Magic Powder Make Stomach early satiety

This is good news for you who have problems with weight. The experts from the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago, United States, has successfully developed a kind of crystalline powder that can help reduce weight in a way affects the brain and stop the appetite.

Crystalline powder was quite sown on top of the food and the aroma will be inhaled. In an instant, your stomach will feel full, even after eating only a couple of bites.

Crystal weight loss options available with some type of smell or taste like cheese, coffee, and radish. Crystal called Sensa is already available in some health food stores in America and soon be marketed in the UK, Canada, Mexico, and Germany.

In the study for six months on more than 1,400 volunteers shows, these crystals can reduce the average weight of about 13 kilograms in obese patients. However, further research on these crystals have also been conducted over the past five years involving 1000 participants.

The experts claim, this crystalline powder will give long-term benefits, unlike other methods of weight loss. Dr. Alan Hirsch, neurological who developed this crystal, say, the smell of food, which is estimated to affect 90 percent of "taste"-can be used as a stimulus signal "full" for the brain to then submitted that the body is satisfied.

Meanwhile, Dominic Dwyer, neural psychology expert from Cardiff University, UK, suggested the use of these crystals should not be indiscriminate. "The smell of native foods can indeed make us eat more. However, these substances must be handled very carefully," he said.

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Rich Men Have Long finger

Want to know if a man is going to succeed and prosper? Try to see the size of his finger, not his wallet. If the ring finger is longer than the other fingers, especially the index finger, it is probable that sustenance will flow smoothly.

According to one study, men who have a longer ring finger size generally have a hard-working character and no quitter, either in money or pursue a potential partner.

Men with long ring fingers also include people who could be relied upon and seriously in touch. Women who want a relationship that "cool-calm" was probably good looking guy though for the used of this type of man with this type is considered boring.

A number of research teams from Canada who conducts research on links between personality and the size of a finger is found, testosterone levels have an effect on the personality of a man. They also measured the fingers 415 men and women and classifications of personality.

According to the results of the study, men who have a longer ring finger size usually have high testosterone levels. Men in this group belong to those who dare to take risks and ready to fight to win in all aspects of his life.

"We found an association between high levels of testosterone by nature a risk taker in the three areas, namely rekresional, social, and financial. Men with this type is usually the target of many women," said Eric Stenström, researchers say.

In contrast with the woman. According Stenström, there is no influence between the size of your fingers with his personality. "In women, the size of the ring finger and index finger is usually the same," he said.

Previous studies showed that the most successful banker whose career also has a longer ring finger size. This shows they are people who dare to take risks and react quickly to market changes.

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Avoid Drinking Soda When Thirsty

Jakarta, there are some people who prefer to relieve her thirst by consuming soft drinks or sodas. But this habit should be stopped, because when thirsty to drink soda is not good.

Become soda craze many people that it tastes good and refreshing and can make people addicted. Eating occasional soda is not a problem, but this drink should not drink when someone is feeling thirsty or hungry.

As quoted from eMedexpert, Monday (08/11/2010) drinking soda can indeed satisfy thirst, but instead be the worst time to drink soda. This is because when you're thirsty or dehydrated body has low levels of saliva.

In one of the functions of saliva to help neutralize the acid is contained in the soda, and also serves to wash the teeth from the sugars contained in them. Known soda is one of the most acidic drinks are easily bought by the community.

Also syrup contained in the soda can also make a dry mouth and make less saliva levels and increased thirst. And the drinks are full of sugar and caffeine can increase blood osmolality.

If sodas contain caffeine will increase the bad effects, since caffeine is one of the diuretic. This diuretic properties make the water in the body more that comes out through the urine, if not balanced with drinking water can cause loss of body fluids or dehydration.

Should someone not too often consume soda, because it can make addiction that will be bad for health. For people who are addicted to soda can eat several times a day that would cause harmful effects. Hence the habit of drinking soda as much as possible began to be reduced or discontinued.

For that drinking soda when you're thirsty will not give much effect in overcoming hunger, but it can make someone feel more thirsty again. One of the best drink fluids when thirsty is a glass of water that can replace the fluids in the body.

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When do People Need Braces?

Jakarta, One of treatments that can be done to straighten teeth is to use braces. But when someone really needs braces?

The use of braces is usually quite simple without using needles, anesthesia or drilling teeth. Braces can be used at any age, but the ideal age to use the braces is the age of 10-14 years.

As quoted from the LIVESTRONG, Tuesday (11/09/2010) before using braces doctor will perform an audit to determine how much space is available for braces, tooth location that needs to be clarified and to see the condition of dental health such as whether or not there are cavities .

There are several reasons that make someone needs help braces, such as because there is a need to fix the location of orthodontic tooth or disruption to the needs of cosmetics that look more beautiful when he smiled. But most people need braces because:

1. To straighten teeth. The form that crooked teeth or misaligned can cause problems in terms of the bite, chew and process the food. These conditions have likely cause headaches and pain when biting To correct the condition. For example, if the position of the upper jaw teeth are too far forward or the lower teeth are too far to the inside, so having an improper bite position. This condition will cause tension in the jaw and make someone bite incorrectly. In addition, in certain circumstances can cause bone damage.
2. To be able to chew food better. If the gear position is not correct, then the food intake will not be chewed properly which eventually can lead to disturbances in the stomach.
3. The presence of respiratory problems. If there is a change in tooth structure then can trigger changes in the mouth. If teeth are not straight and aligned, it will cause respiratory distress.

In addition there are also people who use braces for cosmetic reasons, but do not really need it. The reason is usually for someone to have a beautiful smile and perfect teeth shape.

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Whiten Teeth with Fruits

Jakarta, many people are trying to whiten your teeth by bleaching or use whitening toothpaste containing. Unfortunately, not everyone likes doing that way. Certain fruits also can help whiten teeth. Anything?

