Volume of Men & Women Tears Differences After 18 Years old

St. Paul, Minnesota, men and women are actually born with the same tear production.Only after the age of 18 years of production they are different, more women shed tears.

Before you reach puberty, the volume average is the same but after passing the age of 18 years of women produce more tears than men.

The difference is because tear production is heavily influenced by the hormonal cycle.Once past the age of 18, women produce estrogen and prolactin (2 hormones that affect the production of tears) 60 percent more than men.

In addition to a different volume, its chemical composition is also believed to be different although no studies that confirm this. Presumably, emotional factors difference between men and women affect the biochemistry of the brain and affects the composition of tears is secreted.

Biochemist from Ramsay Dry Eye and Tear Research Center in Saint Paul, Minnesota, William Frey II, doing research for almost 10 years specifically to uncover the facts surrounding the tear.

Quoted from Boston.com on Monday (1/10/2011), William explains humans produce tears at all times to keep the humidity of the eyeball so not only when to cry. Humans also shed tears when there are certain stimuli such as dust or steam garlic.

There are 3 types of tears produced by human tears namely basal, reflex or irritant tears and emotional tears. Basal tears keep moisture eyeball functions and are produced continuously, reflex tears are produced when there is irritation while emotional tears are produced when sad or hysterical.

All three have a different chemical composition, so that the experts believe there are many interesting things that could be expressed from any kind of tears that dripped. One of them revealed in a recent study that emotional tears especially those produced by adult women can lower male sex drive.
READ MORE >>> Volume of Men & Women Tears Differences After 18 Years old

Hormone 'In Love' Pheromones Only Myth

University Park, Pennsylvania, when people fall in love often hormonal pheromones become suspect. The hormone that triggers attraction to the opposite sex is so reliable as the cause. But it was a result of the hormone human love this one just a myth.

This hormone is certainly only work on animals, especially insects that are attracted to the opposite sex. Which pemikatnya compounds called pheromones that became the trigger.

The hormone pheromone is specific compounds produced by insects, to produce a distinctive odor that can attract couples when it comes time to mate. The existence of pheromones in insects and some plant species have been scientifically proven.

While in humans, a new pheromone is known around the 1950's. At that time many scientists believed that prior to having an interest at first sight, one would first thrilled by the scent of her partner's body.

But the allegation is disputed by Richard Doty, a researcher from Penn State University's School of Medicine. Over the years, he learned the secret behind pheromones and concluding that humans are not affected by the pheromone.

In his book "The Great pheromone Myth", he says the human sense of smell is not as simple as that possessed by insects. Interpretation smells occur in the brain, whereas human behavior in choosing a mate is more influenced by the environment and current conditions fell in love.

In fact, not only humans, nearly all species of mammal or mammalian pheromones do not need to get a pair. Doty did not believe if the interpretation of odors could affect behavioral changes in mammals.

"The concept of pheromones in humans may only appeal to the perfume industry and those who want to do anything to stay young," Doty said as quoted by the Dailymail, Monday (06/12/2010).

But Doty trying to understand if many people are so convinced the concept of pheromone. He considered human beings do have a tendency to believe something that is not concrete to explain things that are beyond reason, including how the process falls in love.
READ MORE >>> Hormone 'In Love' Pheromones Only Myth

Easily Offended Indicates Body Has Less Water

Emotions and moods are influenced by hydration status or balance of body fluids. When the body loses more fluid and less balanced with a lot of drinking, unruly emotions so that people become irritable and angry.

This was revealed in research by two neurologists from the University of Connecticut, Lawrence E Armstrong and Harris R Lieberman. The study, published in 2009 involving 26 male and 25 healthy women who were told to exercise 3x40 minutes in a room temperature of 28 degrees Celsius.

The participants were conditioned not to much to drink, although the activities carried out to make her very sweaty. Hydration level of the participants were measured for each interval of rest, and then compared with psychiatric status and thinking abilities as measured by psychological test.

The ability to think seems to have decreased over the increasing number of body fluids lost through sweat. At the level of dehydration or loss of body fluids 1.5 percent in men and 1.3 percent in women, the ability to remember and keep the concentration decreased significantly.

Meanwhile, the impact of reduced body fluids is also observed in mental and psychiatric status. At the level of hydration, both men and women began to feel tired mind, confused, agitated and prone to stress.

Nutrition science lecturer Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Dr. Dr. Dr.Saptawati Bardosono, MSc or used to be called dr Tati said the phenomenon is the impact of mild dehydration. Mild dehydration is characterized by loss of body fluids is less than 10 percent.

"Hence, if co-workers began to get angry, just suggest to drink. Maybe he's just not drinking," said Dr. Barbara in a press conference themed "Beware The Performance Impact of Dehydration Lightweight, Cognitive and Mood" at Hotel Le Meredien Jakarta, Wednesday (9 / 2 / 2011).

Although only affects the mind and psychiatric mental status, the impact of mild dehydration can reduce productivity. Someone who suffered mild dehydration becomes unproductive because it is easy to panic, anxiety, irritable and angry.

