Got a Phobia? Consume This Tablets

A study proves, phobias can be reduced by taking tablets containing the stress hormone cortisol. The hormone cortisol, which became part of the body's reaction to hazards, functioning "open "the brain so it can be programmed to eliminate anxiety.

In a trial of 40 patients with akrofobia (fear of heights and angles), behavioral therapy and administration of cortisol drastically reduce their reluctance.

Some patients were given tablets of cortisol, while others unwittingly given a fake drug that does not affect anything. All drugs are given one hour before the patient faced with the simulated outdoor elevator.

Their fear was measured for 3 to 5 days and a month after they were dealing with the simulation. Fear assessed by questionnaire and sensors that scan the sweat.

As a result, people who were given fake pills were found more anxious than those who were given cortisol. Scan results also showed that people sweat that were given cortisol had less fear. Long-term treatment effects were found, still effective a month later.

"This experiment can produce an effective therapy in the development of behavior disorders," said the researchers who published the results of his study in Preceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Dr. Dominique de Quervain, a neurologist from Basel University, Switzerland, said that cortisol can speed up therapy.

Cortisol is a hormone made ​​by the adrenal glands. Some disorders, such as arthritis, skin disorders, and asthma can be treated with cortisol synthesis.

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