Having white teeth and charming smile would make someone look more attractive. But the habit of drinking coffee, tea or cola can leave stains on your teeth.

LIVESTRONG Launched on Tuesday (09/11/2010), here are some fruits that can make the teeth white and healthy:

1. Strawberries
Strawberries are one of the foods that can naturally whiten teeth. Contained malic acid in strawberries act as a substance that would erode and remove a few stains on the tooth surface.

Strawberries are blended with half a teaspoon of baking soda can act as a tooth whitener. Apply the mixture to the tooth surface for 5 minutes to obtain satisfactory results.

However, this method should not be done in a long time because it could be acid in strawberries can destroy tooth enamel over time.

2. Apple
Apples contain two qualities that help in teeth whitening. First, the process of chewing apples are hard and crunchy could fade dental plaque that can change the color of teeth. In addition, chewing also stimulates saliva production which can naturally fight bacteria in the mouth that change the color of teeth.

Second, apples contain malic acid which acts as a natural ingredient to 'relax' and remove stains on tooth surfaces.

3. Carrots
Carrots can also function as a natural tooth whitener. Such as apples, carrots are the food that can fade the hard dental plaque during the process of chewing.

4. Lemon or lime juice
Lemon juice can also be used to whiten teeth. Lemon juice can be combined with salt or baking soda to make a paste, which is then brushed my teeth for several minutes.

But because lemon juice contains citric acid which can cause corrosion of tooth enamel, always rinse and brush your teeth properly after using lemon juice on teeth.

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4 Strategies to Get Pregnant

Jakarta, many long-married couples also get a descent but not yet. Although there is a deliberate delay pregnancy for many reasons, not a few who have tried hard but always fail because they do not know strategy.

Pregnancy naturally, not by IVF, can only occur if done at the right time. Within a month, a woman suffered only fertile period of less than 24 hours so that every opportunity should really be used.

Quoted from KansasCity, Wednesday (10/11/2010), here are some points to consider in order to quickly get pregnant.

1. Do it when the nose increased sensitivity
When a woman becomes more sensitive to the smells around him, it was a sign she is ovulating or are in the fertile period. If you want a child soon, this is the best time for sex though perhaps at that moment the smell of their partner agencies will be more oppressive.

2. Patience, the chance of pregnancy is only 15 per cent every month
Can be understood if the woman was so excited when tested positive for pregnancy, because for that it takes struggle. A study even proved, most women in the age of 30 years took 8 months and 140 instances of sexual intercourse to get pregnant with a chance of pregnancy in each month only 15 percent.

3. Teeth should be clean to get pregnant
Dental and oral health are prerequisites for women to get pregnant. Not only because of the smell of the mouth and fresh breath does not make the lazy man to fondle her partner, but research has shown that gum infection can also trigger premature birth or fetal death and weakens the sperm that will fertilize the egg.

4. Watch porn movies make a stronger sperm
Believe it or not, research has shown that sperm produced a much stronger to swim toward the egg after a man watching porn. Uniquely not just any porn movie that could give such effect, only heterosexual-themed movies and not homosexual (gay or lesbian).

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Healthy Breakfast which is Not Make You Fat

Jakarta, No breakfast is not the right way to lose weight, how it can actually put you at risk with various diseases. With a healthy breakfast you can actually lose weight by staying healthy and energetic.

Not a few people who often skip breakfast on the grounds in a hurry or want to lose weight. Yet too often not sarapn can be dangerous for the heart.

In addition, people who skip breakfast are more likely to snack snacks or sweet foods that may have intake of fiber, vitamins and minerals are low. So, no breakfast instead of losing weight but it triggers obesity, cholesterol and diabetes.

LIVESTRONG Launched on Thursday (11/11/2010), here are some healthy breakfast can help you lose weight:

1. Eating boiled egg whites only
Boiled eggs are the types of protein sources that will make a full stomach for a long time. If you want to reduce cholesterol, you can eat egg whites only. For other egg breakfast options, try making an egg omelet with fat-free cheese mixture, spinach and tomatoes.

2. Sweet brown rice
Sweet brown rice can provide nutritional benefits of grains and fiber that will make a full stomach for a long time. For breakfast, cook brown rice the night before, then add a little honey and chopped apple in rice in the morning.

3. Tuna toast content
Cooking tuna toast content is a bit complicated, but if you want a healthy breakfast as well as lose weight, these foods can be one of the best choices. Try changing your habits fill toast with cheese or butter, to replace it with a little tuna mixed with low-fat mayonnaise.

Fatty tuna is a source of omega-3 fatty acids which play an important role in cognitive function. Eating foods high in omega-3 not only will keep you focused, but also help you lose weight.

4. Low fat high calcium milk
Low-fat milk and high calcium also the right choice for a healthy breakfast. Nutritional calcium and vitamin D in cow's milk formula is very important to be able to help you lose weight.

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How to Prevent pee When Emergencies

Jakarta, aka Holding pee pee is not recommended because it is dangerous to the health of kidneys. But when emergency conditions such as in transit or loss, people sometimes are required to withhold urination for some time. How do I?

EHow Launched on Thursday (11/11/2010), here are some ways you can do to hold pee during an emergency:

1. Relaxation of the pelvic floor or Kegel exercises
Focus and try to relax the pelvic and abdominal muscles at the same time, this method can make the muscles surrounding the urethra closed. This is very similar to Kegel exercises.

How to Kegel

Kegel exercise techniques are easy to do way is to contract the muscles as to initially hold urine for 5 seconds, then relax. Continue to repeat the exercise at least five times in succession with increasing length of time to hold urine 15-20 seconds.

This exercise is relatively easy because it can be done anytime and only takes a few minutes. Exercises can be done in the office chair, sitting, walking, standing, or lying down.

