Babies Need Water 5 Times More Than Adults

Water is one of the needs of every living creature. But it needs water for a healthy baby number 5 times more than the adults.

"The need for the baby water 10-15 percent of their body weight, while adults need 2-4 percent of their body weight. Means healthy babies need water 5 times more than adults," said dr Sudung O Pardede, SpA (K) in a press conference hydration and Health at the Gran Hotel Sahid Jaya, Friday (18/03/2011).

dr Sudung disclose the amount of water your baby needs most is based on the age neonates (0-28 days), followed by infants (0-12 months), children (1-18 years) and adults. Meanwhile, if the baby is born with low weight (LBW), then the water needs will increase again.

"The speed of water SIKUS in infants is very high, because it tends to infants and children vulnerable to diseases that cause dehydration," said the doctor who currently serves as General Secretary of the PP-IDAI (Pediatric Association Central Board of Indonesia).

Differences between infants and children with adults in terms of body fluids include differences in composition, metabolism and degree of maturity of the system of water and electrolyte regulation.

dr Sudung the clinic said the water needs in infants and children is usually based on body weight, one of which is using the formula Darrow namely:

1. Children weighing less than 10 kg, the need for water is 100 ml / kg body weight. For example, children weighing 8 kg, then the requirement is 8 x 100 ml = 800 ml.
2. Children weighing between 10-20 kg, the water requirement is 1,000 ml + 50 ml each increase in body weight over 10 kg. For example, children weighing 15 kg, then the requirement is 1,000 ml + (50 ml x 5) = 1250 ml.
3. Children weighing more than 20, then the water requirement is 1,500 ml + 20 ml each weight gain above 20 kg. For example, children weighing 30 kg, then the need for water is 1500 ml + (20 ml x 10) = 1700 ml.

Calculation of water requirements in children can also be based on body surface area and the amount of fluid released by the body.

Adequate water intake for children to help alleviate symptoms of constipation, diarrhea and fever. For infants or children with fever, then any increase in body temperature 1 degree celsius, the water intake plus as much as 12 percent, whereas in neonates who undergo light therapy required the addition of water at 20 ml / kg body weight per day.

"If a baby or child is dehydrated then the symptoms are easy fussy, decreased tears, dry mouth, sunken eyes, drinking like a thirsty and if the skin is pressed then it may take longer to get back into shape," he added.

Nevertheless some infants and children is sometimes difficult if asked to drink water and prefer other beverages are colored or have a sweet taste.

For that Dr. Dr. Dr.Saptawati Bardosono, MSc offers tips for kids to drink water that is:

1. Parents can provide water in the glass is mixed with ice cubes.
2. Parents also can provide additional pieces of fruit with a cute little shapes.
3. Provide water in a bottle with a straw of the colorful or funny shapes.

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