Vitamin C Injection Trigger Death Risk Because Necrosis

With the hope of providing greater benefits, many people choose injectable vitamin C. Not only is impractical because it must come to the doctor, injections of vitamin C is also risky because it can lead to necrosis or tissue death.
These risks could occur if there is an error in the technique of injection, so it does not directly enter the bloodstream. Vitamin C that stray into the muscle or fat tissue around the injection site can cause necrosis or tissue death.
"Injections of the invasive nature, risk is high. If it still can be given in another way, you should not use injectable vitamin C," said nutrition expert from the University of Indonesia, Dr Fiastuti Witjaksono, MS, SpGK in a media workshop at the Red Pomegranate Restaurant, Kebayoran Baru, Tuesday (05/03/2011).
According to Dr Fiastuti, injecting new vitamin C is required if someone has a problem with the digestive tract so it can not tolerate vitamin C which is sour. Through the injection, vitamin C directly into the blood vessels so as not to trigger indigestion.
But if you do not have such a disorder, then other sources of vitamin C is recommended. Even if possible, Dr Fiastuti recommends that vitamin C is obtained directly from fruits such as papaya, mango, orange, pineapple and kiwi.
The fruit contains high levels of vitamin C are fruits that mature naturally. However, the fruit still brooded also contain vitamin C and are clearly still has other useful content, especially fiber.
Dr Fiastuti not advocating a mature fruits because using certain chemicals. He said the chemicals could seep into the fruit, then go ingested and cause poisoning in both the short and long-term accumulative.