Which Side do You Prefer to Hold Your Baby?

Jakarta, Holding the baby does have many benefits for mother and baby. Kinds of holding technique can be done, such as carrying in addition to or in front. Just choose one of them and feel the benefits.

Babies are often picked up will spend less time to cry or fuss, so the little one has a lot of time and energy to help it grow and develop physically and able to interact with their environment.

But some experts also remind the baby does not need too often be picked up if it can crawl or walk for optimal growth of motor skills.

There are various techniques that can be done by holding a parent, but the most commonly performed is carrying a child on the side (waist) and also hold the child in front with his face out.

Quoted from Babyworld.co.uk, Thursday (4/11/2010) there are several benefits gained from holding these two techniques, namely:

Hold in the waist
Besides holding a baby or waist will make the baby more easily see the faces of people who picked, this will make the baby to see what parents see, hear what parents hear and feel that other people also feel.

Parents and children can be picked up also give each other and form a two-way interaction because the baby is physically very close, so it can communicate its needs such as hunger or discomfort without having to cry. But make sure the sling is used robust and can withstand the weight of the baby.

Also from the Book Beautiful, Intelligent & Feminine, by Dr Handrawan Nadesul disclosed that the holding in the waist will provide an opportunity for girls to develop the pelvis is wider, so that later we could help open the road when giving birth soon.

Holding a baby in front of
Holding technique provides an opportunity for parents to do other things besides holding, because his hands do not have to hold the little guy. This position also makes a broader view of your baby and make her happy, but this position can be done if the baby is able to control the movement of his head.

Holding this position will make your baby safer, because it generally means holding to a position in front equipped with various safety. And makes people more flexible arms move.

If you want to use this tool, be sure to choose the type sling is designed safe for infants and size can be adjusted to the condition of the baby so that he does not escape when placed. Also make sure the holes for the legs are not too narrow for the baby.

source: (http://www.detikhealth.com/read/2010/11/04/093249/1485274/764/pilih-mana-gendong-bayi-di-samping-atau-di-depan)