At this level, dehydration is not causing clinical symptoms such as dizziness, headache and convulsions. The clinical symptoms would occur if the dehydration is allowed to continue without treatment.

Fluktatif dehydration or recurrence-kumatan also have an impact on psychiatric mental status. According to Dr. Tati, fluctuate dehydration can cause hallucinations (hearing voices), delusions (seeing strange things) and lose the ability to focus.
READ MORE >>> Easily Offended Indicates Body Has Less Water

Complaining Makes Body Pain

Lexington, Kentucky, Too many complain there are no health benefits, even can make the body susceptible disease. Instead brave and optimistic attitude can increase the body's immune system so it is not easy sickly.

Several studies have shown that psychological factors can affect one's health. Stress in the workplace and in married life, for example, can make a person susceptible bacteria.

People often complain usually be easily stress and stress is what will be the entrance to the disease because stress reduce immunity.

In a study conducted last year at the University of Kentucky, Prof. Suzanne Segerstrom compare the effect of optimistic and pessimistic attitude towards the immune system.

For this purpose, Prof. Segerstrom involving 124 first semester law students. The students were asked to fill out questionnaires about foresight in addressing the academic competition with other students on campus.

Students who are optimistic are not easily stressed when faced with competition, whereas students who often complain of feeling pessimistic and his friends are smarter than himself. Complaining and pessimistic attitude cause stress and other negative emotions such as low self-esteem.

Meanwhile, the student body's immune system is measured by injecting a fungus candida which has been shut into the skin tissue. The fungus was not dangerous it stimulates the immune system to fight in the form of swelling in the skin.

The results showed, students who are optimistic tend to have better immune systems than the pessimists. Although the effect of mental attitude on the immune system is actually quite small, Prof. Segerstrom judged significant.

"In numbers, its influence is only 19 percent. But that is greater than the effect of calcium supplementation on bone density that is 8 percent or effect of hypertension on the risk of stroke drug that only 3 percent," he said as quoted by MSNBC, Wednesday (12/1/2011.)
READ MORE >>> Complaining Makes Body Pain

Preventing the emergence of the Personal Side of Evil

Good people can suddenly become evil and vice versa are also bad people there are still good sides. Good and evil sides of human beings are always side by side but the bad side as much as possible should be cast for life run smoothly. So how can I make this evil side does not appear?

"Basically, every human being has a tendency towards two sides, but which side are prominent depending on the stimulation and environment that facilitate it," said Efnie Indrianie, MPsi detikHealth when contacted on Friday (04/15/2011).

Efnie said that based on personality theory of psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud claimed that humans were living with a second instinct, which is live or the life instinct (instinct for living such as eating, drinking, sexual) and death or the death instinct (drive aggressive as the behavior of attack). If one side is rising then the other side will go down.

Like the little boy who was beaten then reflexively he will hit back, but maybe no one taught him to hit. This is because since birth he has had both these instincts.

So actually every human being has the tendency to behave in evil. But as we age, the cultivation of moral values, understanding cognition, brain development in the life of the process information can help a person determine which are good and which ones are bad.

In life, a person affected by the nature of factors (natural) and also the environment.Known environmental factors have a greater role that is equal to 60 percent while natural factors (the default) by 40 percent.

"If during the life she received a negative stimulation, then this will be stored in the memory of his brain. If you persist it will become habit which will form the negative personality of the person," he said.

But the person who always looks good, quiet or calm one day could be changed to have an emotional blow. This could happen if he is continuously under stress conditions (pressure).

So how do I get the evil side of a person does not appear?

"In this case not cover the bad side of someone, but in order to process the negative energy into positive things," says professor of clinical psychology at the Faculty of Psychology Maranatha Christian University, Bandung.

To get it Efine said can be a way to increase the values ​​of spirituality (religion) or as early as possible should be inculcated a sense of compassion so that later he became a person who can not bear to hurt or treat others poorly.

"Since the child is born, the mother and father can give attention, caressed it, caressing, holding, or listening to the story. It does seem trivial but could cause a sense of security and comfort to children," he said.

If children are inculcated love and habit of giving, helping and sharing in other people then this will shape his personality so that both sides are more prominent. But if it reaches adolescence or adulthood it will be more difficult because there is already an established habit.

Whereas if someone further highlight the bad side than on the bright side, this can be turned into good by making changes in behavior therapy. But it usually takes quite a long time and there is no exact time for how long.