When driving a car even when in a small room was carried out this important exercise of all these exercises performed in a state of calm.

2. Cross the foot when standing
Crossed his legs to help you resist urinating while standing. Do not cross your legs if you're in a state of sitting, but try crossed with a slightly raised (male sitting style.) This can suppress bladder.

3. Sit up
If you are in a state of sitting, try to sit in an upright position with back straight in order to provide maximum space of the bladder. Press your thighs together and do not lean.

4. Not change position
Try not to change your position before you can go to the bathroom. If you are initially in a state of sitting, then remain seated. Changing your body position can make it difficult to hold urination.

5. Divert your mind
Divert your mind for a while can help you resist urinating. Do not think of anything that reminds you with a bathroom.

6. Drink a lot after pee
Having met the toilet immediately remove the bladder. Then drink plenty of water for your return to urinate to remove toxins and bacteria that are left in the urinary tract.

It must be remembered, holding urination for long periods can cause a serious impact, especially on the kidneys.

As presented Dr. Dr. Nur Rashid, when contacted SpU detikHealth, when a person holding urination, the bladder will expand or stretch. This will make the pump in the bladder can not function properly when urinating, so that not infrequently a lot of people who just finished urinating, shortly thereafter will arise again taste like piss.

"Urine is left much in the bladder to make the channel susceptible to bacterial infections. But if the result of holding such a bladder pump provides high pressure, it can cause kidney damage," said the physicians who practice on the RSCM and RS ASRI this.

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Which Side do You Prefer to Hold Your Baby?

Jakarta, Holding the baby does have many benefits for mother and baby. Kinds of holding technique can be done, such as carrying in addition to or in front. Just choose one of them and feel the benefits.

Babies are often picked up will spend less time to cry or fuss, so the little one has a lot of time and energy to help it grow and develop physically and able to interact with their environment.

But some experts also remind the baby does not need too often be picked up if it can crawl or walk for optimal growth of motor skills.

There are various techniques that can be done by holding a parent, but the most commonly performed is carrying a child on the side (waist) and also hold the child in front with his face out.

Quoted from, Thursday (4/11/2010) there are several benefits gained from holding these two techniques, namely:

Hold in the waist
Besides holding a baby or waist will make the baby more easily see the faces of people who picked, this will make the baby to see what parents see, hear what parents hear and feel that other people also feel.

Parents and children can be picked up also give each other and form a two-way interaction because the baby is physically very close, so it can communicate its needs such as hunger or discomfort without having to cry. But make sure the sling is used robust and can withstand the weight of the baby.

Also from the Book Beautiful, Intelligent & Feminine, by Dr Handrawan Nadesul disclosed that the holding in the waist will provide an opportunity for girls to develop the pelvis is wider, so that later we could help open the road when giving birth soon.

Holding a baby in front of
Holding technique provides an opportunity for parents to do other things besides holding, because his hands do not have to hold the little guy. This position also makes a broader view of your baby and make her happy, but this position can be done if the baby is able to control the movement of his head.

Holding this position will make your baby safer, because it generally means holding to a position in front equipped with various safety. And makes people more flexible arms move.

If you want to use this tool, be sure to choose the type sling is designed safe for infants and size can be adjusted to the condition of the baby so that he does not escape when placed. Also make sure the holes for the legs are not too narrow for the baby.

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Swimming Make Children Smarter

Queensland, children can master the sport swimming is recommended because other than beneficial for health also is equipped to survive in the wild. Not only that, swimming was to make the brain children smarter.

Recent studies have shown that learning to swim can make children more intelligent. A study at Griffith University conducted by surveying more than 10,000 children aged five-year average at swim class.

A cooperation project between Griffith University, Kids Alive and Swim Australia Swim Program aims to determine whether routine swim contribute to their physical, social, cognitive and language in pre-school learners.

"Anecdotal evidence found that swimmers or children who can swim tends to be more confident with the physical development that is greater than his age peers who can not swim," explained Professor Robyn Jorgensen, Griffith Institute for Educational Research, Queensland, as reported by . au, Thursday (11/04/2010).

According to Prof. Jorgensen, preliminary data from this study are quite positive. Children who learn or take a swim class seems superior in development, whether physical, social, cognitive and language.

"Drowning is the leading cause of death in the under 5 year age group, both in the pool, shower or other water sources. So we wanted to raise awareness about the importance of learning to swim from an early age," said Prof. Jorgensen.

Professor Jorgensen said that the research is the first detailed study that determines how much profit from the developments that occur in children who learn to swim.

"Our study will monitor the 10,000 students across Australia every year for four years," explained Prof. Jorgensen.

This study will identify key factors in swim programs that enhance development, such as the number of lessons per week, the child's age when he began lessons and access to the pool house.

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Mother Died Because Allergy to Water amniotic sac

Derbyshire, Childbearing is a very precious gift to women. But a mother must pay with their lives because the amniotic fluid during delivery makes him allergic'll never see the baby.

Julie Welsh from Long Eaton, Derby England died 6 April 2010, a few hours after giving birth to her first child Isaac. He suffered a condition called amniotic fluid embolism, which was triggered by a blockage of blood vessels and caused fatal.

Amniotic fluid embolism or amniotic embolism cariran an allergic reaction triggered by the entry of amniotic fluid or the components therein into blood vessels of the mother. The components that can be a flake of skin that peel fetus, fetal hair, layers of fat or amniotic fluid itself.

In 80 percent of cases, these reactions lead to heart attacks and fatal. Even if the risk can be saved from death, not less bad risk patients still overshadow the long-term nerve damage.

Such conditions arise after the physical contact with the remnants of the amniotic fluid attached to the body of Isaac. Just minutes after hugging Isaac, Welsh straight into the ER because of having a heart attack.

