Avoid Drinking Soda When Thirsty

Jakarta, there are some people who prefer to relieve her thirst by consuming soft drinks or sodas. But this habit should be stopped, because when thirsty to drink soda is not good.

Become soda craze many people that it tastes good and refreshing and can make people addicted. Eating occasional soda is not a problem, but this drink should not drink when someone is feeling thirsty or hungry.

As quoted from eMedexpert, Monday (08/11/2010) drinking soda can indeed satisfy thirst, but instead be the worst time to drink soda. This is because when you're thirsty or dehydrated body has low levels of saliva.

In one of the functions of saliva to help neutralize the acid is contained in the soda, and also serves to wash the teeth from the sugars contained in them. Known soda is one of the most acidic drinks are easily bought by the community.

Also syrup contained in the soda can also make a dry mouth and make less saliva levels and increased thirst. And the drinks are full of sugar and caffeine can increase blood osmolality.

If sodas contain caffeine will increase the bad effects, since caffeine is one of the diuretic. This diuretic properties make the water in the body more that comes out through the urine, if not balanced with drinking water can cause loss of body fluids or dehydration.

Should someone not too often consume soda, because it can make addiction that will be bad for health. For people who are addicted to soda can eat several times a day that would cause harmful effects. Hence the habit of drinking soda as much as possible began to be reduced or discontinued.

For that drinking soda when you're thirsty will not give much effect in overcoming hunger, but it can make someone feel more thirsty again. One of the best drink fluids when thirsty is a glass of water that can replace the fluids in the body.

source: (http://www.detikhealth.com/read/2010/11/08/160801/1489548/766/hindari-minum-soda-saat-sedang-haus)