is held by PT Unilever Indonesia at the restaurant of The Apartment, Kuningan, Jakarta, Thursday (09/02/2010).

On the same occasion, an expert in food microbiology from the Bogor Institute of Agriculture Dr. Ir Ruth Dewanti Hariyadi, MSc also expressed similar opinions. According to him, who has washed dishes to be dried before use if the water quality is not convincing.

If necessary, the plate was heated in an oven or rinsed with hot water to kill bacteria and then drained past until dry. Can also be dried in the sun, because sunlight contains ultraviolet rays that effectively kills bacteria.

"But it must be ensured, when dried cutlery are not compromised by chickens, cats and so on.'ll Even be adding a lot of bacteria," said Dr. Ruth half-joking.

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READ MORE >>> Water Wash Dishes Can Be Source of Bacterial Contamination

Many Dances Which Burn Calories

If you do not like going to the gym to do aerobics, cardio exercises or other exercises, try to dance. With dancing, people can burn 500 calories.

Besides moving, dancing can also be pumped endorphins to the brain, the hormone that makes people feel happy.
Dancing is fun and enjoyable way to make the body healthy.

Reporting from GeniusBeuty, Thursday (09/02/2010), following some kind of dance that can make the body stay fit and healthy:

1. Hip hop
Hip hop is a fun and free dance, enabling people to do improvisation and chance to become anything. Hip hop makes people dance while exercising in the same wakti. Hip hop including aerobic exercise and cardio to burn more calories, improve the system and also develop muscle.

2. Ballet
With a beautiful and elegant movements, ballet dancers can lose weight and strengthen muscles during exercise. Ballet demands precise control and fast in almost every muscle in the body, making the back straight, and makes the stomach, buttocks and legs tight.

3. Belly dance or belly dance
Belly dance is an effective fitness activities. Belly dancing can help reduce the size of the hips and buttocks, a flat stomach and strengthen the arm and back muscles effectively. Belly dancing can also eliminate cellulite, prevent excess water in the body and useful for women's health, such as developing core muscles with the right flank.

4. Latin Dance
Latin American dances such as Salsa, Rumba, Cha cha cha has formed the basis for one of the club's most popular dance trends. Latin dance can make the body fit with developing muscles, the hips, waist and arms.

5. Aerobic Dance
In a dance aerobics, exercise intensity was designed to more deeply into the dance movement and rhythm, so you can dance and exercise at the same time. This dance can improve posture, burn fat, flexibility and agility in movement.

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READ MORE >>> Many Dances Which Burn Calories

Got a Fat Gene Can No Means Can't Be Skinny

Genetic factors do make people more likely to become obese. But that does not mean that people with fat genes can not be thin all her life. With the sport, he still can lose weight by 40 percent despite having obesity-causing genes.

Some people do have a tendency to be overweight (being overweight) or even obese due to genetic factors. But a study at Cambridge proved, lifestyle changes can offset the influence of these factors.

This conclusion was drawn after the researchers conducted a genetic observation on 20,000 men and women aged 39-79 years. Some of them had 12 genetic markers associated with body mass index (BMI) and obesity risk.

However, when compared with daily activities, 12 genetic markers that did not much affect the level of obesity. Lack of exercise and other physical activity more precisely determine the risk of obesity.

"These findings shatter the myth that for some people, obesity can not be avoided," said Dr Ruth Loos from the Medical Research Council, who led the course of a study, as quoted by the Telegraph, on Thursday (09/02/2010).

Dr Ruth added, one does not have to run a marathon to fight the risk of obesity. Take a walk or just gardening just to give a real difference compared to just stay quiet and blamed the genetic factors that can not be avoided.

This research has been published in the latest edition of the journal PLoS Medicine.

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Weather Can Affect Mood

Rain or hot weather not only affects a person's body temperature, but also can affect mood (mood). Why is that?

Since the early 1970s, researchers have tried to explain about the relationship between weather and also one's temperament.

Allegedly a depressed mood and less powerful due to the high humidity levels and limited exposure to sunlight. The spirit of a person tends to increase with increasing exposure to sunlight and also a higher barometric pressure.

In October 2007, a group of European researchers studied the effect of different temperatures every day of the six factors namely weather wind, sunlight, rainfall, air pressure and length of days over 1200 participants from Germany.

The conclusion obtained from this study is a good weather provides little positive effect on a person's mood. While the weather is cold, windy and dark days have little negative effect on mood, but it will make a person feel tired and lethargic.

