See How Secure Ear Candle Therapy

Accumulation of excessive dirt in the ear can cause hearing loss. That is why the ear should be cleaned regularly. Currently, many clinics that offer care cleaning the ears by using ear candle.

"Candles" used in this therapy is a special candle is approximately 20 cm made ​​of linen coated wasp nest, paraffin, or a combination of both. Candles are usually also contains chamomile and sage who will give the effect of relaxation.

Candles will be working to soften the hardened dirt, stimulate and lift the dirt. In addition to cleaning the ears, some manufacturers claim this candle therapy can also treat sinus infections, headaches, recurring colds, and hearing loss because it contains a natural antibiotic.

"Some also claim to be able to clean the blood, strengthens muscles, even prevent cancer. But that has not been proven," said Eric Mann, deputy clinical director of the FDA division Ophtalmic, nerves, and ENT equipment.

Although quite popular in many countries, but the FDA says the ear candle therapy is really not safe because it can cause serious injury, even if the therapy is done according to instructions. "The FDA also stated scientifically no medical benefit from this therapy," said Mann.

Mann further explained the dangers of this therapy that includes candle burning in the face, ear drum, even the inner ear. The molten wax is also harmful to the ear, even at risk of bleeding.

In recent years, FDA has received reports of injuries from this candle therapy, such as clogged ear drum to rupture the ear drum that causes sufferers to have an operation.

Year 2010, the FDA also issued warning letters to three large Procedures ear candle. Previously, the FDA and health regulators in Canada also increased surveillance of distribution of these products in both countries.