"This process is usually by changing the mind set and habits possessed person to do something or find new ways that more positive," said psychologist who practiced in Melinda Hospital in Bandung Indonesia.
READ MORE >>> Preventing the emergence of the Personal Side of Evil

Know About Bipolar Disorder

Actress Catherine Zeta Jones (42) makes a startling statement. Spokesman said the star of The Mask of Zorro is currently in therapy to treat bipolar disorder 2. Previously Seen Britney Spears and Charlie is also thought to suffer from the same disease.
Bipolar disorder is a mental disorder characterized by changes in mood, thought, energy and dramatic behavior. For example, the incredible feeling happy or grumpy to be accompanied by feelings of sadness despair.
Bipolar disorder is a chronic disease and often are episodic relapses and periods of ill-exist and there is a normal period. Recurrence can be triggered by psychosocial stressors, such as quarrels, divorce, and loss of loved ones.
A spokesman for Jones, Cece Yorke said Jones was under pressure for assisting her husband, Michael Douglas who suffer from cancer.
In a statement, Jones said many people who suffer from the disease but remain capable of having a successful career and accompanies his family. He also said that bipolar disorder suffered by 3 percent of the U.S. population, has a diverse spectrum and severity.
2 as bipolar disorder experienced by Jones, are generally lighter than bipolar 1. Women are more likely to suffer from this disorder than men. Period kekambuhannya lighter and there hipomania episodes and major depressive episode.
Symptoms of hipomania similar to mania but more short-duration, lighter, and not too flashy. Mania can cause the patient lost control so that they can perform acts that are at risk without thinking of consequences. For example, spending money or speeding on the highway.
Bipolar disorder is not treated will worsen the disease. Approximately 20-25 percent of patients experienced episodes of depression, mania, hypomania or a combination of symptoms within a year. Some one who experience one episode of relapse in a week, even every day.
"The tragedy of depression and bipolar disorder is most life lost due to this disease," said Dr.Martin Evers, psychiatry from Northern Westchester Hospital.
READ MORE >>> Know About Bipolar Disorder

Collection Pieces Human Penis are in Museum of Iceland

Husavik, Iceland, Icelandic Museum is now complete their collections with pieces of human penis. All the people who have died can donate pieces of his penis, penis conditions no larger than a whale penis and not smaller than guinea pig penis.

Almost in every country there are museums with unique collections, but museum in Iceland is completely different. The museum is collecting the pieces of the penis from various species and recently complete it with the human penis.

Icelandic Phallological Museum, a unique museum located in Husavik Iceland is finally officially get the collection of human penis, Friday, April 8, 2011. The penis was donated by Pall Arasson, male 95 years from Akureyri, who died January 5, 2011.

No mention is the cause of death of the man, but certainly cutting the penis to become the museum's collection is in conformity with the will in question. The doctor on his body also ensures, the cutting is done under medical supervision.

Arasson believed not the only men who are interested to donate his penis to the museum later if it's dead. To date there have been several people who register as potential donors, including from Britain, the United States and Germany.

The manager of the museum did not provide the requirements or criteria that are difficult on the penis which will be donated as a museum collection. But apparently, anyone who is interested can donate his penis for a given condition is very simple.

"The important thing is no bigger than a whale's penis and not smaller than a penis guinea pig," said the owner of the museum, Sigurdur Hjartarson as quoted by The Register, Thursday (04/14/2011).

The entry of collections of human penis penis equip hundreds of species collected from various museum. Among these are the sperm whale's penis is 170 cm long, up to the smallest hamster penis size of 2 mm to the point to see him have to use a magnifying glass.

The idea to establish a unique museum that came from the owner, Sigurdur Hjartarson who started collecting buffalo penis in 1974. Slowly the collection expands, until finally deciding to establish a small museum in the city of Reykjavik.

After the collection has reached 242 shaft of the penis of all creatures, the museum occupies a new building in 2004 in Husavik. In the new location that is still occupied to this day, there is a collection of about 92 species of mammals or breast-feeding creatures, including humans who had just added.
READ MORE >>> Collection Pieces Human Penis are in Museum of Iceland

The Air Bubbles Which Enter the Blood Vessels Can Make People Die

Once there is a story about the murder by injection of a blank that is injected into the path of blood vessels. Injections that do not contain the empty alias turned off because when there are air bubbles injected into the blood vessel.

Why air bubbles entering the blood vessels can be lethal?

The presence of air bubbles into the blood vessel it can inhibit blood flow. So that when someone is being infused or transfusion usually must be replaced before the fluid is completely discharged. This is because if any air bubbles that enter the body can be harmful even to the cause of death.

If there are air bubbles that enter the body and lodged in blood vessels can cause obstructed blood flow, this condition is known as emboli. This can be dangerous because the blood used for transporting oxygen throughout the body.

If the embolism occurs, the supply of blood to the body's major organs such as brain, lungs or heart to be blocked. If not promptly treated can lead to organ failure and even death.

In the past air embolism in venous blood vessels associated with neurosurgical procedures performed in a sitting position. Venous air embolism but it can also be associated with the process of central venous catheterization, blunt trauma to the chest, a medical high-pressure ventilation, hemodialysis and blood vessels some invasive procedures.

In general, a small number of the incoming air does not cause symptoms. But on certain conditions of air embolism can cause problems as quoted from emedicine.medscape.com, Thursday (04/14/2011), namely:

1. If there are more than 5ml/kg air entering the venous blood vessels can cause significant injuries such as shock or heart failure.
2. Injections of 2-3 ml of air into the circulation of the brain can be fatal
3. If air bubbles enter quickly and in large size causes spasms in the right ventricle that increases the pressure in the pulmonary artery.
4. If a large volume of incoming air (more than 30mL/kg/menit) into the venous circulatory system would interfere with the screening process in the lung blood vessels so that cellular changes.

