When Sports Takes Negative Effects to Body

For a sportsman or athlete with experience, improve fitness and body shape requires more than just a routine exercise. However, too much exercise can lead to negative conditions that affect the body and mind.

Overtraining or chronic fatigue occurs when the intensity, frequency or duration of excessive exercise. Under these conditions, sport can bring negative effects on the body.

Reporting from Sheknows, Saturday (08/14/2010), the following symptoms when a person is too much to do sports:

1. Chronic Fatigue
2. Increased incidence of injury
3. Moodiness and irritability
4. Headache
5. Appetite disturbance
6. Insomnia
7. Changes in body weight
8. More susceptible to disease
9. Anemia
10. Depression
11. Decrease in exercise performance

If you experience two or more of these symptoms are present, then you need to reset your exercise schedule.

How to cope with and treat overtraining?

1. Prevention first
Overcome symptoms and immediately reset your exercise schedule. Reduce the frequency of exercise, such as two times a week. This will maintain your fitness level and give a chance to recover.

2. Time to rest
The best treatment for overtraining is rest and recovery. Consistently, perform a minimum of 7 hours of sleep a night.

3. The quality of 'fuel' for the body
Time and composition of foods is essential to prevent overtraining and recovery. Eating foods that are composed of proteins and karbohindrat. Eat two hours before exercise, because it is more suitable for energy storage in the first 30 minutes after exercise.

4. Stay hydrated
The body will function best when fully hydrated, drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

source: (http://www.detikhealth.com/read/2010/08/14/172525/1420529/766/saat-olahraga-membawa-efek-negatif-pada-tubuh)