Doctors tried to save the 28-year-old woman, but about 1.5 hours later his life has not helped. Welsh's husband, Pete Brown said his wife did not even kiss before dying Isaac to come pick her up.

Allergic reactions that occur in Wels completely unexpected by cardiologists from Derbyshire, Dr Robert Hunter who handle it. According to these conditions is very rare cases, only occurs in 18 out of 1 million births.

"Unfortunately this kind of case can not be predicted. Until now there has been no test to determine such risk. If anything, to my knowledge there is no appropriate treatment that can not be prevented," said Dr. Hunter, as quoted from Dailymail, Thursday (4 / 11 / 2010).

Despite casualties, the Welsh family remains grateful for the birth of Isaac berusahan. Welsh's father, Mr. 50-year-old Les express kissed Isaac 2 times. The first kiss for himself, the latter representing the Welsh who had died.

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Why Forgot Consumption Pill Can Make Pregnancy?

Jakarta One widely used method of contraception that women are taking birth control pills. But if someone forgot to eat, so he has a chance to get pregnant. Why is that?

"Most women never forget her taking birth control pills once a year, even some other women more often experience it," said Dr. Kate O'Connell, obstetrician-gynecologist from New York Presbyterian Hospital and Columbia University Medical Center, as quoted from MSN Health , Monday (11/08/2010).

A study showed only about 28 percent of women are taking oral contraceptive pills correctly at the same time every day. This was disclosed Dr. Vanessa Cullins as vice president of medical affairs at Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

Why not forget taking birth control pills can cause pregnant?

Birth control pills are one of hormonal contraception that works deceptive and makes the body think that she was pregnant, because these pills will increase the levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. This condition will make someone releasing her eggs through the process of menstruation.

To reduce side effects, contraceptive pill contains only a limited amount of hormone that only lasted for about 24 hours. Hormone levels will drop back so that a person should consume daily pill to prevent pregnancy.

Contraceptive pill is effective only if consumption begins on the first day of menstruation and continued consumed every day as prescribed. If not consumed on the first day of menstruation or forget consume, required additional methods of contraception such as condoms.

Yet various studies have shown if the contraceptive pill is used correctly and regularly every day, it will have a failure rate of less than 1-3 percent.

It is therefore important to follow instructions on the use of contraceptive pills and find out how the proper way to handle it if you forget to eat. Use of this pill depends on the type of pills used.

To prevent someone forgot to take the contraceptive pill, you should create an alarm on mobile phones, watches, or via email. These technological advances could help someone taking pills on time.

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Gosh! IVF in Singapore exchanged Sperm Other Men

Singapore, not just a case of a baby in the hospital just to confuse, IVF can be swapped. This is the case in Singapore, the baby turns a married couple does not belong to her husband's sperm.

This is what happens to a husband and wife in Singapore. This couple has found that unborn babies through in-vitro fetilisation (IVF) or IVF, was not the biological child because the embryos are implanted swapped.

The wife was a descendant of Chinese and Caucasian ancestry husband was initially suspicious because of seeing a baby who has a different skin color than them.

The couple is getting shocked when doctors at Thomson Fertility Centre Singapore, where they perform IVF, told that her baby is blood type B.

"The couple found out after a few days of birth that her baby was blood group B. Whereas their blood type is A and O, so it is not possible offspring bloody B," explains S. Palaniappan, lawyer couples who do not want to mention the couple's identity as quoted by AsiaOne, Thursday (11/04/2010).

Because of worries, according to Palaniappan, the couple finally decided to do DNA tests. "They were more surprised that happened DNA match mother but not with DNA of the father. In other words, the embryo is implanted in the husband's sperm does not come from this couple," said Palaniappan further.

The couple now wants answers from Thomson Fertility Centre and also seek legal advice.

Palaniappan said that his client had told the local Health Department is investigating this issue.


In response to this problem, Dr Cheng Li Chang, medical director of Thomson Fertility Centre and executive vice chairman of Thomson Medical Centre said that he and his colleagues fully empathize with the couple, and states are very sorry and sad for what has happened.

"We have met with the couple to explain the situation and will continue to update and offer whatever support possible," explains Dr. Li, told Straitstimes.

According to him, this is the first incident in 22 years Thomson Fertility Centre operates. And this will be a very serious omission actionable.

"Babies tube is basically a manual process that requires the skills of highly trained and specialized. The incident is very rare because there are many levels of scrutiny at all stages of the process. Negligence of this will we follow," he said.

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Do not Drink Too Many Vitamin E Supplements

Jakarta, vitamin E had always been known as an antioxidant that can fight disease, free radicals and helps normal human reproduction. But you should not carelessly take supplements of vitamin E because it can increase the risk of stroke.

Researchers at Harvard Medical School, Boston, and INSERM in Paris have found that vitamin E supplements can increase the risk of some types of stroke.

Haemorrhagic stroke (bleeding strokes) is the most rare type of stroke and occurs when the arteries that supply blood to the brain ruptures, causing brain damage. Researchers found that vitamin E increases the risk of this stroke by 22 percent.

But the study also found that vitamin E was able to reduce the risk of ischemic stroke, the most common type of stroke, by 10 percent.

"However, supplements of vitamin E is only slightly reduce the risk of ischemic stroke and the results are generally even greater increased risk of haemorrhagic stroke. So we suggest to be careful and not carelessly take vitamin E," explained Dr Peter Coleman, deputy research director of The Stroke Association, BBC News reported on Saturday (6/11/2010).

Dr. Coleman has warned that people should still maintain a healthy lifestyle and maintain blood pressure and cholesterol. It has a much greater effect in cutting the risk of ischemic stroke than having to take supplements of vitamin E.

"This is a very interesting study, which showed that the risk of haemorrhagic stroke can be slightly increased by high levels of vitamin E supplements taken," explains Dr. Coleman.

