Beware Of BlackBerry Thumb Syndrome

Your thumb feels sore? That's only fair, especially for users of BlackBerry smartphones. Because of the popularity, the pain was dubbed with blackberry or blackberry thumb syndrome thumb.

This condition is fairly common until a law firm believes that consumers can actually do a series of lawsuits. "If no one knows about the risks, they will not sue. But now more and more people are aware of health hazards in the workplace," said Karen Jackson, a lawyer, and Roberts Jackson Wilmslow, Cheshire, as quoted by The Telegraph, Saturday (26 / 3).

Syndrome 'BlackBerry thumb' usually happens when we too often use cell phones to work. Health risk is somewhat greater than those who too often use the handset.

"A lot of people showing symptoms associated with repetitive strain injury and did not realize it was because of their work. But in fact the number of people with these symptoms is increasing, "said Jackson.

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