Right Way to Brewing Milk

Jakarta, the habit of brewing milk with high-temperature hot water a lot of people do. Though this method is not correct because the temperature is too high it will damage the protein in milk.

How to brew a true milk is to use water that is not too hot or the temperature is below 70 degrees celsius.

"Do not pour boiling water to make milk, because it can damage the protein content. We recommend using warm water temperatures below 70 degrees Celsius," said Dr. Samuel Oentoro, MS, SpGK, clinical nutritionist FKUI-RSCM in the launch of new logo Frisian Flag Campaign and 'Reach Esokmu' on the Ritz Ballroom Charlton, Jakarta, Friday (12/10/2010).

Dr. Samuel added if you use hot water from the dispenser should not be directly poured hot water in the milk and then mix the cold water. But hot and cold water from the dispenser is mixed first and water mixture was made to brew milk.

Likewise, if you want to warm the milk purchased in the form of liquid milk is heated briefly just do not need to boil. And you should drink milk made soon, because if left unchecked will allow the oxidation.

"Keep the milk in a air tight and dry, for example in milk cans would often open the lid, so it should be stored in a place that is not damp to avoid contamination," said the doctor who practices in the Semanggi Specialist Clinic.

Also not too late to drink milk, because a lot of benefits to be had. While still primarily breastfed infant milk is a source of good nutrition. When children and adolescents milk good for growth. Meanwhile, when mature milk can help keep the amount of calcium in the blood to remain normal.

"Milk is consumed containing carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins B1, B12, A, D and K, calcium, minerals and lactoferin very important to stimulate the immune system, especially in children," he said.

For people aged over 30 years should choose low-fat milk (low fat), while for post-menopausal should choose non-fat milk (no fat).

Dr. Samuel said the current milk consumption in Indonesia has increased from 7.7 liters per capita per year in 2008 to 11.7 liters per capita per year by 2010.

However this figure is still lower than neighboring countries such as Thailand (37.1 liters per capita per year) and Vietnam (12.1 liters per year per capita).

source: (http://www.detikhealth.com/read/2010/12/11/080255/1522186/766/cara-menyeduh-susu-yang-benar)