The Special Thing from A "Short Sleeper"

Loss of sleep is harmful and often annoying. The body can get tired, sleepy and decreased concentration. But, for some people who get 'privilege', loss of sleep one or two hours in the evening does not seem significant problems.

Those who received the gift of it is people who naturally do not need to sleep for long or short term also called a sleeper. According to experts, these special people have mutations in the gene hDEC2, which controls the sleep cycle. Mutation that makes them not have a problem though should be deprived of sleep.

Some famous people who believed a short sleeper of them are former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, actor James Franco and business and culinary expert Martha Stewart. Questioning whether the trends they always take a nap due to genetic factors or because willpower is not clearly known.

According to Ying-Hui Fu, professor of neurology at the University of California San Francisco USA, those who naturally have a tendency as a short sleeper does have a competitive advantage. Even so, maybe not many people in this world have the gene mutation.

"It's hard to say how often the case these mutations occur," he said.

In the laboratory where she works, Fu found only about 20 to 30 people who have genetic mutations that are believed to contribute to the ability to sleep only a few moments.

Most of those who have this mutation was somewhat special. They have two types of work, a successful career and enjoy a variety of hobbies.

"Every day, they had two or three hours of free time to do something. They are very active," said Fu.

Amy Avery, a resident of Atlanta, is one of them which includes having that privilege. Although it was not clear whether he had the gene mutation, but Avery said he used to sleep only four to five hours every night.

Despite the short sleep every night, Amy does not require or coffee or other caffeinated beverages while working in the daytime.

"I've experienced it for a long time. I can work full and does not evaporate or fatigue during the day," he said.

Avery every day can take care of his family, but he also worked full-time as a digital director at an advertising company. Two children, aged 2 and 5 years, always sleep around 9 and her husband at 10. After that the child and her husband fell asleep, Avery can do household chores like washing. He also watched television, read books and complete the duties of his office.

"I feel things are going in nature. I still can in a fresh condition," he said commenting on his sleeping patterns.

Short sleep habits also experienced Dan Nainan, a comedian who lives in New York. The 29-year-old man was admitted to sleep only four hours each night. He always avoid prescription drugs, not drinking alcohol and caffeine.

"This gives me a profit. I have a 20 percent took more than an ordinary person," he said.

Nainan himself did not know whether factor gene or the demands of work that makes her sleep schedule beitu brief. He was always a regular sleep at night and woke up four hours later. With the available free time, he could arrange the materials and strategies merketing comedy.

Lack of sleep problem
What happened Nainan not necessarily apply to others, especially for those whose bodies need a break for seven or eight hours. Problems will only arise when the need for sleep is not met.

The experts warned, many people in this modern era of sleep deprivation. And the danger, they were like proud of it because like a superhuman. In fact, lack of sleep could be a catastrophe and keep someone from being a super.

"You become tired, run any kelalahan. Appearances you so bad, thought and concentration also decreased," said Dr. David Volpi, doctor of Manhattan Snoring and Sleep Center.

Sleep deprivation can indeed lead to the defeat of the rider, drowsiness and poor coordination of hands and eyes. In the long term pliers people sleep less than six hours proved greater risk of experiencing death, obesity, jantugn attack and stroke.

Research shows that most human beings need time for seven to eight hours for sleep, and even some of them need to be up to 10 hours.

Fu judge, who was born not as a short sleeper using artificial things that it becomes less sleep. "Due to the long term it can lead to health problems like heart disease and cancer risk," he said.

There is currently no research that mennjelaskan whether health risk in short-Sleepers group associated with sleep deprivation.

In 2009 a report published in the journal Science, Fu and his team from the University of California managed to identify the mother and a daughter who regularly sleep about 6:25 hours each day. Blood tests showed that they have mutations that affect the cycle for 24 hours. Fu said, there is the possibility they have a genetic mutation that memengauhi sleep patterns.

"They are very energetic. Four to six hours of bedtime ttulah their optimum," said Fu commented on those who have genetic mutations.

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