4 Strategies to Get Pregnant

Jakarta, many long-married couples also get a descent but not yet. Although there is a deliberate delay pregnancy for many reasons, not a few who have tried hard but always fail because they do not know strategy.

Pregnancy naturally, not by IVF, can only occur if done at the right time. Within a month, a woman suffered only fertile period of less than 24 hours so that every opportunity should really be used.

Quoted from KansasCity, Wednesday (10/11/2010), here are some points to consider in order to quickly get pregnant.

1. Do it when the nose increased sensitivity
When a woman becomes more sensitive to the smells around him, it was a sign she is ovulating or are in the fertile period. If you want a child soon, this is the best time for sex though perhaps at that moment the smell of their partner agencies will be more oppressive.

2. Patience, the chance of pregnancy is only 15 per cent every month
Can be understood if the woman was so excited when tested positive for pregnancy, because for that it takes struggle. A study even proved, most women in the age of 30 years took 8 months and 140 instances of sexual intercourse to get pregnant with a chance of pregnancy in each month only 15 percent.

3. Teeth should be clean to get pregnant
Dental and oral health are prerequisites for women to get pregnant. Not only because of the smell of the mouth and fresh breath does not make the lazy man to fondle her partner, but research has shown that gum infection can also trigger premature birth or fetal death and weakens the sperm that will fertilize the egg.

4. Watch porn movies make a stronger sperm
Believe it or not, research has shown that sperm produced a much stronger to swim toward the egg after a man watching porn. Uniquely not just any porn movie that could give such effect, only heterosexual-themed movies and not homosexual (gay or lesbian).

source: (http://www.detikhealth.com/read/2010/11/10/173356/1491583/766/4-strategi-untuk-cepat-hamil)