Causes of Depression Past: crazy Up Less Sex

Jakarta, In ancient times people with depression often suffer double punishment due to the ignorance of people about these mental disorders. Besides suffering psychologically because of his illness, he also must receive physical punishment.

Penalties imposed because in the past, people think of depression as a result of the power of Satan. In contrast, other civilizations assess depression linked to sexual life, so it is recommended for more frequent sex. Only in modern medical science the causes of depression are mostly straightened out because of stress and inability to manage inner turmoil.

Excerpted from the Health, Thursday (4/11/2010), the following causes of depression which in the past was believed.

1. Excess black bile
The medical science of ancient Greek civilization recognize four main fluids in the human body, namely blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile. The theory developed by the father of medicine Hippocrates said the excess of black bile production, among others, triggered by trauma can cause imbalance and lead to depression or even epilepsy.

2. Dizziness (head seemed to float)
In Plato's heyday, considered the same as symptoms of depression dizziness or head seemed to float. Therefore, how to treat it is by putting pressure on the head, among others, is quite popular is to put the steel helmet of leadership is quite heavy on the patient's head.

3. Decreased sperm production
The theory that the decline in sperm production is the trigger of depression is triggered by the ancient scholars of Greece, Philagrius. Therefore, he treated her with honey, ginger and royal jelly. This theory is weak because it did not explain the depression experienced by women.

4. Rarely have sex
Greeks in ancient times may be regarded as lucky if diagnosed as having depression. Prescription medication when it is sex as much as possible, because it is said one of the triggers of depression is the lack of sex drive even though it is precisely the result of depression.

5. Possessed by a demon
Greek theologian, St. Agustine mention depression as a punishment from God for sinners, or in other words a sign that someone is being invaded by Satan. Because it would not be surprised if at that time was suffering from depression would be fined, punished or even removed and exiled.

6. Character artist
During the Renaissance, people looked at depression from a more positive angle than ancient Greece. Depression is considered as a beautiful expression, because in those days of torture-themed art featuring many glum faces.

7. Symbol of prosperity and intelligence
Still in the era of the Renaissance, depression is also considered as the disease is clever and the rich. More and more thinking, the people in those days seemed increasingly depressed. Similarly, among the aristocrats who had abundant wealth usually also looked glum.

8. Antisocial personality
In medieval English society considers depression as the humans who fail to conform to the social environment. As a result not obtained the patient treatment, but the punishment like imprisonment or even torture in public.

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