Based on the subjects listed in the journal report, the researchers determined that each person has a different sensitivity or sensitivity to weather changes daily. However, the existing weather can affect a person's mood.

One may tend to have a bad mood if the weather is dark or cold. This tendency is usually based on Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

"Someone has to take proactive steps to strengthen the system of the brain that regulate mood swings, because each person has their own responsibilities towards their feelings," said Dr. Ani Kalayjian, Ed.D, RN, a professor of psychology from Fordham University in New York , as quoted from Health.MSN, Monday (06/09/2010).

Dr. Kalayjian said many things can be done for example by listening to music, read a favorite novel, see pictures or a warm vacation spot, regular exercise and stress management also apply.

"The feeling is something that is temporary, so that we can turn them into more positive. A person may not be able to get sun if the weather was cloudy, but she can empower themselves to fight the negative mood," he said.

When the weather is cloudy, then the eye will detect darkness and a small gland in the brain (called the pineal) will release the hormone melatonin is released in the sleep cycle.

Therefore if the weather is sunny, try to go out of the room and under the sun. This can help recharge the body's energy (serotonin) and enhance a good mood.

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READ MORE >>> Weather Can Affect Mood

Tips Healthy and Weird

Many ways that people do to make him stay healthy. But there are some of the best solutions for health problems that are simple, small and often the things that are unusual and strange.

Reporting from MensHealth, Friday (9/3/2010), here are some healthy ways a strange but true:

1. Using the toilet closest to the bathroom door
Based on analysis of 51 toilets, the experts found that the nearest toilet with the bathroom door consistently had the lowest bacteria levels. This is because most people will choose the most distant toilets to ensure privacy, especially in the men's bathroom.

2. Prop arm broken by magazine
For emergencies, a broken wrist which could be supported by a thick magazine, and then tied up with bandages and dressings, so as not to aggravate the injury and fractures that occur.

3. Accusing someone else took the key
Research shows that there are real differences between how young people and parents interpret about forgetting a place to store keys.

Young people will usually blame others, like "Who took my keys?", While parents will blame themselves, "I'm getting old as to forget to put the key."

Well, based on these results, people will blame others when forgetting something because then the person will be deemed not to forget and can serve as an effective mental tricks.

4. Scratching other body parts
If you experience itchy skin, try scratching elsewhere in the same body part, eg the feet or hands. This is a trick to fool the brain and relieve itching in the skin.

5. Using ice in the groin during a fever
People who have a fever is usually treated by drinking lots of fluids. But the quick way down the heat is put ice bags in the groin. This may not be convenient, but works quickly lower the heat on the body's core.

6. Lubricate the wound with honey
Try to rub honey on the skin surface of the wounded before wrapped with bandages. Honey has powerful antibacterial properties. A recent study has revealed that honey is able to destroy almost all types of bacteria that infect many wounds.

7. Black pepper to stop bleeding
When you are injured finger while cooking, clean the wound with cold water and use black pepper to stop bleeding. Black pepper has analgesic properties, antibacterial and antiseptic.

8. Washing twice daily mustache
If you are prone to allergies and had a mustache, washing your mustache twice daily with liquid soap. This will remove allergens stuck in your mustache.

9. Pets can lower blood pressure
To reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, guard animals such as cats, rabbits or dogs. Numerous studies show that pets can keep blood pressure under control when you are stressed.

10. Changing name
According to the study, people with positive initials, such as JOY or WOW, nearly 4.5 years longer life compared with neutral initials, such as Dud or ASS. While people with negative initials, such as Ill and DED showed a short age.

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READ MORE >>> Tips Healthy and Weird

Strong Handshake Signs of Long Age

London, shake hands when ordinary people do stay in touch, meet colleagues or completes an interview. Apparently handshake can also be a clue a person live longer or not.

Scientists from University College London said that power when people shake hands can be a clue how long someone will live or age.

Researchers match parents balance, grip strength and ability to get up from a chair against the risk of premature death. Someone who can do well, probably could live longer. The results are reported in the British Medical Journal (BMJ).

This study combined with more than 30 previous studies involving tens of thousands of people who see a person's physical abilities and death. Most of the participants involved more than 60 years old, but still living at home.

The researchers found that mortality during the study period about 67 percent higher in people who have the weakest grip strength. A similar pattern was found on other measures, that is the slowest person on foot 3 times more likely to die faster and the slower rise from a chair more than twice as likely to die.

Despite the weakness that comes can be caused by disease or health factors that decrease, but the strength of shaking hands can show significant differences even in some people under the age of 60 years and have little or no health problems.

