Low-Paying Jobs is Not Good for Psychology Health

Kompas.com - If you fall into the category of stress-prone, be very careful in choosing a job! Working in the office of the less noticed was the welfare of their employees have an impact far worse for mental health rather than be unemployed.

This is revealed in a study by a team from The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. In their survey revealed people who experienced the transition from unemployment to employees with salaries that do not satisfy the claim to more stress after work.

In addition to a fair and satisfactory wages, good employee welfare is measured from the stress on the job, career paths, flexible work hours, and good communication between superiors and subordinates.

"People who only see black and white, the unemployed and employees tend to feel that all jobs are created equal, when it is not so," said Joseph Grzywacz, community and family medicine specialists who conduct this research.

His research is based on a survey of more than 7,000 people in Australia for seven years, beginning in 2001. The respondents were also asked to fill out questionnaires about symptoms of depression or anxiety, as well as positive emotions such as calmness and happiness.

In general, people who have jobs feel more happy than unemployment. But when looking deeper, such as age, gender, education level, health status of the unemployed is better than people who work but with poor welfare.

People from both groups also showed a decrease of mental health from time to time.

It is expected to be a concern for the managers of corporate management because of stress, fatigue and anger are a result of dissatisfaction can make a person's emotions are not controlled.

There are several things that suggested by the research team to improve the welfare of its employees, among others, improve security in works by giving certainty to the status of contract employees.

"Companies should be able to make the rules flexible so that employees do not feel compelled to choose between work and family, for example, if a child is sick," said Grzywacz.

source: (http://health.kompas.com/read/2011/03/16/07490934/Pekerjaan.Bergaji.Rendah.Buruk.untuk.Kesehatan.Mental)