Effect of air embolism on pulmonary blood vessels can lead to serious changes in inflammation and endothelial damage and accumulation of platelets, fibrin, neutrophils and fat droplets.

Apart from air bubbles, emboli can also be caused by other factors such as blood clots are not dissolved but inhibiting the flow of blood, fat embolism usually occurs after burns or surgery complications and embolism due to cholesterol buildup.

To overcome this embolism depends on the type, how big these barriers as well as parts of the body where the occurrence of embolism.

If occurs in lung regions then require medical treatment. Handling operations can be carried out or suck out embolism.

READ MORE >>> The Air Bubbles Which Enter the Blood Vessels Can Make People Die

Heart Disease Away with Eat One Apples Every Day

Tallahassee, Apples became a favorite food for people who are running the program because the content of water and dietary fiber in apples can suppress appetite. Not only that, eating an apple every day can also keep you from heart disease.

Recent research conducted in Tallahassee Florida State University found that eating an apple every day good for blood vessels or cardiovascular health.

Researchers noted that women who eat apples every day for a year can reduce total cholesterol by 14 percent and levels of bad cholesterol (LDL or Low Density Lipoprotein) by 23 percent.

"I never expected that consumption of apples can reduce bad cholesterol while increasing good cholesterol HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) is about 4 percent," said Bahram Arjmandi, Chairman, Department of Nutrition, Food and Exercise Sciences at Florida State University in Tallahassee, as reported by HealthDay, Wednesday (13/04/2011).

In this latest study, researchers wanted to assess the long-term effects of apple consumption on heart health.

Researchers recruited 160 women between the ages of 45 to 65 years. The women were randomized into one of two dietary intervention groups. One group was given 75 grams of dried apple every day for a year, while the other group were given dried plums each day for a year.

According to this study, daily dry apple contains about 240 calories and an apple contains about 5 grams of fiber, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Researchers found that women who ate dried apples can lower total cholesterol by 14 percent. LDL cholesterol fell 23 percent. Daily apple consumption were also significantly lower levels of C-reactive protein and lipid hydroperoxide, two ingredients that may indicate an increased risk of heart disease. However, whether plum effect on cholesterol levels is not mentioned in the study abstract.

"Apple really is a remarkable fruit for various reasons. The biggest reason is the fiber apple, apples have soluble and insoluble fiber. Insoluble fibers found in skin, while the fruit flesh contains soluble fiber," said Jessica Shapiro, a clinical nutritionist at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City.

According to Shapiro, the apple flesh-like substance would be highly viscous gel that can take cholesterol and pull it out of the body.

"One good thing is the pectin in apples. This is a material used to make jelly or jam, and pectin contributes to the viscosity of what happened through the body, and help remove it. Apples also have a lot of antioxidants and other natural components," he said.

Shapiro said he would recommend a fresh apple ketimbang dried apples, because some nutrients may be lost in the drying process.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, food can have an effect on cholesterol levels. Foods that contain saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol can raise levels of cholesterol, while foods with healthy fats like olive oil can lower your cholesterol.

Foods with fiber, like fruits, vegetables and grains, can lower cholesterol levels, while low-fiber carbohydrates tend to raise levels of triglycerides and lower HDL cholesterol as good cholesterol.

The results of this study was presented at the Experimental Biology meeting in Washington DC on Tuesday.
READ MORE >>> Heart Disease Away with Eat One Apples Every Day

Try to See the History of 'Disease Kingdom "

Every April 17, the world commemorate the Day of Hemophilia to improve understanding and awareness of the threat of this hereditary disease. Some people may be familiar to hear the term hemophilia, but many of us may not know the initial development of this disease. Towards Haemophilia Day worldwide, it is important people know better the history of this disease.

Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder due to a lack of production of one of the factors of blood clotting in the body. Haemophilia derived from Ancient Greek, which consists of two words namely Haima, which means blood and philia, which means love or affection.

Hemophilia have been found long ago. Hemophilia word first appeared in an article written by Hopff at the University of Zurich, in 1828. According to the encyclopedia Britanica, the term haemophilia (haemophilia) was first introduced by a German doctor, Johann Lukas Schonlein (1793-1864), in 1928.

Schonlein who is a professor of medicine at three major universities in Germany - Wurzburg (1824 - 1833), Zurich (1833 - 1830) and Berlin (1840 - 1859), was the first physician who used a microscope to do chemical analysis of urine and blood for diagnosis of the illnesses suffered by a patient.

Haemophilia is often referred to as "The Royal Diseases" or royal disease. This caused the Queen of England, Queen Victoria (1837 - 1901) is a bearer of properties / carrier of hemophilia. Her eighth, Leopold was a hemophiliac and frequent bleeding. This situation is in the news in the British Medical Journal in 1868.