"One of the last part of the research conducted at the hospital found the difference in grip strength, even this is related to the duration of his stay in the hospital. This result is important enough," said Professor Avan Aihie Sayer, a geriatrician from Southampton University, as quoted by BBC News, Saturday (09/11/2010).

Professor Sayer suggests it takes some study to identify significant differences in strength of shaking hands on a young person. Since this could be a clue about the health problems in the future.

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READ MORE >>> Strong Handshake Signs of Long Age

Nutrition in Various Colors Fruit and Vegetables

In addition to attracting attention, the colors in fruits and vegetables also indicate nutrient content in it. For each color of food is formed from the dominant type of nutrition that is different.

Quoted from Canadianliving, Monday (06/09/2010), some colors that shows that it contains essential nutrients are as follows.

The red color in tomatoes showed lycopene, an antioxidant compound that is capable of reducing the risk of cancer and heart disease. The same compound can also be obtained from watermelon fruit.

Activity of lycopene in tomatoes is not reduced when heated, such as when made into a sauce or tomato sauce. The addition of olive oil into it is not reducing benefits, because lycopene is an oil-soluble compounds.

Other Ingredients that gives red color to foods is anthocyanin, which is also an antioxidant compound. Anthocyanins can be found on strawberries, raspberries and cranberries.

Not without reason that many health experts recommend to a lot of green vegetables. The green color is formed by chlorophyll, a compound that has proven effective against cancer.

Some vitamins and minerals can also be found in fruits and green vegetables. Green lettuce contains vitamin C six times more than white lettuce, and beta carotene 8 times more.

While the levels of nutrients contained in vegetables and fruits can be estimated from the intensity of green color. The more dense or dark green color, then the content of vitamins and minerals more and more.

Blue or gray
The blue color in blueberries and purple on the grapes, eggplant and blackberries pigment formed by the same, namely anthocyanins. These compounds are also commonly found in red wine fermented beverages (red wine) and is believed good for heart health.

Fresh blueberries contain more anthocyanins, although not decreased in the fruit that has been frozen. Eggplant can also be baked or roasted in advance without much loss of anthocyanin content.

Nutritional most dominant in the fruit and orange or orange-colored vegetables are beta and alpha carotene. Nutrition can be found in sweet potatoes, carrots, apricots, mango and orange melon is also known as anticancer compounds.

Because these compounds are soluble in oil, absorption in the body can be increased if consumed with fatty foods. Can also be cooked through, for heating for several minutes it breaks down the cell walls in vegetables and fruits and then frees bound form of the compound.

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READ MORE >>> Nutrition in Various Colors Fruit and Vegetables

Forgiveness and Health Benefits for

The number of studies have proved that hatred, resentment and hostility can lead to high blood pressure. Instead, forgiveness can relieve stress and keep the heart healthy.

Stress will arise when one's inner hampered by a sense of disappointment or hurt. Forgetting and assume correct an error that causes pain is not always able to handle it, sometimes actually increase the burden on the liver.

Excerpted from the Mayo Clinic on Friday (09/10/2010), forgiveness is a process of peace with yourself. Beginning with the recognition of pain, someone who gives forgiveness would feel more relaxed to accept her condition.

With a more relaxed mental state, one also would avoid the risk of alcohol and drug abuse. The risks were generally faced by the vengeful who need a shortcut to escape from the burden of negative emotions.

Another benefit of forgiveness revealed in a study at the University of Massachusetts, which can lower blood pressure more quickly. Acceleration effect could reach 20 percent in women, while in men the effect is smaller.

Blood pressure, heart rate and muscle contractions usually increase when a person involved in the conflict, so the risk of heart attack and stroke is higher. These symptoms will subside when the conflict ends, or will be faster if both parties mutually conflicting bermaafan.

Meanwhile, to be able to forgive, someone who never felt hurt will pass through 4 stages below.

1. Honestly acknowledge the existence of a sense of hurt or anger in him, as a result of the mistakes of others.
2. Understanding that the situation is not good for him, so it must be changed.
3. Finding new ways to respond to other people who had made him angry or hurt.
4. Understand that people need to be forgiven, as he also wanted to be forgiven if done wrong.

But if there is someone who is hard to forgive, errors may exist on how to convey an apology. According to a study at the University of Valencia, the apology is more effective when delivered through the right ear.

Sensor hearing on the right connect with the left hemisphere, the part associated with the logic. According to researchers, it would lead to an apology was arrested and processed by more rational.

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