Fear Injected? Try to Act like Have A Cough

Jakarta, How do you react when the doctor requires to be injected? Nervous, frowning or chills? There are many cases of people are afraid of injections. But there are some tricks that can reduce the fear that one of them with coughing.

Not a few people who claim to fear of injections and needles. This is usually caused by trauma or unpleasant experience with pain when the doctor requires it injected.

People who phobia with needles usually prefer any other treatments that do not use needles. But the injection or injectable medication is part of treatment that can not be avoided.

Here are some ways that can reduce pain during an injection, as reported by Lifemojo, Tuesday (15/03/2011), namely:

1. Cough
A study involving 68 children who performed at the University of Nebraska found that children who coughed while getting fewer vaccines experiencing pain.

According to the researchers, coughing during an injection can provide temporary disturbance and stimulate increased blood pressure which inhibits the perception of pain. For maximum effect, cough conducted to coincide with the entry of the needle into the skin.

2. Divert attention
While waiting for the needle touches the skin, people tend to feel very worried. So it is best to divert perharian by engaging in several entertaining activities such as reading books or magazines, or by listening to music.

3. Switch view
While in the waiting room, patients usually focus attention on signs, symbols or pictures in the room is identical with the hospital and remind you to clean needles.

Try to switch views on the details on the rooms that are not associated with hospitals, such as how many flowers on the table or how the facial expressions of the paintings on the wall. This can at least help divert your mind to clean needles.

4. Deep breath
Deep breathing exercises really help reduce stress and relax the mind before the injection.

5. Avoid stiffness in the arm
Usually people who feel intimidated injected will experience stiffness in the arms or other areas that will be injected, it can increase pain. Conversely, when the arms are made relaxed and not rigid, then the pain will be slightly reduced.

source: (http://health.detik.com/read/2011/03/15/084531/1591708/766/takut-disuntik-cobalah-pakai-jurus-batuk-batuk)