The Vegetarian Child Prohibited to Adopt a Child

Crete Greece,, reason for someone being a vegetarian is a health problem. Vegetarians refused to eat animal foods and eat only fruits, vegetables and grains. Lifestyle such as healthy if the accused does not apply in children.

Worried the kids will have problems with nutrition as a vegetarian parents, on the island of Crete Greek government forbids couples to adopt children vegetarian.

An official at the local social institutions as quoted by, Thursday (17/03/2011) says vegetarian couples on the island of Crete has been forbidden to adopt children, as fears of parents like that dietary patterns can disrupt the child's growth.

The decision was taken because many prospective parents a vegetarian who has filed an application to the court by including the clause that the candidate later his children would not eat meat or fish but still make sure the kids will be fine.

Top of the prospective parents vegetarian argument, the government of Crete to have to ask for opinions from the local university.

"We have asked for input from the medical faculty of the University of Crete about this issue because they say the children have diets including a diet of meat, fish and others," said Head of Community Welfare Services in Crete, Spyros Epitropakis.

According to him, the government is not the purpose of discrimination against vegetarians. But the local city governments need to ensure how the impact of diet on children who still need a lot of nutrition.

"We do not discriminate but we have to make sure first how the effect. This problem is now we submit to the authority of the court," said Spyros.

Local officials hope, experts at the university to provide recommendations to reject applications that require the child's diet should be like his parents.

"Because it does not make sense to force children to participate is also a vegetarian. How can any child needs food from fish, seafood, dairy products. But if the prospective foster parents are not forced to diet as they are, I think it does not matter," said researcher nutrition and child nutrition Antonis Kafatos.

The plan local court will decide whether applications from prospective parents who ask for vegetarian children to participate as they are, accepted or not in mid-March.

Greece is one EU country that has a very low birth rates. Adoption procedures are complicated in that country finally makes a lot of foster parents to take the children of immigrants are sold.

Can a baby be a vegetarian?

As written detikHealth, generally infants who become vegetarian because of his parents has become a vegetarian. According to Dr. Sri S. Nasar, SpA (K) is fine the baby to become vegetarian, but it needed more attention from parents to keep her baby's nutritional needs from plant-based foods provided for.

Babies are vegetarians usually will take the intake of protein from tofu, tempeh and nuts. While calcium intake obtained from green vegetables, soy products and lentils.

"If the danger is not spelled out as well, because the baby could still survive. But parents should have extra attention to the baby and parents also have to understand well the mechanisms of vegetarians in infants," said Dr. Sri S. Nasar, SpA (K).

Baby vegetarians get protein from vegetable such as tempeh, tofu and soy milk also use milk. While it is known that biological protein content of tofu and tempeh is lower than the meat.

Dr. Sri said things that must be considered by parents is about mineral intake for babies such as iron, because most of the iron contained in meat.

So there is a risk infants prone vegetarian iron deficiency. If iron deficiency is continuing to increase the risk of anemia in children in the future.

Therefore, if parents want their babies to be veegtarian, must learn all about baby nutrition and regular examination by a doctor. It is important to know whether the baby was met with nutrients properly or not.

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