Are there any Benefits of Bra Masks Anti Nuclear Radiation?

In 2009, a Ukrainian scientist has managed to get the Ig Nobel for his discovery that the mask bra phenomenal anti-nuclear radiation. Are there any benefits of anti-mask bra especially in the current nuclear radiation hazards of nuclear radiation in Japan?

As previously detikHealth ever written, anti-nuclear bra named Emergency bra has been created by a scientist named Dr. Elena Ukraine Bodnar, which can be turned into a shield or face mask to protect against deadly chemical or biological hazards, such as nuclear radiation.

According to Dr. Bodnar who now lives in Chicago, she initially got the idea after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986.

"If people have gas masks are cheap and easily available in the first hours after the disaster, they may be able to avoid breathing in air containing Iodine-131, which causes radiation sickness," says Dr. Elena Bodnar, inventor of the bra anti-nuclear, as reported by Dailymail, Friday (18/03/2011).

What are the benefits of anti-nuclear bra?

According to Dr. Bodnar, no matter what bra cup size is used, the bra is still anti-nuclear radiation can provide the same level of protection.

Dr. Bodnar claims bra can be useful in the event of biological terrorist attacks, such as nuclear radiation.

"Masks of this bra can also be used during disasters such as fires, dust storms or outbreaks of swine flu. You have to be ready all the time, at any place, any time and practically, because every woman wearing a bra," said Dr. Bodnar.

In his speech when receiving the Nobel, Dr. Bodnar said it took an average of 25 seconds for women to use these protective devices. Five seconds to remove the bra, change and use it as personal protection, and 20 seconds to wonder on a lucky man to be saved with a mask bra.

To use the mask of this bra, bras pamakai must first let go of her breasts and then remove the hook so that the cup is divided into two masks.

"For every cup related on the one hand, each bra strap should be wrapped in the back of the head and connected with a cup that is used to cover the mouth. When you have been trained, the use of masks this bra can be done in seconds," said Dr. Bodnar.

Still sounds a bit silly, the idea to create an antidote to radiation precisely bra triumph by winning a prestigious award. In 2009, British researchers are getting Ig Nobel Prize for Public Health work.

For benefits can be felt by everyone, is currently the Emergency Bra began production on a large scale. Enthusiasts can buy them online since it was launched in September 2010 for U.S. $ 29.95 or about USD 268 000.

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