The Signs of Heroin Addiction

Jakarta, Heroin is the drug most widely abused illegal and increasingly become a social problem in many countries including Indonesia. Abuse of heroin is very dangerous and the user is usually hard to get out of the trap of heroin. What are the signs of addiction to heroin?

Heroin is shaped like a white powder and has a calming effect. In the medical world of heroin used in small amounts for example to relieve pain medication.

Heroin use is monitored closely because of the bad effects are horrible. People who are addicted to heroin should be saved because of the use of heroin in the long term could make the blood vessels rupture and many other health problems.

As reported by LiveScience and buzzle, Sunday (01/05/2011) Long-term heroin use can cause physical and behavioral mental perubaan the detriment of the addict and the surrounding environment.

The signs of people who are addicted to heroin, among others:

    1. There are blue-blue marks on the skin, lips and nails
    2. Shortness of breath and slow
    3. Red eyes and the pupils of the eyes visible is not clear
    4. Lethargic and lazy is not fair
    5. Neglecting hygiene
    6. Frequent vomiting
    7. Weight Loss
    8. There are injections used in the body
    9. Addicted to continueuse it
   10. Nose and eyes are often watery
   11. Often cold and clammy hands
   12. Withdraw from social life
   13. Often a lack of money
   14. Loner
   15. The ability to remember (memory) declines
   16. Experiencing disororientasi on many things, and difficulty communicating

Heroin addicts should receive adequate treatment. When you stop taking will occur withdrawal symptoms (withdrawal) that makes the addict in pain. Detoxification or removal of toxins should be done so that the blood is really no longer contain heroin.