Dr. Coleman also said that more research is needed to discover the mechanism of action and the safe limit of vitamin E.

"We urge people to maintain lifestyle with a balanced diet, regular exercise and monitoring their blood pressure to reduce the risk of stroke. But it would be very interesting to see further research in this study. Of course, people also should not be carelessly taking vitamin E supplements," he concluded .

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Too Much SleepAlso Make Eye Sacks distention

Jakarta, dark circles and puffiness around the eyes often associated with overtime work habits or lack of sleep. Though not always so, because too much sleep was also able to trigger the formation of eye bags.

For those who are very concerned about the appearance, the bag is swollen and blackened eyes certainly very disturbing. Another case when someone takes the imagery, eye bag can actually give the impression as a hard worker who tirelessly.

The presumption is not entirely true, because actually the main trigger of the formation of eye bags are aging and water retention. Not always because of lack of sleep, because in fact too much sleep can also cause the eyes to swell.

The aging process causes the tissue around the eyes becomes thin and slack. Loose network that is easily filled with liquid so that it looks swollen, while also widening the blood vessels that make the colors in the surrounding tissue becomes darker.

Robert Shmerling, MD, an editor at Harvard Health Publications said the buildup of body fluids more easily occur in a lying position. Horizontal position allows fluid to move toward a network that loosens and then accumulate at the venue.

"The more sleep the eye bags more easily formed if the tissue around the eye has undergone aging," Shmerling said as quoted from MSN Health, Sunday (06/11/2010).

In addition to sleep-related problems, Shmerling said eye bags are also triggered by several conditions such as allergies, premenstrual, excessive salt intake, heredity and drug side effects. It could also indicate a problem in the liver, especially if accompanied by sweating around the eyes.

Meanwhile, to relieve swelling in the eye bags, there are many ways even though no one has proven scientifically. Even to tighten the blood vessels relax, some people suggest to use haemorrhoid cream drug (hemorrhoids) around the eye.

Some ways are more secure and most often performed to relieve swelling in the eye bags are as follows:

1. Compress with a tea bag that has been soaked with cold water
2. Compress with slices of cucumber, lemon or tomato
3. Compress with cotton balls soaked in rose oil
4. Reduce salt intake to avoid fluid accumulation.

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Why are we Not Allowed to Pulled white Hair?

Jakarta, When the gray or white hair appeared usually people get embarrassed and try to eliminate it in a way revoked. Is it true that white hair should not be revoked because it makes a lot more gray hair?

Each hair has a root that contains a structure like a small bag or called the hair follicle. Hair follicles contain melanocytes that produce melanin pigment, which is responsible for hair color.

Over time, the pigment cells in hair follicles is reduced which makes the hair no longer has a lot of melanin. This is the condition that changes the hair color became gray or white.

Quoted from, Tuesday (11/02/2010), up to now there is no scientific evidence either in the form of diet, herbs or supplements that can reduce or restore gray hair. Therefore one can only treat these gray hairs to still look healthy.

What if gray hair pulled?

Gray hair that appears should indeed not be revoked, because it can damage the follicles, nerves and hair roots. If the hair root is damaged later on can lead to infection.

Also pull out gray hair habits can also make the hair becomes thinner which causes gray hair will look a lot, even though the amount of gray hair that appears in the hair fixed.

Most people will cover up gray hair by painting. If so, try to choose the right hair dye that does not damage any structures or root hairs. And use the right shampoo or conditioner so the hair still looks healthy and avoid other hair disorders.

Each person actually has its own genetic time to get gray hair. Although nothing can stop gray hair, but some conditions can make gray hair grow faster or appear more like a genetic disease have anemia, metabolic disorders, early menopause and also smoking.

It seems indeed difficult to be prevented so gray face it as a reminder of older adults. Options to cover up or let it exist in each person. Want to be painted, or wear a head covering can be a temporary solution.

But there are ways for gray does not come at a young age:

1. Diet
Enter the food that is rich in minerals such as iron, sodium and B vitamins in your daily menu. Eating fruits and vegetables are also beneficial, as rich in antioxidants, which can help fight free radicals that cause premature gray hair.

2. Hair Massage
Massage hair with coconut oil will keep long hair, black and strong. You can also boil the curry leaves in coconut oil and use it for hair. Using a mixture of oil and dried gooseberry powder is an effective treatment for gray hair.

3. Using henna hair dye
Henna is a natural hair dye for gray hair because it helps cover up gray hair and restore hair color to dark brown. It also can be a natural solution for gray hair.

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When Sleep Flavor-canal Keep Coming

Normally people feel sleepy at night or fatigue. But in some people, sleep can come constantly and do not care about time. What cause?

Drowsiness is one of the marks given by the body for someone to rest. But in certain circumstances a person may feel sleepy most of the day.

Reported by WebMD, Wednesday (3/11/2010), here are some causes that make a person always feel sleepy:

1. Anemia
Anemia is a major cause of fatigue and sleepiness in women. Menstrual blood loss can cause iron deficiency. This is because red blood cells needed to carry oxygen to tissues and organs in the body.

2. Depression
You might think of depression as emotional distress, but also contributes to many physical symptoms. Fatigue, always sleepy, headache, and loss of appetite is one of the most common symptoms.

3. Hypothyroidism (decreased production of thyroid hormone in the thyroid gland)
The thyroid is a small gland at the base of the neck, which controls the metabolism and speed of change of fuel into energy. When the gland is less active and metabolic functions are too slow, one can feel lethargic body and always sleepy.

4. Dehydration
Fatigue and drowsiness can be a sign of dehydration. Segerala inadequate water in your body needs to always feel fresh and vibrant.

5. Sleep deprivation
Sleep deprivation can make people feel drowsy during the day, so it can affect concentration. Long-term impact, lack of sleep can also affect health. Adults should get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night.

