Study: Yes, Sex Can Kill You!

WASHINGTON - The overflow sudden physical activity of moderate to severe - such as jogging and having sexual relations - is noticeably increased the risk of heart attack, especially in people who do not exercise regularly, U.S. researchers said on Tuesday (22 / 3).

Doctors have long known that physical activity can lead to serious heart problems, but a new study that helps show the level of risk, said Dr. Issa Dahabreh from Tufts Medical Center in Boston. Dr. Issa Dahabreh study is published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

His team analyzed data from 14 studies that examine the link between sport, sex, and risk of heart attack or death due to heart stops beating suddenly, causing the heart to stop blood flow.

They found people 3.5 times more likely to experience heart attacks or died because their heart stops beating suddenly when they exercise compared with when they do not exercise.
And they are 2.7 times more likely to experience heart attacks when they have sex or as soon thereafter as compared to when they are not doing it.

Jessica Paul, another researcher at Tufts who was involved in the study, said the risk is quite high when the study took place. But the increased risk was short. "The risk that this increase only lasted a short (one to two hours) during and after physical activity or sexual intercourse," Jessica said in a telephone interview.

Therefore, the risk for all people during the period of one year is very small, he said. "If you examine the 10,000 people, each session of physical or sexual activity per person per week can be associated with an increase of one to two cases of heart attack or death from heart stopped abruptly a year, "said Jessica.

He said it is important to balance these findings with other studies that show regular physical activity reduces the risk of heart attack and death because the heart stops beating suddenly to 30 percent.
"What really do not want us to do is to stay away from this community and believes it is a bad sport," said Jessica as reported by Reuters reporter, Julie Steenhuysen, who monitored AFP in Jakarta.

What is meant is the person who did not exercise regularly should start an exercise program slowly, and gradually increase their exercise intensity according to the berjjalannya time.

Studiini contrary to studies ever done of other experts. In the annual congress of the Italian Society of Sexual Medicine in Modena, Italy, one study stated that "sex makes men live longer." University of Florence never done a study of 4000 men on these issues.

One researcher, Dr Emmanuele Jannini said the increase in the male hormone testosterone that occurs during sex can overcome depression and reduce stress. It significantly reduces the risk of various heart and blood vessel disorders.

Increased testosterone also prevent the possibility of people affected by diabetes. According to Dr Jannini, a male sex hormone which is also in high levels can help to burn excess sugar levels in the blood.

For bone health, testosterone makes men more rarely affected osteoporisis, he said. If a woman takes anabolic steroid supplements to prevent disease, men just need more love to get the same effect.