3 Unique Syndromes to Which Have to Worry

Three syndrome type below may be less familiar. But, when you experience it, do not underestimate because it can lead to serious conditions.

1. Stiff shoulder
This occurs when the tissue around the shoulder joint thickens and cause pain and limit movement. These conditions may worsen for several weeks or months. Stiff shoulder suffered two times more common than men and women usually aged between 40 and 65 years.

Stephania Bell orthopedic clinical specialist and member of the American Physical Therapy Association says there is no specific cause of this condition, but could berhubungkan with diabetes, thyroid disease, or previous shoulder injury.

Physical therapy and stretching exercises can be done to strengthen the shoulder. That way, progress would look significantly usually within one year.

2. Restless leg
Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a neurological disorder that causes uncontrollable urge to keep moving the legs, usually when we are resting. This condition is more commonly affects women and is usually experienced when pregnant.

Until now, no one knows the cause of this condition. However, allegedly caused by chemical imbalances in the brain (dopamine) or iron deficiency. There is also a suspect due to a genetic component because the trend runs in the family style. That can help you regardless of this syndrome that is by walking casually, exercise regularly, or increase the intake of iron

3. Dry Mouth
This condition is of course due to lack of saliva or saliva. Which could be due to an autoimmune disease because of combining drugs such as antihistamines and antidepressants, which can affect the salivary glands or simple dehydration, said Wanda Gonsalves, MD, professor at the Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston. Dry mouth can cause gum disease and cavities because saliva has properties fight plaque. Try drinking more water, sugar-free gum, or sucking on hard candy to stimulate saliva production.