6. Heart disease
When you easily get tired and sleepy in performing daily activities, should you need to make sure that your heart in good circumstances.

7. Food allergies
Some doctors believe that food allergies can make a person feel sleepy. If you have a tolerance to the allergy, the symptoms initially only fatigue and not cause itching.

8. Chronic fatigue syndrome (Chronic fatigue syndrome)
When a person is tired, usually with the rest will be lost. But for this syndrome is not quickly disappear and are usually characterized by lethargy, drowsiness, irritability, muscle pain and in some cases memory loss.

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READ MORE >>> When Sleep Flavor-canal Keep Coming

Processing of Contaminated Water Supply

Jakarta, When disaster strikes, scarcity of clean water would be an issue that needs attention. In this condition many water sources that experienced contamination. So how do I treat water affected by pollution?

Two-thirds of the human body weight is water. This makes humans able to survive without food for three weeks, but it is impossible to live without water for more than three days.

Water conditions are considered safe and healthy consumption is a clear, colorless, odorless, tasteless, free from disease-free mikroorgansime containing hazardous chemicals.

With the natural disaster would make a lot of clean water sources contaminated, either due to biological hazards (such as viruses, bacteria or worms) or chemical hazards (such as detergents, solvents, cyanide, heavy metals, minerals and organic acids, nitrogen compounds, sulfides, ammonia and toxic organic compounds biocidal large varieties).

Biological hazards can cause health problems such as:

1. Diarrhea
2. Worm infection
3. Dysentery (both amoeba and bacteria)
4. Cholera
5. Stomach Problems
6. Typhoid
7. Jaundice

While the chemical hazards can cause health problems as follows:

1. Skin infection
2. Intestinal disorders
3. Liver disorders, bone and circulatory system, birth anomalies
4. Anemia, bone marrow damage, leukemia
5. Central nervous system damage
6. Problems carcinogenic

How to purify contaminated water?

Reporting from Webhealthcentre, Friday (11/05/2010), purification of water is mostly done in three stages, namely storage, filtration and chlorination. But it seems that these three stages is not sufficient to completely purify the polluted water.

Here beberapaa other ways to reduce the danger of contamination of water both biologically and chemically:

1. Filtering and boiling
Although they are clean, the water will be drunk to be filtered and boiled it to boil for at least 5-10 minutes. It can kill bacteria, spores, ova, cysts and sterilize water. This process also removes carbon dioxide and calcium carbonate precipitation.

2. Chemical disinfection
It is useful to purify water that is stored in places such as in stagnant water, tank or well water.

3. Bleaching powder
This process is a chlorinated lime. 2.3 grams of bleaching powder is required to disinfect a cubic meter (1,000 liters) of water. But the water is very polluted and turbid can not be purified by this method.

Bleaching powder is an unstable compound with strong odors. When this compound is exposed to air, light or humidity, then these compounds will rapidly lose chlorine levels, so that it becomes ineffective.

4. Chlorine tablets
Market, chlorine tablets sold under the name halazone tablets. These compounds may be quite expensive but effective way to purify water with a small scale.

Chlorine tablets 'smarter' has been introduced recently. Chlorine tablet is 15-20 times more powerful than halogen tablets. One pill 0.5 gms, enough to disinfect 20 liters of water.

5. Filter
There are several types of filters, including ceramic filter 'candles' and UV filters.

The main part of a ceramic filter 'candles' wax is made of porcelain or infusorial soil. Its surface is coated with silver catalyst so that bacteria that enter into would be killed. This method eliminates bacteria that are commonly found in drinking water, but was ineffective with viruses that can escape the filter.

Tools UV filters generally consist of a prefilter, namely physical dirt filter. Carbon cartridge removes water from the colored organic impurities, odors, and other chlorine-free. While the UV light beam used to remove unwanted bacteria and viruses.

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Causes of Depression Past: crazy Up Less Sex

Jakarta, In ancient times people with depression often suffer double punishment due to the ignorance of people about these mental disorders. Besides suffering psychologically because of his illness, he also must receive physical punishment.

Penalties imposed because in the past, people think of depression as a result of the power of Satan. In contrast, other civilizations assess depression linked to sexual life, so it is recommended for more frequent sex. Only in modern medical science the causes of depression are mostly straightened out because of stress and inability to manage inner turmoil.

Excerpted from the Health, Thursday (4/11/2010), the following causes of depression which in the past was believed.

1. Excess black bile
The medical science of ancient Greek civilization recognize four main fluids in the human body, namely blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile. The theory developed by the father of medicine Hippocrates said the excess of black bile production, among others, triggered by trauma can cause imbalance and lead to depression or even epilepsy.

2. Dizziness (head seemed to float)
In Plato's heyday, considered the same as symptoms of depression dizziness or head seemed to float. Therefore, how to treat it is by putting pressure on the head, among others, is quite popular is to put the steel helmet of leadership is quite heavy on the patient's head.

3. Decreased sperm production
The theory that the decline in sperm production is the trigger of depression is triggered by the ancient scholars of Greece, Philagrius. Therefore, he treated her with honey, ginger and royal jelly. This theory is weak because it did not explain the depression experienced by women.

4. Rarely have sex
Greeks in ancient times may be regarded as lucky if diagnosed as having depression. Prescription medication when it is sex as much as possible, because it is said one of the triggers of depression is the lack of sex drive even though it is precisely the result of depression.

5. Possessed by a demon
Greek theologian, St. Agustine mention depression as a punishment from God for sinners, or in other words a sign that someone is being invaded by Satan. Because it would not be surprised if at that time was suffering from depression would be fined, punished or even removed and exiled.

6. Character artist
During the Renaissance, people looked at depression from a more positive angle than ancient Greece. Depression is considered as a beautiful expression, because in those days of torture-themed art featuring many glum faces.

