Doctor: Human doesn't Need Water Oxygen, Just Fish Need It

During this time many claimed hexagonal water of oxygen or water can be refreshing and provide benefits to the body. Is it true that water containing oxygen is beneficial for the body?

"In humans oxygen can only be absorbed by the lungs and can not stomach, so the water of oxygen does not provide more benefit," said Dr. Dr. Parlindungan Siregar, SpPD-KGH of renal hypertension division, Department of Medicine Faculty of medicine in a press conference and hydration Health at the Gran Hotel Sahid Jaya, Friday (18/03/2011).

Dr Parlindungan said there was a joke that reveals 'If you are not a fish, do not need to drink oxygenated water'. This is because fish can absorb oxygen in water through their gills, whereas humans can not.

"Therefore whatever is offered is the same, provided that water consumed is enough will be good for health," said the doctor who received his doctorate from the Faculty of medicine in 2008.

Dr Parlindungan revealed while for water fortified (added) with other content will have an impact that is not good if consumed in excess. For example, bicarbonate water that is claimed to make the ageless be harmful if excessive, and the evidence base (the basis of evidence) for this case is still low.

Adequate water consumption in adults under normal conditions (temperature and environment) as much as 2 liters in 24 hours. This intake must be increased if it has a high physical exercise, fever, and high environmental temperature.

"If you are in cold environments are also recommended to drink more because a lot of water out through urine and breathing. If the sweat may not be seen because he had already evaporated before seen," he said.

Meanwhile, Dr. Dr. Dr.Saptawati Bardosono, MSc tells the body can not store a backup of water, while water produced in the body is only a fifth and most come from drinking water intake.

"If it arises it signifies the body's thirst has been the lack of fluids and generally women are more susceptible to dehydration than men because it contains more fat," said Dr. Tati.

Clinically mild dehydration occurs when the body lacks 3-9 percent of body fluids, while severe dehydration if the body lacks more than 9 percent of body fluids.

But in one study found lack of body fluids at 1.3 percent in women and 1.5 percent in men already cause symptoms of dehydration such as decreased cognitive function, activities disturbed and tired.

"To prevent dehydration you should drink every 1-2 hours once a glass of water quickly let no tension (angry)," said Dr. Barbara from the Department of Nutritional Sciences Faculty of medicine.

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