Headache Medication Can Expel Sweat Stains on Clothes

Jakarta, sweat stains on clothes that are difficult to clean with detergent is to make the head reel. Headache medicine, especially aspirin can overcome these 2 problems, namely to cure head dizzy while cleaning the dirty stains on the shirt.

In addition to powerful relieve headache, aspirin is also known as a versatile inexpensive drug. Another use of aspirin as experts examined include how to cure acne with smeared on the skin surface.

Meanwhile, to overcome the problem of dandruff, the benefits of aspirin detikHealth never reviewed before. You do this by scouring mencapur aspirin tablets into the shampoo, then used as usual to wash it with a light massage accompanied on the scalp.

There are many other uses of the drug headache this one included to keep the wreath so as not to quickly wilt.

But that will be discussed this time is, the benefits of aspirin to get rid of sweat stains are still stubborn though it was washed with detergent.

How to use aspirin to get rid of sweat stains from Howtodothings quoted as saying on Tuesday (15/03/2011), is as follows.

1. Shear zones 2 tablets of aspirin with a spoon or other tool available.
2. Mix into a glass of warm water and stir until dissolved.
3. Expand clothes to be cleaned, then pour the solution into the stained aspirin.
4. For stains that are very thick, mashed aspirin drops enough warm water to form a paste then applied.
5. Leave for 1-2 hours or depending on how soiled her clothes.
6. Wash as usual with detergent and rinse. Sweat stains will undoubtedly be lost.

source: (http://health.detik.com/read/2011/03/15/125359/1591967/763/obat-sakit-kepala-bisa-mengusir-noda-keringat-di-baju?l991101755)