7. Symbol of prosperity and intelligence
Still in the era of the Renaissance, depression is also considered as the disease is clever and the rich. More and more thinking, the people in those days seemed increasingly depressed. Similarly, among the aristocrats who had abundant wealth usually also looked glum.

8. Antisocial personality
In medieval English society considers depression as the humans who fail to conform to the social environment. As a result not obtained the patient treatment, but the punishment like imprisonment or even torture in public.

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Autistic Child Alive After Swallowing Nail Scissors

Devon, Children with autism or children with special needs should always get the supervision so as not to do anything dangerous. The lack of supervision can be fatal, such as that experienced by Curtis Francis who swallowed the nail scissors.

Curtis Francis, 12 years old boy with special needs it might still be lucky to survive after swallowing nail clippers.

Curtis was rushed to Bristol Royal Infirmary and x-ray examination showed that the scissors 'nest' in his throat. Fortunately, nail clippers are not blocking her airway.

The doctor may take 90 minutes to remove the scissors from the throat Curtis. Miraculously, Curtis suffered only minor injuries and is currently doing a full recovery.

"Curtis suffered severe learning difficulties, although the age of 12 years but he is similar to a toddler. He had also had to swallow a pen cap to cough up blood," recalled Karon Edwards (50 years), mother of Curtis, as reported by Thesun, Monday (8 / 11 / 2010).

According to Karon, Curtis is a child with special needs and has no fear and danger. "So I have to watch him all the time," says Karon.

Karon explains, Curtis had suffered a brain hemorrhage at birth that makes her vision impaired and have severe communication problems.

Curtis could not speak and had to go to school in the West of England School for children with visual impairment in Exeter, Devon, for four days every week. While Karon must take care of Shane (15 years) brother Curtis who has Asperger syndrome.

"It was the worst day of my life. It was a nightmare. I should be more careful with him now, but it is very difficult because he is getting bigger," said Karon.

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Hazards lap Laptops For Men's Reproductive

New York, the majority of people often put the laptop on the lap of her thighs. But this should not be done anymore, especially for men. The study found the laptop on your thighs can increase the temperature of the testes.

Leaving a laptop on his lap in thigh can increase the temperature surrounding areas including temperature testes (testicles). If this condition continues to occur, it would affect sperm quality.

A study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility says a person should put his laptop on a table.

Researchers measure the temperature in the scrotum (testicles) 29 young men who often put the laptop on the lap of her thighs. Unknown male scrotal temperature becomes hot or ride faster, even if participants use the upholstery or cushions under the laptops.

"Today millions of young people who are still in the reproductive age range using a laptop. But it is within 10-15 minutes skrotumnya temperature has exceeded safe temperatures, but they do not feel it," said Dr Yefim Sheynkin, a urologist from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, as quoted by Reuters on Monday (8/11/2010).

Sheynkin said that so far I have found no studies that actually test the impact of laptops on male fertility. But previous studies have shown if the scrotal temperature rose more than 1 degree Celsius is enough to cause damage to sperm.

Under normal circumstances, the temperature of the testicles or scrotum is several degrees colder than the inside of the body. This is needed to produce sperm.

"I'm not saying people who just use the laptop will menajadi infertile. But too often using a laptop can affect reproductive problems, as the scrotum did not have time to cool down the temperature," says Sheynkin.

Sitting position while assuming the laptop probably also influences, people who sat quietly with closed feet will experience a more rapid increase in temperature compared with those who sit with legs wide position. Also bearings used laptops also can not do much to cool the testes, and probably will only give a false sense of security for these men.

Dr James Smith, chief urologist at the University of California, Chicago tells the consequences of which continue to experience overheating testes (scrotal hyperthermia) has not been confirmed will be an advanced permanent or not, but it takes many months to overcome them and make their partner becomes difficult to conceive.

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Human Skin Can Changed to be Blood

Canada, the lack of blood supply makes the scientists rack my brain to be able to convert human skin cells into blood. With this latest technology, people who need blood transfusions can get blood from their own skin cells.

Researchers in Canada took major steps to be able to convert adult human skin cells directly into the blood. These findings may provide a source of blood that is necessary not only for surgical or cancer patients, but also patients suffering from blood disorders such as anemia.

This new method looks more promising than previous methods that alter blood from stem cells (stem cells), embryonic.

The approach previously considered not efficient in converting stem cells into mature cells for transplantation (transplant). In addition, the method produces embryonic blood cells can not be transplanted in the adult body.

"The new method pioneered by Canadian scientists has huge benefits for the production of mature blood cells type I, not the fetal blood cells," said Cynthia Dunbar, Head of Molecular hematopoiesis from U.S. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, the National Institutes of Health, as reported by LiveScience, Monday (08/11/2010).

In this new method, researchers try to look for growth factors (substances that regulate cell division and survival) that directly can reprogram skin cells into blood cells. Thus, blood cells produced can be transplanted directly to the adult body.

"We will now continue to work to develop the kinds of human cells from the skin," says Mick Bhatia, scientific study leader and director of the Stem Cell and Cancer Research Institute at McMaster University, Canada.

Team Bhatia has made several changes within the skin into the blood more than two years. The research team also uses the human skin both young and old to prove that this method works on any age.

This study has been reported in the journal Nature 7 November. Clinical trials will be conducted soon after 2012.

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Feathers for Axilla Not Grow Again

Bushy underarm hair is often a problem particularly for women. There are many ways to remove underarm hair done, but mostly just to remove the hair temporarily. How do I get armpit hair does not grow anymore?

Waxing or shaving hair can only remove the hair in the armpits for a while. Even in some cases can cause hair to grow back in a state of irritation.