Leopold died of a brain hemorrhage when he was 31 years. One daughter, Alice, turned out to be the carrier of hemophilia and son of Alice, Viscount Trematon, also died of a brain hemorrhage in 1928.

The most important thing in the history of hemophilia is the existence of the disease in the Russian royal family. Two of the daughters of Queen Victoria, Alice and Beatrice, were carriers. They spread the disease of hemophilia into Spanish, German and Russian Royal Family.

The history of haemophilia in the 20th century

In the 20th century, the experts continue to search for the cause of hemophilia. Until they believe that the blood vessels of patients with hemophilia easily broken. Then in 1937, two doctors from Harvard, Patek and Taylor, to find solutions on blood coagulation, namely by adding a substance derived from plasma in blood. Substance called anti-hemophilic globulin.

In 1944, Pavlosky, a doctor from Buenos Aires, Argentina, makes a lab test and the results showed that the blood of a patient with hemophilia can overcome the problem of blood clotting in hemophiliacs other and vice versa.

He by chance had found two types of hemophiliacs with each - each a different protein deficiency - Factor VIII and Factor IX. And this in 1952, making hemophilia A and hemophilia B as two different types of disease

Then in the 1960s, fresh plasma or cryoprecipitate was found by Dr. Judith Pool. He found that the sediment above the melting plasma contains a lot of Factor VIII. For the first time, Factor VIII can be inserted in patients in need, to cope with serious bleeding. Even allowing for operation in patients with hemophilia.

In the late 1960s and the early 1970s, the essence of which contains Factor VIII and Factor IX are packaged in a dry powder form and has been found frozen. So that can be stored at home and used at any time - if needed.

And now the people with hemophilia do not always depend on the hospital. They can travel, work and live a normal life. Tragically, some treatments resulting from the blood has been contaminated with several types of viruses, like hepatitis C and HIV. Many people with haemophilia affected.

Haemophilia in Indonesia

Although hemophilia has long been known in the medical literature, but in Jakarta in 1965 a new laboratory diagnosis introduced by Kho Lien Keng with thromboplastin Generation Time (TGT) in addition to the procedures for bleeding and clotting time. Treatment is available at the hospital only fresh blood, while the production of cryoprecipitate which is used as the primary therapy of hemophilia in Jakarta, was introduced by Masri Rustam in 1975.

What are the common symptoms of hemophilia?

1. For people with hemophilia, bleeding may occur in every organ of the body. Sometimes the bleeding can be easily seen, but can also not

2. Bleeding in the can after the collision and after surgery. However, there is the possibility of bleeding also occur without any known cause. Bleeding like this is called spontaneous bleeding.

3. In general, infants who suffer from hemophilia rarely bleed.

4. Bleeding often occurs when the baby began to start learning to walk. Bleeding that occurs because of injury usually lasts much longer, especially in the mouth and tongue.

5. When the patient was growing up, the more frequent spontaneous bleeding. Most occur in the joints and muscles.

6. In Indonesia, when the patient has reached puberty baliq period, bleeding can be seen clearly long after he was circumcised.

How does the handling of blood clotting bleeding using a factor?

1. Bleeding in haemophilia is usually treated by giving blood clotting factors directly into the vein (injected). Blood clotting factors can not be given by mouth.

2. Blood clotting factors can be found in various forms such as cryoprecipitate, Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP), or blood clotting factor concentrates.

3. Desmopressin or DDAVP can be given to people with hemophilia A minor. This product can be given by way menyuntikannya directly into the vein, under the skin, or sprayed through the nose.

4. Giving blood clotting factors usually must be done repeatedly.

What should be done to stay healthy patients?

Medical treatment such as transfusion / injection of blood clotting factor is only one way for patients to have a healthy body. However, there are other ways you can do to stay healthy hemophiliacs.

1. Sports and keep in shape

2. Using the right protective sports moment

3. Perform regular medical examination including checking the situation joints and muscles

4. Receiving vaccinations recommended various infectious diseases physicians, including hepatitis A and B.

5. Memepertahankan balanced weight. Patients with hemophilia who had never exercised a great chance of experiencing excessive weight gain. Patients with hemophilia should also pay attention to his weight, so it does not increase the load on the joints in the lower body, especially for those who are stricken with arthritis.

Von Willebrand

In addition to hemophilia, there are other blood disorders who also have the same almost like, von Willebrand factor. Von Willebrand Disease (VWD) is a bleeding disorder that affects most people.

In fact, he was not a single disease but a family illness. This type of disease is caused by problems with von Willebrand Factor (vWF). It is a protein in the blood necessary for blood clotting. VWF gene that makes working on two types of cells ie endothelial cells (lining the blood vessels) and platelets.

If there is not enough vWF in the blood, or not working properly, then the blood clotting process takes longer.

How often are found in von Willebrand disease? Doctors now believe that Visual Studio can be about 1 in 100 people. Because many people - these people only experience mild bleeding, then only a small number who knew that he brought this pernyakit.

Von Willebrand disease can be about men and women. However, because many women with VWD have a lot of menstrual bleeding and bleeding shortly after childbirth, more women who have symptoms than men.

