WHO Tell About Nuclear Radiation Hazards Guide

Responding to recent developments in Japan's nuclear crisis, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued new guidelines to reduce the danger of radiation on health, especially in children and adolescents.

Earlier the UN also said that so far the Japanese government measures to minimize the impact of radiation has the right, among others, evacuating residents within 20 km of the nuclear facilities and asked the people who live within a radius of 30 km to not leave the house.

So far there has been no indication of food safety that are imported from Japan, including food products that are harvested in areas that are exposed, but crops and livestock in the area should be protected.

Here are recommendations issued by WHO:

- Main Radionuclides released from nuclear power plants is radioactive cesium and radioactive iodine. "The public may be exposed directly from the radionuclides from the air or food and drink contaminated by such material," said WHO.

- If radiokatif iodine inhaled or swallowed, it settles in the thyroid gland and increase the risk of thyroid cancer. Risk can be reduced by consuming potassium iodine pills that will prevent the deposition of radioactive material.

"These pills must be given before or immediately after exposure to radiation. This step can reduce the risk of cancer in the long run," he said. Giving potassium iodine tablets are regulated by the authorities.

- If the radiation levels are too high, it can cause flushed skin, hair loss, burns and acute radiation syndrome. Nuclear power plant workers and rescue workers may be the most exposed group than the general population.

- Exposure to radiation can increase cancer risk. Victims who survived the atomic bomb on Hiroshima in 1945 known to suffer from leukemia a few years after exposure radisi and others just had cancer 10 years after the event.

- Risk of thyroid cancer in people exposed to radiation was higher in the group of children and adolescents.

- Limit consumption of vegetables and dairy products produced in areas near nuclear facilities could reduce radiation exposure.

- If after exposure to radiation, you have to go into the room, remove all clothing to prevent contamination at home. Remove clothing and shoes and then store in plastic bags and then move away from their homes, children and animals.

- Go take a shower with warm water, soap and water. Report on the authorities of clothing and other personal items that may be contaminated.

- If you are required to be in the house, there lived in the most secure room, which is no door or windows. Ventilation systems, such as cooling or heating system must be turned off.

- Food may be contaminated by radioactive material. "The surface of the fruit, vegetable, or animal feed can be exposed to radiation from the air or rain water."

- In the long run, radioactivity can also be formed in foods derived from land, river or sea water.

- Radioactive can not contaminate food that is packed with good, for example wrapped in plastic or tin.

- For the first step of prevention, vegetables and poultry meat should be covered with plastic or tarp. Move the animal into the cage.

- Avoid consuming dairy products or vegetables from the local area near the center of radiation, avoid slaughtering of livestock, fishing or taking mushrooms and other foods from the surrounding forests.

source: (http://health.kompas.com/read/2011/03/18/07144851/WHO.Keluarkan.Panduan.Bahaya.Radiasi.Nuklir)