Hazards lap Laptops For Men's Reproductive

New York, the majority of people often put the laptop on the lap of her thighs. But this should not be done anymore, especially for men. The study found the laptop on your thighs can increase the temperature of the testes.

Leaving a laptop on his lap in thigh can increase the temperature surrounding areas including temperature testes (testicles). If this condition continues to occur, it would affect sperm quality.

A study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility says a person should put his laptop on a table.

Researchers measure the temperature in the scrotum (testicles) 29 young men who often put the laptop on the lap of her thighs. Unknown male scrotal temperature becomes hot or ride faster, even if participants use the upholstery or cushions under the laptops.

"Today millions of young people who are still in the reproductive age range using a laptop. But it is within 10-15 minutes skrotumnya temperature has exceeded safe temperatures, but they do not feel it," said Dr Yefim Sheynkin, a urologist from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, as quoted by Reuters on Monday (8/11/2010).

Sheynkin said that so far I have found no studies that actually test the impact of laptops on male fertility. But previous studies have shown if the scrotal temperature rose more than 1 degree Celsius is enough to cause damage to sperm.

Under normal circumstances, the temperature of the testicles or scrotum is several degrees colder than the inside of the body. This is needed to produce sperm.

"I'm not saying people who just use the laptop will menajadi infertile. But too often using a laptop can affect reproductive problems, as the scrotum did not have time to cool down the temperature," says Sheynkin.

Sitting position while assuming the laptop probably also influences, people who sat quietly with closed feet will experience a more rapid increase in temperature compared with those who sit with legs wide position. Also bearings used laptops also can not do much to cool the testes, and probably will only give a false sense of security for these men.

Dr James Smith, chief urologist at the University of California, Chicago tells the consequences of which continue to experience overheating testes (scrotal hyperthermia) has not been confirmed will be an advanced permanent or not, but it takes many months to overcome them and make their partner becomes difficult to conceive.

source: (http://www.detikhealth.com/read/2010/11/08/112046/1489148/763/bahaya-memangku-laptop-bagi-reproduksi-pria?l991101755)