Children also can suffer from VWD. They are born with this disease. This is because Visual Studio is diturunkan.VWD abnormalities that can be derived from parent to child if one of the parents have VWD, they can reduce the disease to the child - his son.

Von Willebrand factor itself is taken from the name of a Finnish doctor, Erik von Willebrand, who first describes this condition in 1925. He realized that the disease is not the same as hemophilia, which is in a state of weight falls on the male - male.

What's more, some researchers found that "... mild VWD can be beneficial to health." Researchers said this is because Visual Studio makes platelets more difficult to cling to each other. So a person with VWD would be less experienced blockage of blood vessels, as a cause of heart attack or stroke.
READ MORE >>> Try to See the History of 'Disease Kingdom "

Increase Passion Sex of Your Kitchen

Forget your perfume. Now there is easy way to spice up your sex life. Is none other spices from the kitchen!

The researchers believe that the aroma, taste, and appearance of some foods can act as a potential aphrodisiac that not only improve mood for making love, but also make you more intelligent making out. Knowing the right foods in the sexual stages and processes to maximize the effect of such marriages.

"Each food has different nutrients and substances that affect the body physiologically in different ways. That's why different foods work for different stages, "says clinical sexologists, Ava Cadell, Ph.D., was quoted as Web MD.

Some foods that are detained there, others allow blood to flow directly to the genitals, and a few more releases happy hormones. Cadell aphrodisiac grouping into three groups based on physiological effects and its effects in enhancing sexual performance at each stage of one's sex life.

1. Food for making out

When viewing a potential mate, Cadell says it is important to choose foods that secrete chemicals and hormones that make you happy and improve self-confidence and better at making out. To be more cunning flirt, try some of these recommended food:

- Chili. Spicy foods will be pumping the heart and causes the body to sweat.

- Banana. Contain chemicals that reportedly have effects on the brain raise the mood and boost self-confidence.

- Carrots. Fiber content can stimulate sexual arousal.

2. Food to tempt

The next phase is tempting. Aphrodisiac foods can help trigger the release of sex hormones such as testosterone, provide quick energy, and increases blood flow to the genitals until the body is in the atmosphere is ready to fuck.

At this stage, clinical sexologists, Ava Cadell, PhD, says it is important to create visual stimulation with foods that look like genitals, such as carrots and oyster. "Anything that is visually erotic is automatically visible to make the brain move," he said. Secondly, some foods release hormones, like testosterone, in women. This makes them more sexually aggressive and daring.

Food "teaser" of them:

- Shrimp. High iodine. Shrimp and other seafood is important for thyroid gland is vital for energy.

- Chocolate. In addition to caffeine, the flowers of this plant looks like a sexual organ.

- Ginger. This root can increase blood flow to the genitals of men and women.

- Olives. Trusted green olives make a man stronger, while black can increase sexual stimulation.

- Tomatoes. Traditionally, he was known as the "apple of love" because it has a reputation as a sexual stimulant.

- Apples. Since the days of Adam and Eve, this fruit has become a symbol of teaser.

Cadell is a favorite thing for when you and your partner together to eat foods that are exciting, such as asparagus. The he could begin to eat from one end, then chew their partners at the other end, to then meet in the middle. Asparagus is not only sexy, but also rich in potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and vitamin E that can help hormone production and improve energy.

3. Food for sexual performance

On arriving at the final stage of exploitation and orgasm, the scent of some aphrodisiac enough to increase sexual desire and performance. "Depending on where you are in the relationship. You can use the aroma and taste different foods to get the response you're looking for," said Alan R Hirsch, MD, Director of the Smell and Taste Treatment Neurology and Research Foundation, Chicago, USA.

In a study looking at the aroma that stimulates sexual arousal, Hirsch found that any smell of food being tested trigger sexual response in men. Some foods have a more dramatic effect than others.

"Pizza cheese improves blood flow by 5 percent, 9 percent of popcorn with butter, and pumpkin pie lavendel and by 40 percent," said Hirsch. Aroma lavendel and pumpkin pie is a powerful sexual stimulant for women.

In comparison, the fragrant flowers only increases blood flow rate of 3 percent in men. In the weaker sex, men's cologne smell actually decrease blood flow to the vagina.

Unlike men, research shows that the smell of some foods actually interfere with sexual desire in women, such as cherries and roasted meat.

According to Hirsch, there are a number of different theories about the causes of food have strong effects on the attraction and sexual performance. One theory suggests that this is a combination of physiological and psychological responses.

Sexual potency of the aroma and taste a variety of naturally varied because of the effects of different foods associated with past experience of each person. That's why, whether Cadell and Hirsch recommends the couple to have fun by trying a different aphrodisiac in order to see the spice is right for their sex lives.

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), there is no scientific evidence of OTC (OTC) or aphrodisiac foods that can handle sexual dysfunction. Although not an aphrodisiac quickly fix all your sexual problems, Cadell says that natural aphrodisiac ingredients that are found in foods is not dangerous.

