Death is a process end of life experienced by all living things except that the time is different. Not easy to predict exactly when someone will die. Death itself could be caused by an illness, accident or other causes.
People who are young or still in their productive age are generally more afraid of death than the elderly. This is based on the results of a study reported in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, as quoted from Dying.about.com, Friday (11/03/2011).
One of the things that men fear about death is because he does not know what will happen after death. Just as the fears that arise in children when it comes to entering a room or a dark place. This is because in general, fear arising from ignorance.
Meanwhile, for men especially those who have married and become head of the family so many things that will be feared when he died later. This is because there are responsibilities that must be held against the family.
These concerns generally about the viability of the family he left behind as his wife and children, especially male identical as the person responsible financially or material.
This condition would make a man feel worried about whether he had enough stock left for family life one day after he died or not. So he will work hard in order to leave a lasting legacy so that his beloved family survived normally.
But should fear or anxiety experienced by not interfere with activities and daily life. If the fear that comes already disrupt any chance someone has a phobia called thanatophobia or necrophobia.
Death usually indicated when the heart is not working because automatic blood flow and oxygen throughout the body and brain will also be halted. Due to the lack of oxygen and blood to the brain, the brain in a matter of a few seconds will also die and that's where the end of the journey of a human life.
source: http://health.detik.com/read/2011/03/11/144305/1589573/763/yang-ditakutkan-pria-ketika-meninggal?l991101755