Human Skin Can Changed to be Blood

Canada, the lack of blood supply makes the scientists rack my brain to be able to convert human skin cells into blood. With this latest technology, people who need blood transfusions can get blood from their own skin cells.

Researchers in Canada took major steps to be able to convert adult human skin cells directly into the blood. These findings may provide a source of blood that is necessary not only for surgical or cancer patients, but also patients suffering from blood disorders such as anemia.

This new method looks more promising than previous methods that alter blood from stem cells (stem cells), embryonic.

The approach previously considered not efficient in converting stem cells into mature cells for transplantation (transplant). In addition, the method produces embryonic blood cells can not be transplanted in the adult body.

"The new method pioneered by Canadian scientists has huge benefits for the production of mature blood cells type I, not the fetal blood cells," said Cynthia Dunbar, Head of Molecular hematopoiesis from U.S. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, the National Institutes of Health, as reported by LiveScience, Monday (08/11/2010).

In this new method, researchers try to look for growth factors (substances that regulate cell division and survival) that directly can reprogram skin cells into blood cells. Thus, blood cells produced can be transplanted directly to the adult body.

"We will now continue to work to develop the kinds of human cells from the skin," says Mick Bhatia, scientific study leader and director of the Stem Cell and Cancer Research Institute at McMaster University, Canada.

Team Bhatia has made several changes within the skin into the blood more than two years. The research team also uses the human skin both young and old to prove that this method works on any age.

This study has been reported in the journal Nature 7 November. Clinical trials will be conducted soon after 2012.

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