"Now, frankly, most erotic organ is the brain. So, if you think that something that will make you excited, then I assure you it certainly will be," says Cadell. There is always a relationship between food and sex because these are the two greatest pleasures known to man ... and the two passions that must be met.
READ MORE >>> Increase Passion Sex of Your Kitchen

Fast Food vs. Slow Food, Who's the champion?

The mushrooming of fast food restaurants Fast Food alias impact on health due to take part triggers an increase in the number of people with obesity. To match the threat Fast Food, Slow Food movement comes with a variety of unique concept which claimed more healthful.

One is the campaign for using food ingredients in accordance with the prevailing tradition in a region.

This concept is used to fight the uniformity of the diet on Fast Food, which led people all over the world to know just burgers and fries.

With the concept offered by Slow Food, the diversity of dining menu including traditional spices that are used will be maintained continuity. The existence of sambal paste for example, will not be displaced by the tomato sauce as used in a variety of restaurants Fast Food.

The next concept is to process and consume a diet with no hurry. Starting from chopping the spices, then boil until then sauteing menghidangkannya at the dinner table all should really enjoyed though was more time consuming.

Included in the process of providing food, livestock and vegetables left to grow naturally. Raw foods are frequently referred to as organic, which is certainly healthier than 'chicken stick' used in Fast Food Restaurant.

When eating, the food is also no need to rush swallowed like when being chased by time at Fast Food Restaurant. Chewing food slowly until completely soft will allow the stomach to digest it further so will reduce the risk of obesity.

In general, the concept of Slow Food offers a lifestyle that is far healthier than Fast Food. Not just about food, the concept also includes a slow moving mind which is more relaxed and not rushed so that the mind does not easily stressed.

Slow Food Movement itself was introduced by an Italian man, Carlo Petrini in 1989.Since the beginning of this movement was formed to counter the spread of Fast Food restaurants which tend to be healthier because the fat and high in salt.

To illustrate the spirit that does not want to eat in the condition in a hurry, Slow Food has a logo of a snail picture. Dengna famous animal movements are slow so that votes can represent the concepts promoted by the Slow Food movement.

Although slow to eat meals affairs, pretty agile Slow Food movement in expanding into various countries. As quoted from Slowfood.com, Tuesday (12/04/2011), Slow Food now has reached 150 countries with 1300 branch offices, called convivia including in Indonesia.

Who will champion the movement that will be eating Fast Food or Slow Food? For the moment seems to Fast Food is still the favorite, but according to the motto that does not want to rush, eat Slow Food movement continues formations on earth.
READ MORE >>> Fast Food vs. Slow Food, Who's the champion?

Healthy Sleep Could Help Lose Weight

Lose weight while sleeping may sound like a dream come true, because losing weight without the need to fight hard. But research has shown that healthy sleep can affect appetite which ultimately have an impact on weight.

The results have been published in the Annals of Internal Medicine and Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism shows that sleep duration may affect appetite, the result can also be an effect on body mass index (BMI).

When people get a good nights sleep, at least 8 hours, your body produces the hormone leptin that regulates appetite. With enough leptin, people will feel full and satisfied after a meal so it does not need to eat a lot to make the stomach feel full, as reported by the LIVESTRONG, Tuesday (12/04/2011).

Adequate rest is also regulate the hormone ghrelin, a hormone that increases appetite. Reverse the positive effects of sleep deprivation, by making the production of leptin and ghrelin is reduced more, so that people feel less satisfied after a meal and consequently eat more and more frequently, which affects the weight gain.

Sleep deprivation can make people want to continue to eat more servings. This is caused by the body's internal clock that is not normal, so many people who sleep less gain weight suddenly.

In addition, lack of sleep also can make people not energized, so have a greater desire to eat foods that are sweet and starchy, or worse by drinking high fructose corn syrup.

These foods can provide an instant energy but causing blood glucose levels rise and fall dramatically, which ultimately makes you hungry faster and eat a lot.

National Sleep Foundation reports that less than 7 hours of sleep each night was associated with an increased risk of obesity, diabetes and an additional health problem in many clinical studies.

However, sleeping more than 9 hours of sleep per night is also not good because it can increase the risk of stroke.

Therefore, sleep healthy with sufficient time, ie 7-9 hours for adults. Not only the resting muscles, sleep also provide an opportunity for the immune system to produce hormones immunity.
READ MORE >>> Healthy Sleep Could Help Lose Weight

The blow on the Body to Avoid Because Deadly

Despite not carrying weapons, the arrival of thugs to watch out if you have the skill to kill with his bare hands. Humans do have a weakness at some point, which allows it to be killed only with a single blow.

Chinese martial arts technique of disabling your opponent know who called Dim Mak, which means the touch of death. Without having to spend a lot of movement, one touch at a particular part can make the opponent fell down helpless or even die instantly.

Some parts of the human body can be targeted in a deadly touch technique. So keep that body parts is so avoided the harsh and deadly blow such as fights or other reasons. And do not commit violence on others that can lead to death and even make a person so convicted.