Reporting from eHow, Tuesday (11/02/2010), here are some ways that can be done so that underarm hair is not growing anymore:

1. Powdered alum
The use of alum powder containing aluminum sulfate in the armpit are not only reduce and eliminate underarm hair, but also can brighten a dark armpit skin irritation.

After the bath, rub lemon slices and use alum powder is felt equally on both armpits, if necessary, also use baking soda on the underarms. Wash armpits with coconut oil and rinse with water after 20 minutes.

2. Laser
Laser hair removal works by applying laser light spectrum to kill the root hairs in the armpit. But on this technique, underarm hair to be removed should be coarse hair is not just fluff.

Eliminate underarm hair with this technique may be a little to make you feel hot and uncomfortable. Some Sampung effects such as skin becomes dry and pimply armpit also occasionally occur. But the skin doctor will usually recommend several ways to reduce these side effects.

3. Electrolysis
Electrolysis is one of the most effective method to remove underarm hair, either in the form of coarse hair or thin hair only. In this technique, each strand of hair from the roots are targeted and destroyed using an electrical current.

The sensations may be uncomfortable, but usually only be described as a strange sensation while shaving.

Electrolysis can irritate the skin, so there are several stages of healing after treatment. Patients must be careful to avoid the occurrence of wrinkles and skin irritation in the armpit.

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Reduce Stress With Chewing Gum

Life can not get out of a sense of stress that can come at any time. But now there is an easy way to reduce stress, ie the chewing gum.

In International Congress on Behavioral Medicine 10th in 2008, Dr Andrew Scholey showed that chewing gum can help reduce stress, triggering relaxation and some other benefits.

"Chewing gum has reduced levels of cortisol in saliva, which is a marker of physiological stress," says Dr Scholey, a professor of Behavioral and Brain Sciences at Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia, as quoted from the LIVESTRONG, Tuesday (02/11/2010).

In his study, Dr Scholey involved 40 participants who were asked to chew gum. Got people who chew gum decreased cortisol levels in salivanya if he has a mild stress, and reduced 12 percent if he has stressed that being compared with those who did not chew gum.

In addition to reducing stress, Dr Scholey study also found chewing gum can improve alertness and performance in a multitasking activity.

People who chew gum would increase guard as much as 19 percent over the medium stress, and when running multiple tasks showed a good performance by 67 percent.

Meanwhile, another survey indicated that about 67 percent of athletes reduced sense of stress when she was chewing gum before sporting events, and 59 percent other athletes also said chewing gum can help him stay focused on the race she lived.

But society should not be too long to chew gum. Because for too long chewing gum can cause problems in the jaw, including muscle fatigue, muscle spasms and pain. In severe cases can cause TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint or pain around the jaw joint) which causes headaches and neck so hard to open and close the jaw.

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Many Mingle Make Difficult Sleep

Maryland, Got lots of friends is fun, but do not forget to rest. A study showed that many people associate it more difficult problems sleeping less shy than the socializing.

This fact was revealed in an experiment that made the Center for Military Psychiatry and Neuroscience at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Maryland. Its publication has been published in the latest edition of the journal Sleep.

In these experiments, the researchers involved 48 volunteers who were divided into 2 groups. The first group was conditioned to always meet more people for 36 hours a day, while another group was isolated from the association.

Previously, the volunteers also undergo personality tests to distinguish introverted personality types (closed) and esktrovert (open). It turned out that two factors namely the type of personality and environmental conditions related to the ability to overcome the problem of insomnia, especially in the group that would meet many people.

When many interact with the environment, all the volunteers in this group are equally disturbed sleep. But compared with the introverts, extroverts tend to volunteer more difficult to cope with the disorder.

"Extrovert personality more prone to sleep disorders when in a busy environment socially," said Dr. Tracy Rupp, one of the researchers involved as quoted by the Telegraph, on Monday (1/11/2010).

Researchers suspect that social interaction for an extrovert cause fatigue in the brain that regulates sleep cycles. Instead of an introvert this section is relatively less affected by environmental and social factors.

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How to Eliminate Acne by Nature

Which has healed acne scars are usually black, red marks and marks in the form of holes or also called acne scar. There are several natural ways to remove acne scars.

Acne scars can indeed make the self-confidence go down. But for acne are also easily treated, the patient should perform the steps correctly so that when the pimples heal, the scar can be removed.

According to dr. Susie Renda, SpKK in consultation detikHealth health, acne is not treated or allowed to heal itself usually will leave a visible acne scars.

Acne should be treated and not push-push because it will aggravate the inflammation. If inflammation occurs in the injured skin making it more difficult to remove scars.

Black acne scars are usually the most easily cured with creams that contain bleach. Redness of acne scars is more difficult to overcome but can be tried with preparations containing azelaic acid or laser therapy.

While acne acne scar is the most difficult, and usually very rarely found complete healing. Some ways can be tried by Peeling, engineering Percutaneous Collagen Induction (Dermalpunch / Dermaroller), or the most sophisticated as well with laser therapy.

But as quoted buzzle, Sunday (31/10/2010) there are some natural ways you can do to remove acne scars.

1. Sandalwood powder made pasta
Sandalwood powder can work miraculously to cover the pores of the skin acne scars. How dab on acne scars before bed and use overnight, then rinse with cold water in the morning. Use the routine will obtain good results.

2. Sandalwood powder mixed with rose water
How dab on acne scars before bed and use overnight then rinse with cold water in the morning. But if the skin becomes dry, try to add milk in the mixture of sandalwood powder and use only a few hours just do not have all night.

3. The pores of the skin after acne usually enlarged, to tighten-rub can be rubbed ice cubes on the face for 15 minutes.

4. Skin rubbed the inside of cucumber or tomato to the face is another way remove acne scars. Leave for 15 minutes then rinse with clean water. Tomatoes not only mengecikan pores but also removes blackheads and suitable for the treatment of oily skin.

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