Psychologists say, out of anger with words is the safest way to avoid violence cases.But man must also be able to train his emotions quickly so as not 'hot' in a way always think positive.

The blow on the body that should be avoided because it can be deadly, as quoted from Straightdope, Tuesday (4/12/2011) among others.

1. The blow to the chest
Concussion in this section can make people died instantly due to cessation of heartbeat called commutio cordis. Impaired cardiac function in a collision in the chest and often not accompanied by structural damage to the heart.

In a small study of 128 cases of attacks with his bare hands which is directed to the chest, 84 percent of them lead to death. About 50 percent were killed instantly and the rest take 1-2 minutes before his heart stopped beating.

The study revealed that terklalu not need a strong force to give effect on the heart.Experiments conducted on animals showed that the blows which posted with speed 48 km / h is enough to kill the victim.

2. The blow on the neck
Some points on the side neck have blood vessels called carotid artery. Because its function is to distribute oxygen to the brain, its effects can be deadly if the blood vessels were damaged for example because of a blow.

The most fatal impact occurs when a blow is directed to the carotid sinus, ie, branching blood vessels on the side of the human neck. The damage in that section will trigger paralysis and other nervous system problems that will soon be followed by death.

3. The blow on the back of the head
The point of the deadliest martial arts in China is the Bladder-10 which is located on the back of the skull. The same point is also used in acupuncture to overcome various problems associated with the bladder (bladder).

In an instant, collision in part can lead to damage to the brain system that regulates consciousness namely reticular activating system (RAS) so that the victim fainted. If benturannya hard enough, the victim was not only unconscious but can instantly killed on the spot.
READ MORE >>> The blow on the Body to Avoid Because Deadly

Advice for Patients Not Necessarily Used When Doctor Get Sick

Durham, North Carolina, medical advice given by doctors on patients is not necessarily the same as his own doctor is sick. Not because stingy to share knowledge or want to discriminate, but the doctor must choose the safest therapy for patients.

Often, therapy is considered safe does not guarantee a disease can be rapidly cured.Instead of treatment that can cure the disease quickly usually have more side effects and risks of failure or even death.

Some physicians prefer the security compared the efficacy of a treatment method, if you're dealing with patients. But when he himself was ill, the efficacy of therapy are preferred than security.

This was revealed in a recent study conducted by Dr Peter A Ubel from Duke University in North Carolina. Dr. Ubel surveyed 242 physicians associated methods of treatment of colon cancer, and 1,600 physicians associated methods of treatment of bird flu.

The survey results show, 38 percent of doctors choose surgery if her colon cancer because it is the most effective way. But if not him who was sick, only 25 percent of doctors who recommend surgery to patients by reason of a greater risk of death.

Similarly, in the treatment of bird flu, 63 percent of doctors use the most advanced medicine although many have side effects if the pain itself. But if the pain is patient, only 49 percent of doctors who recommend cutting-edge medicine on the grounds many side effects.

"This difference has nothing to do with morals and ethics. I do not think there are patients who want to take risks with high risk of treatment alias is not safe," Dr. Ubel said, as quoted by Reuters on Tuesday (12/04/2011).

The same opinion was also provided by a psychologist from the University of Illinois, Alan Schwartz. He said if some doctors often discriminate type of therapy for patients and for himself, then it is very human tendency.

"There is always a problem when people including doctors have to decide an important matter for others. We know, doctors can not always guess what dimaui by the patient so that more memililih safe way," he said.
READ MORE >>> Advice for Patients Not Necessarily Used When Doctor Get Sick

Blood Pressure Being at Lowest Point in the Morning

Boston, Humans have a cycle of rise and fall of blood pressure throughout the day,despite the stress and physical activity also influence it. On average, blood pressurepeaked at 9 pm and located at the lowest point in the morning.

This fact was revealed in a study at Harvard Medical School, published this week in the journal Circulation. The study involved 28 adults who do not have a problem withblood pressure, both hypertension and hypotension.

The participants engaged in 3 types of experiments to see the impact of biological clock, with fluctuations in blood pressure throughout the day. The three experimentsconducted by changing the sleep-wake cycle or also called circadian rythm.

Of all the experiments conducted, it was revealed that the average lowest bloodpressure was observed at night at about 9 pm. In contrast the average lowest pointmeasured in the morning, for several hours after waking.

This finding is surprising because many previous studies that strokes and heartattacks often occur in the morning, so that no term of morning heart attack.Researchers suspect that trigger heart attack instead of morning blood pressure butother factors.

Besides triggered by increased blood pressure, stroke and heart attack can also betriggered by blood vessel blockage. Damage or rupture of blood vessels also cantrigger a heart attack or stroke if it occurs around the brain.

"This research was conducted with 3 separate experimental designs, 3 different groups and the results were the same. That is the relationship between bloodpressure with morning heart attack need to be reviewed," said Prof. Steven A Shea, who led the study, as quoted from HealthDay, Tuesday (12 / 4 / 2011).
READ MORE >>> Blood Pressure Being at Lowest Point in the Morning